What type of Introvert are you?


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Exactly what I'm saying.

They love to say. "The Convo has to be meaningful for them to be engaged" "They lose energy being around people" "most people just ramble about nonsense"

The problem is always other folks who just go about their day having normal social interactions.

Its crazy to me how they can be so full of conversation and life behind an anonymous screen name but cinch up and get nervous when talking to people in real life.

These are the same people that have an issue with saying "good morning" to people at work.
Yeah it doesn't add up and I'm not trying to be funny. I don't see how you can come on here and basically talk about general ass talk we all mostly talk to friends offline about but claim you get drained by non meaningful talk. I'm in the same threads as most of these cats and we all know most of,these threads ain't "meaningful". They the same few race, dating, getting money together/empowerment type topics over and over esp in tlr. Add that to some also going on the coliworld chat thing showing their faces interacting with people like regular business and even some meeting up with cats on here the math doesn't really add up. Its just like Ive said multiple times people just haven't always found their crew to be theirselves around. When they do they act just like all the "social butterflies" some seem to dislike.

Jay Kast

Hidden Royalty
Sep 17, 2015
Flint, MI
Chapelle explained bold best you might not be stuck up or full of yourselves but you sure wear the uniform of a stuck up/full of their self person esp when you hear the online mainly descriptions some of y'all say. Talking to people are draining. No offense but most of y'all just like me aren't famous or anything where people are clamoring that much for your attention where y'all can't walk away or leave the situation without people caring much. This and other stuff gets y'all them labels honestly.

What is hard for me to understand is why a 'live and let live' mindset is hard for people for employ.

Does someone have to be famous to not enjoy talking to most people? Or should someone like me just accept it because I'm not famous?

When I describe extroverts, Im not speaking negatively or using disparaging terms. Though vice versa, I find that it is easy for extroverts to label introverts as socially awkward arrogant clowns (as someone else put it).

Introverts are more of a, "This is the way I am"

While some others are more of a, "Why are you that way, its because of (insert whatever opinion here), you are really just (insert demeaning remark here)"



Jun 19, 2012
The 215
What is hard for me to understand is why a 'live and let live' mindset is hard for people for employ.

Does someone have to be famous to not enjoy talking to most people? Or should someone like me just accept it because I'm not famous?

When I describe extroverts, Im not speaking negatively or using disparaging terms. Though vice versa, I find that it is easy for extroverts to label introverts as socially awkward arrogant clowns (as someone else put it).

Introverts are more of a, "This is the way I am"

While some others are more of a, "Why are you that way, its because of (insert whatever opinion here), you are really just (insert demeaning remark here)"

Another example of why y'all cats get the shyt y'all get by some. Firstly who said you had to be famous not to enjoy talking to people? That non reading emotional stuff will get you no where. When you aren't emotional and reread what I clearly out you'll see you strawmanning like a mofo fam.

As far as the descriptions stuff you see what you want to see. People in this thread said things about extroverts. My point is people always saying things about others. Another point was nobody really gives a fukk about you, me or anyone else like that. How some of y'all come off y'all act like they do. IRL people unless maybe they your friends/family who think you've changed on them don't give a fukk about you (general) at all. That's why its funny when cats come on here claiming people care about y'all like that they don't. Now online like now yes you'll get the debate but offline I seriously doubt you getting into these discussions like that at all. I'm pretty sure most of us aren't cause Ive personally never had a talk about intro/extrovert IRL only online. That's not a common topic unless you into that stuff.

Tl:DR Nobody don't care about people they don't really know intro/extrovert like y'all seem to think in these discussions.


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
I'm an introverted extrovert. I don't chat people up for the sake of talking and I only speak if the topic is of interest. Generally I keep to myself and people watch. I'm very good with people tho and they think I'm funny. So I can flip the switch when I please.

You're probably an ENTP, the most introverted extroverted type and some might say the funniest type. A lot of comics are ENTPs, do your research online and see how close you find the description.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
What is hard for me to understand is why a 'live and let live' mindset is hard for people for employ.

Does someone have to be famous to not enjoy talking to most people? Or should someone like me just accept it because I'm not famous?

When I describe extroverts, Im not speaking negatively or using disparaging terms. Though vice versa, I find that it is easy for extroverts to label introverts as socially awkward arrogant clowns (as someone else put it).

Introverts are more of a, "This is the way I am"

While some others are more of a, "Why are you that way, its because of (insert whatever opinion here), you are really just (insert demeaning remark here)"

It's because extroverts look outwards. Introverts look inwards. We analyze ourselves >>>I<<<, and our thought processes and break stuff down and take things in. Extroverts are always looking at stuff and thinking anything different from them is weird because they put themselves in the persons shoes <<<E>>> and tend to mainly see how they would react in a situation.

They way introverts get called arrogant, selfish, and stuck up. Extroverts get called annoying, superficial, stupid and hoes. But they just express themselves differently.

Random: If introverts had a superpower it would be telepathy (or telekinesis or teleportation/flight) and extroverts' power would be shape-shifting (or super-speed or superstrength). :ohhh:


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
Extroverts are home in a high energy environment, so low energy environments drain them. They get anxious, restless and bored doing introverted stuff for extended periods. They are like sports cars or motorcycles stuck in traffic. They have to be consciously aware of slowing down and being light on the gas pedal.

Introverts are home in a low energy environment, so high energy environments drain them. They are like a slower car or moped. They use up more gas trying to accelerate into a higher speed.

You dont have to be famous to find people draining. One annoying person can be draining. Someone talking to you when you dont want to be bothered can be draining and introverts tend to not want to be bothered. They enjoy their solitude but some extroverts are always trying to get them out of their shell, when that is their normal habitat.

There is nothing wrong with introverts.


May 1, 2012
Number 2 for me. Ima loner but I break out of my shell every now and then. I can be popular if i choose to but sometimes i hate people.
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