Unmarried, childless women are happiest people of all, says expert


All Star
May 5, 2012
Dealing with single mothers I'm starting to believe that the most miserable women are single parent women who still feels entitled shyt bout get real in streets alot of start fuking with studs you are usually used goods after u go the lesbo stud route u strickly on smash n dash mode "have the door unlocked when I pull up I just want sum head n I left $60 on your dresser n ate a few your kid's snacks I got u on the first next month":francis::yeshrug: if u date a single mother u better plan on getting her pregnant or just using her for your fukery and enjoyment. Childless women are the most chilled to be around :mjgrin:


Feb 12, 2015
Men have the same pressure put on them to get married, usually from women. If men denounce marriage they get looked at like aliens by most even with the divorce and cs statistics. It goes both ways.
Traditionally that hasn't always been the case. Men are deified in bachelorhood. Commonly referred to as eligible bachelors, while marriage has traditionally had more of a negative connotation for men socially than for women. Its only called the old ball and chain with regards to men in most cases. A single man past a certain age carries waaaaaay less of a stigma than a single female past a certain age. Men traditionally haven't been shuffled towards commitment as strongly as women are in most societies.

There are virtually no social shaming tactics for men. You don't hear people calling dudes "old cat ladies" or "spinsters" or "cougars" or countless other names given to older single women. This is because most societies considered older single women as social burdens in the past because women weren't allowed to DO anything in the past beyond the narrow scope of being a wife and mother. For instance like in India, widowed females or orphans or chicks who can't marry at a certain age are forced into female enclaves away from society to minimize the perceived economic burden of a single woman on society. It never occurred to these bright guys that women are actually capable of working and sustaining themselves when given the opportunity because socially that fukks up the cultural idea that women require men for survival. Ego codified into social norms is dangerous. The delusion of female helplessness is what sustains this idea that "oh deez chicks gon be miserable in dey old age if they ain't married."
And it is a delusion based on the flawed idea that if a woman doesn't get married, she'll die alone or be poor or unable to sustain herself. For the most part, this used to be true. Not because women couldn't sustain themselves but b/c there were no socially acceptable roles or jobs for them to do so in the past. Well when you counter logically with the fact that even MARRIED women die alone as well in retirement homes or on their own ALL the time, it makes that excuse null and void b/c women typically outlive men anyway.

Meanwhile, fast forward to today and female participation in the workforce allowed for the switch up of all this shyt.

None of this means that a good marriage isn't great for both men AND women. But what it does mean, is that for women the benefits of a marriage HAVE to outweigh the great quality of life she can now provide for herself with boundless options unfettered by social stigmas and shaming tactics for marriage to be worth it for her.

If she doesn't weigh those options carefully, she risks being married to somebody who could possibly

1.) Cheat on her and give her an STD (downlow shyt, scumbaggery, "oh I gotta sidechick I fukk raw", "POLYGAMY!", I gotta right to cheat I'mma man!)
2.) Abandon her with a bunch of kids to raise on her own
3.) Beat her ass everyday
4.) Take her for granted and make her feel like shyt
5.) Neck yap about "submission" while requiring her to do EVERYTHING for him with little support for her own dreams and goals (oh I forgot she inferior so what she want aint important no way)
6.)Be possibly taken away from opportunities to care for her own family
7.) Have her mental and physical health impacted due to stress from cheating, childrearing practices, and taking care of everyone else but herself
8.) STILL being alone even in a relationship
9.) Having to see to the sexual needs of somebody even when you don't want to and yours aint satisfied
10.) Having her career jeopardized or doing all of that and possibly being a Mary J. Blige if she making bank prior to the marriage...

vs what
Giving a damn about some :troll: comments on her being a spinster with cats...:bryan:
A lot of men are waking up to the fact that the "golden age" and the "good ole days" they claimed were great for women, were actually horrible for most and tolerated by women out of necessity. But that's because men drank their own Kool-aid and refused to actually listen to women. And when women did try and tell em, men told em to shut up and go back to the kitchen:pachaha:
Even my dad told me that he is lucky my mom stayed with him because he worked and brought home the money but he knows her role was harder. MUCH harder. Like after 44 years of marriage he acknowledges that shyt. I appreciate him for it because a lot of dudes these days still don't get what women are talking about and a lot of chicks are tired and bowing out of the game. And living longer with a better quality of life because of it. That shyt is deep.


All Star
May 11, 2012
Traditionally that hasn't always been the case. Men are deified in bachelorhood. Commonly referred to as eligible bachelors, while marriage has traditionally had more of a negative connotation for men socially than for women. Its only called the old ball and chain with regards to men in most cases. A single man past a certain age carries waaaaaay less of a stigma than a single female past a certain age. Men traditionally haven't been shuffled towards commitment as strongly as women are in most societies.

Men are shuffled towards commitment in different ways. My own moms would call me her weird son for not getting married or having kids. Plus married women don't like me hanging out with thier spouses talking about how happy I am being single.

There are virtually no social shaming tactics for men. You don't hear people calling dudes "old cat ladies" or "spinsters" or "cougars" or countless other names given to older single women. This is because most societies considered older single women as social burdens in the past because women weren't allowed to DO anything in the past beyond the narrow scope of being a wife and mother.

But look at what jobs were available back in the day. How many women would have wanted to be live lineman who were dying at like a 50% rate before proper saftey procedures and PPE were devolped? This wasn't some evil plan.

And it is a delusion based on the flawed idea that if a woman doesn't get married, she'll die alone or be poor or unable to sustain herself. For the most part, this used to be true. Not because women couldn't sustain themselves but b/c there were no socially acceptable roles or jobs for them to do so in the past. Well when you counter logically with the fact that even MARRIED women die alone as well in retirement homes or on their own ALL the time, it makes that excuse null and void b/c women typically outlive men anyway.

Yes women do outlive men in married or not... most likely do to mens drive to work so much.

If she doesn't weigh those options carefully, she risks being married to somebody who could possibly

1.) Cheat on her and give her an STD (downlow shyt, scumbaggery, "oh I gotta sidechick I fukk raw", "POLYGAMY!", I gotta right to cheat I'mma man!)
2.) Abandon her with a bunch of kids to raise on her own
3.) Beat her ass everyday
4.) Take her for granted and make her feel like shyt
5.) Neck yap about "submission" while requiring her to do EVERYTHING for him with little support for her own dreams and goals (oh I forgot she inferior so what she want aint important no way)
6.)Be possibly taken away from opportunities to care for her own family
7.) Have her mental and physical health impacted due to stress from cheating, childrearing practices, and taking care of everyone else but herself
8.) STILL being alone even in a relationship
9.) Having to see to the sexual needs of somebody even when you don't want to and yours aint satisfied
10.) Having her career jeopardized or doing all of that and possibly being a Mary J. Blige if she making bank prior to the marriage...

1. Women are cheating just as much as men, and will even secretly bring extra marital children into the house hold and have her husband's resources go towards it.

2.legit concern... but alimony and CS would have you covered in most places.

3.women have become quite the violent and crude bunch lately.

4. This happens to men everyday aswell. Chicks get used to special treatment and become entitled to it.

5. Just like women neck yap about wanting a stoic provider/alpha while bringing nothing to table but p*ssy.

6.legit concern.

7. Yet somehow married women live longer than men. Must be all that stress.

8. This also happens to men all the time.

9.This is what premarital relationship is for. Test drive before you commit. Or buy one of those high tech vibrators... or :shaq:

10. More men have been MJBed then woman...even in the past 20 years since long after 2nd wave feminism. I wonder why.


Feb 12, 2015
Men are shuffled towards commitment in different ways. My own moms would call me her weird son for not getting married or having kids. Plus married women don't like me hanging out with thier spouses talking about how happy I am being single.

But look at what jobs were available back in the day. How many women would have wanted to be live lineman who were dying at like a 50% rate before proper saftey procedures and PPE were devolped? This wasn't some evil plan.

Yes women do outlive men in married or not... most likely do to mens drive to work so much.

1. Women are cheating just as much as men, and will even secretly bring extra marital children into the house hold and have her husband's resources go towards it.

2.legit concern... but alimony and CS would have you covered in most places.

3.women have become quite the violent and crude bunch lately.

4. This happens to men everyday aswell. Chicks get used to special treatment and become entitled to it.

5. Just like women neck yap about wanting a stoic provider/alpha while bringing nothing to table but p*ssy.

6.legit concern.

7. Yet somehow married women live longer than men. Must be all that stress.

8. This also happens to men all the time.

9.This is what premarital relationship is for. Test drive before you commit. Or buy one of those high tech vibrators... or :shaq:

10. More men have been MJBed then woman...even in the past 20 years since long after 2nd wave feminism. I wonder why.
The lack of opportunities for women is directly tied to the archaic belief that women can't do anything. Women weren't allowed in other fields and STILL struggle to enter many fields.
Hell a black professor tried to block me from a grant b/c he said I was taking a spot that should go to a black male. That type of attitude was prevalent back in the day. It's the type of idiocy that required chicks to do shyt like paint in public b/c their husbands would steal their artwork and take credit for it. All types of female talent has been undermined for centuries b/c of male ego and myths of inferiority. Talk about hidden figures...
Keep in mind, I don't think all men were like this obviously but that's been the law of the land for a while b4 women broke into more fields and opportunities and it was and still is a fight.

1.) All the more reason for chicks to carefully evaluate the institution instead of jumping in head first
2.) Majority of black females don't get alimony and child support in comparison to other races so that's a moot point. And the average child support payment is actually very low.
3.) Still doesn't refute the risk of domestic violence for females and the stress is a risk factor for this violence.
4.) I don't doubt it but we are evaluating why women should be more critical of marriage. Men are always encouraged to be cautious ("Don't do it, reconsider...") while women are damn near defined by whether she is a wife and mother.
5.) But I thought men only wanted women for that. Gotta pick one or the other. Either we inferior and only capable of that or we are more.
7.) Has to do more with male aggression, dangers of male occupations, willingness to attend to preventative health care and tons of other factors even with the benefits of marriage for men.
9.) Well I'm sure more women would be less reticent about being open with the test driving except that men shame women out of that too with body counts. Lmao the inconsistencies.
10.) Of course, but that doesn't mean women want to make the same mistakes or should.

The major bottom line isn't that marriage is evil. I'm actually a stalwart supporter of good, healthy egalitarian marriages and family structures. I was raised in one.

But that it's a risk that isn't worth it unless it's right for women. So they should evaluate it more carefully b4 rushing in instead of listening to men trying to shame them for being single past their "expiration date" as many men like to put it.


May 1, 2012
Oop, that's not surprising. (He on my ignore list as well)

I swear that dude lives and breathes mad.
LMAO! I be trying to take em seriously and understand their perspective respectfully.


That will last for maybe one exchange.

Hit em with the logic and I will even put some research out there...

Countdown to the miserable fukk explosion.
3 :ohmy:

"Fukk u fat bytch!!! Feminist bytch!"

My ass be DYING! :russ::russ::russ::mjlol:
Luckily his type are few and far between on this message board b/c most posters here are actually REALLY smart. But u can tell the unhinged bitter miserable ones.
You people are so pathetic it's funny and sad at the same time. Y'all can come up here and front for these other losers but obviously I know the truth. I've got several daps on multiple topics from all of you "women" until I called you all out on your bullshyt. Including this blackempress bird. This fat bytch booksnrain was even following me on this site until I told her to get off of my followers list. Y'all stay dapping my shyt when yall agree but when I challenge y'all on your bullshyt it's, "you insulting me, you just mad". It has nothing to do wth "anger". I don't give y'all any respect because you don't deserve it.

This thread is a perfect example of how it goes here. I make a point on a topic that some folk don't like, then when they realize that I'm uncompromising, they can't fukk with me intellectually and I'm not going to hesitate to call them out on their bullshyt, then the lies and trolling starts. Y'all run the same game in every section of the site too. Same playbook.

His name was Doeboy on sohh. He was just as miserable and angry and he is now. I can’t remember how it was revealed that he’s fat, but he doesn’t deny it. Can’t you tell he’s overweight by his posts?

It’s funny cause when he first joined the coli, he was being nice and pretending he wasn’t Doeboy from sohh for a while. Eventually people figured it out by his constant attacks on anyone who doesn’t floss their teeth with Jay Z’s pubic hair, so he gave up the charade, admitted he was Doeboy and went back to fixing his cheeto-residued Ballpark frank fingers to call anyone who disagrees with him on anything a stupid bytch made ass cocksucking motherfukkity fukker or whatever every other post.
Look at this loser bringing this name back from the grave to kick the same lies he's been kicking for years. How pathetic do you have to be to make up shyt about stangers on the internet? Me, fat? Why lie to yourself and strangers?

:russ: posing for pics in fake jewelry and cheap beat up clothes with burnt weed lips. You'll always be a loser.


This is the piece of shyt who's still holding a grudge from years ago. I don't have to lie or make shyt up. While I'm nowhere near fat, I'd damn sure wring your skinny fakkit ass neck.

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
DUH! For years I've been saying that old, unmarried and childless shame people love putting on women may work for some but not all. They can come and go as they please, spend their money on themselves without any major responsibilities and be cougars. We have happy perpetual bachelors and no one says a thing. Keep that same energy. :win:

With that being said, this ain't the lifestyle for me lol. I definitely want chirren. :blessed:
This ain't exactly true. If you are a man, especially black 30+ years old, with no kids and single. There is pressure and ridicule. We just don't give a fukk like that.
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Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
Look at this loser bringing this name back from the grave to kick the same lies he's been kicking for years. How pathetic do you have to be to make up shyt about stangers on the internet? Me, fat? Why lie to yourself and strangers?

:russ: posing for pics in fake jewelry and cheap beat up clothes with burnt weed lips. You'll always be a loser.

This is the piece of shyt who's still holding a grudge from years ago. I don't have to lie or make shyt up. While I'm nowhere near fat, I'd damn sure wring your skinny fakkit ass neck.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
My mistake. I said “word” but I meant the idea as a whole. Normally I don’t think men equate behaviors to feminism (unlike some of the weirdos on here), so we can’t hate or like something we don’t even think about. We look at behaviors as what they are and decide if we like them regardless of what identity it aligns with. Whether it’s a feminist idea or not is irrelevant to men. That’s why you say we only “like” certain parts of feminism. That’s not an accurate depiction of how we feel... there are just things we don’t like and things we do. Putting the word feminism in the sentence is just a way to frame us in a way that fits your point or agenda. It’s the same thing we do with politics.

My other comments were related to happiness in marriage. People don’t want to take their time and do the work before or after the marriage. That’s why they’re not happy. It has very little to do with all that other stuff that some of you are trying to make it about.

I literally addressed this post in my response. Again just because don't equate it to feminism doesn't mean it's not attributed to feminism.


Feb 12, 2015
I'm asking you why so many people have you on ignore? It's 4 and counting. That's odd.
That nikka epitomizes miserable fukkism.:russ:
You can just poke him and it's :mad::angry::angry::angry:
But even more absurd than his impotent internet rage is his inability to debate.
It's so frustrating for somebody to jump headfirst into nasty insults as soon as they don't like what you say, and then accuse YOU of being passive aggressive and emotional when they the ones being intitially disrespectful.:scust:

It's just not a valuable use of time.


May 1, 2012
I'm asking you why so many people have you on ignore? It's 4 and counting. That's odd.
1st, you're dumber than I thought if you actually think these losers have me on ignore. You see the grimace looking ass bytch going on and on about my posting style all while claiming that she can't see my posts. Claiming to have me on ignore is just a way to save face. My ignore list isn't long as hell but I couldn't tell you who many of them are unless I checked the list because after they go on ignore I forget about them.

You're on the same shyt. You dap my posts when you agree but when I'm challenging you or caling you out on your bullshyt, all of a sudden I'm a poster who's always mad and you can't deal with me blah blah blah.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Where are the numbers?

If it's just some minor difference in averages then it's meaningless. Woman in abusive or domineering marriages would pull down the average for all the happily married women. A woman who didn't marry an abuser would still likely be more satisfied with her life than the average single woman.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
1st, you're dumber than I thought if you actually think these losers have me on ignore. You see the grimace looking ass bytch going on and on about my posting style all while claiming that she can't see my posts. Claiming to have me on ignore is just a way to save face. My ignore list isn't long as hell but I couldn't tell you who many of them are unless I checked the list because after they go on ignore I forget about them.

You're on the same shyt. You dap my posts when you agree but when I'm challenging you or caling you out on your bullshyt, all of a sudden I'm a poster who's always mad and you can't deal with me blah blah blah.

Why are you throwing insults? I am just asking you a question.

You are coming off very angry and agitated.
