What type of Introvert are you?


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
lol These things are only taken seriously because people are beyond obsessed with themselves. It's the only reason vague horoscopes are still relevant. Tried having a conversation with people that were "INTJ" and they were just completely full of themselves. Obsessed with appearing misunderstood and intelligent.

Here is an example: You know you're an "INTJ" when... - INTJ Forum

Don't tell me the responses in that thread don't make you cringe.

edit: spelling


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
But you are saying "it" doesn't work. So... being selfish doesn't work? I find that funny because it works just fine for me.

Like I said introverts focus is inward. So I can see how you can think that it is selfish. That is what it is but selfish isn't a bad word or thing. If you arent even a little bit selfish, people will take advantage of you. You need to take care of self.

You've never seen chicks dance by themself? So I guess at your parties, people stand on the wall waiting for a dance partner? A perfect example would be Rihanna's Work video, where she too dances by herself.

In regards to the bolded, I do the same thing. But like you said there are gender differences. For example, girls tend to like to stay in groups. They all dance together in one section, then if someone wants to go to the bar, they will all go to the bar or in front of the dj booth, or check out different areas of the party. I like to stay in one spot. I like to be in my zone. When I want to move, I move. So yeah, it is selfish because I am focusing on my needs and wants as I should. I still check in with my friends.

You always go back and forth with people based on your opinion. Someone can say something and you will reply with, "I think you are wrong because I dont believe it." Everyone has different opinions and experiences. You have your own perspective. You dont have to take other's opinions as truth. It's just that - their opinion.
Come on fam you ain't stupid. You know damn well saying "it doesn't work" doesn't literally mean that. It just mean you going to turn people off if everything is always just about you esp if you act that way through words and actions.

I see chicks dancing by themselves but honestly they are damn near always looking for attention and most of the times once the right dude comes up that solo dancing does too. That's how I look at it as a way women get attention in the clubs by signaling their solo at least for that moment. I not saying its always the case just more often than not ime.

I figured it was some gender differences that I was lacking on because I don't see these things even when out with girls but its mainly mixed so I guess I will take that into account.

Lastly we all go back and forth with people based on our opinions/views/experiences so I'm no different than anybody else. You and others don't like how I go about it at times is the only difference. I doubt I've ever just disagreed with something cause I don't believe it on something actually factual. That's where you on that bullshyt fam lol. I do that with exactly what you said others opinions. Now when I disagree with water being wet or something like that you got me until then nah man. I don't take other people's stuff as truth if I don't agree with it but its just something to do to see others views as IRL me and my people mainly agree on a lot of,stuff. I don't agree with you on everything but this is civil right? That's how I am most of the time. Some of y'all just want to say y'all's "opinions" and not have anybody challenge them. Again "it don't work like that" esp online lol. It don't work that way for me either I post stuff people comment on it too. Its give and take. That's why you dapped a dude that quoted me on my "opinion" that I think I even said was unscientific edit: and dap quite a few post against me in general because you don't like my "opinions".


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Type 1. My life is work and going home.:manny:

If my best friend calls me we'll hang out sometimes. But for the most part I'm a homebody.

Same here. I got a couple homies I occasionally hang out with on weekends, but other than that it's mostly work and home. :manny:

You guys should get in to MBTI, The way the functions are described there are a better explanation for personality types and it also goes further in depth. So, if you believe in MBTI, Introversion is a spectrum, not an absolute. For example, FE (Extroverted feeling) is the most social function because it is a person's tendency (and ability) to focus on the emotional expressions of others rather than their own emotional state. So, an ISFJ (Leading with introverted sensing with extroverted feeling in the auxiliary) MIGHT be more sociable (not necessarily introverted) than an ENTP, and even ENFP, because ENTPs and ENFPs lead with Extroverted Intuition, the most introverted extroverted function. Introversion and Extroversion aren't explanations for sociability, think of it more as various factors in your personality that impact sociability rather than define it.

(Most important) Introverts are less social than extroverts because their lead function (whether perceiving or judging) is aimed inward

(2nd most important) People that perceive with intuition are less social than sensors because intuition involves ideation more than sensory experience, so they must retreat within themselves to evaluate the ideas that have encountered either from within themselves (introversion) or from without (extroversion)

(3rd most important) Thinkers are less social than feelers because they value logic above all, and their judging functions are based on impersonal systems that value logic over how actions will affect others. Again, this is the 3rd most important for a reason. Introverted thinking is likely the most introverted function PERIOD, but again, the first two letters of your type are much more important than the last in determining your sociability

(least important) Perceivers are less social because they turn their perceiving function to the outside world. So they interact less with the actual world (and thus people) because they don't have agendas as strong as Judgers do. Again, this is the least important letter in determining your sociability

INTP here, though some tests I'm borderline INTJ. :patrice:


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
I'm an extreme introvert. I can only be around people for so long before I get frustrated and it starts to physically drain me. I spend a lot of time alone and I like that. No I'm not saying it trying to be cool. For years I thought I was depressed or something cuz the rest of my family is loud and ghetto. Then I read this book called the Introvert Advantage and it explained everything.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Just plain curiosity it's not that deep. Take being on this site for example. Multiple types of people with different opinions and shyt. It's just interesting to know how others think. I see alot of different posts some I read without commenting
, some I ignore and some I engage in. I won't involve myself in topics I don't want to engage in.

By external chatter I mean being around people in a general sense when I'd much rather be alone.
I took what you said to mean out in the real world observing people aka people watching not posting on here. Hell I come on here for different views on things at times since me and my circle mainly agree on stuff. I just took it the wrong way on that one my bad.

Second part I can see but that's basic life stuff for anybody.


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
Same here. I got a couple homies I occasionally hang out with on weekends, but other than that it's mostly work and home. :manny:

INTP here, though some tests I'm borderline INTJ. :patrice:

INTP is the most introverted type by the way, they lead with TI, the most introverted function, and extrovert intuition (extroverted intuition is the most introverted extroverted function). INTPs have FE in the inferior (the inferior is usually our least developed, and thus weakness), so their weakness is usually interacting with people (unless they are highly developed). INTP's are also arguably the smartest types, next to INTJ.

What makes you think you're an INTP?

Robo Squirrel

CEO @ Squirrel Burger: Fish & Chips
Jul 20, 2013
San Francisco, CA
Damn Type 2 explained me to a T except for the get bored easily part but everything else IS on point. I really do wear headphones when im out even in the car wit my folks lol.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
Come on fam you ain't stupid. You know damn well saying "it doesn't work" doesn't literally mean that. It just mean you going to turn people off if everything is always just about you esp if you act that way through words and actions.
Everything isnt always about me lol. That's what you got from my post.

I see chicks dancing by themselves but honestly they are damn near always looking for attention and most of the times once the right dude comes up that solo dancing does too. That's how I look at it as a way women get attention in the clubs by signaling their solo at least for that moment. I not saying its always the case just more often than not ime.
You say stuff like stupid when you dont word your sentences well, and I in return ask for clarification. Would you rather I make assumptions? For example, the sentence I bolded. "Once the right dude comes up that solo dancing does too." (comes up?) That doesnt make any sense, but I can guess what you mean.

I dance by myself whether there are people there or not. I'm in a club because I want to be around people, so if someone wants to dance with me and I dont mind, sure I will dance with them for a couple songs. It's not for attention. It's because I like dancing. But that is your opinion.
I figured it was some gender differences that I was lacking on because I don't see these things even when out with girls but its mainly mixed so I guess I will take that into account.

Lastly we all go back and forth with people based on our opinions/views/experiences so I'm no different than anybody else. You and others don't like how I go about it at times is the only difference. I doubt I've ever just disagreed with something cause I don't believe it on something actually factual. That's where you on that bullshyt fam lol. I do that with exactly what you said others opinions. Now when I disagree with water being wet or something like that you got me until then nah man. I don't take other people's stuff as truth if I don't agree with it but its just something to do to see others views as IRL me and my people mainly agree on a lot of,stuff. I don't agree with you on everything but this is civil right? That's how I am most of the time. Some of y'all just want to say y'all's "opinions" and not have anybody challenge them. Again "it don't work like that" esp online lol. It don't work that way for me either I post stuff people comment on it too. Its give and take. That's why you dapped a dude that quoted me on my "opinion" that I think I even said was unscientific edit: and dap quite a few post against me in general because you don't like my "opinions".
You have a reputation for arguing here. You just replied to someone saying how they act with "I dont believe that". I already told you how you come across several times. Your response was that's how you talk with your people. But everyone here is not "your people". I'm used to you already so I just stop replying instead of defending myself. You can never know why I dap stuff, you can only assume.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
INTP is the most introverted type by the way, they lead with TI, the most introverted function, and extrovert intuition (extroverted intuition is the most introverted extroverted function). INTPs have FE in the inferior (the inferior is usually our least developed, and thus weakness), so their weakness is usually interacting with people (unless they are highly developed). INTP's are also arguably the smartest types, next to INTJ.

What makes you think you're an INTP?

That's usually what personality tests give. :manny:

Usually I'm borderline between INTP/INTJ but leaning more towards INTP.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
What's your type and why do you think you're that type?
INFP and really on that personality test there were a couple questions where I'm like " I can't be both though?" :patrice: or "there's only 2 options?" lol but I'm often interested in why people or a person moves how they move and circumstances that influenced that (family, hometown, social class, hobbies) but I don't always have to interact with people in general I like being to myself. I also have a tendency to play devils advocate on things because I'm drawn to circumstances and how they affect people's feelings so while I may not agree with something I can understand why it was that way in THAT case.


Edit: This is based on the personality hacker test @CinnaSlim put up here I took one before that and it said INFJ. The INF is consist lol


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
That's usually what personality tests give. :manny:

Usually I'm borderline between INTP/INTJ but leaning more towards INTP.

It's better to learn how the functions work and put it together yourself than to take the tests, no one knows you better than you.