People shamed
@thekingsmen, and others, when he was promoting supplements at the beginning of the pandemic.. Even though his other takes are a little out there concerning covid. But when the "hotep" brothers were pushing black people to load up on vitamins, they were scorned to death. Now all of a sudden, we're seeing capitalist america themselves pushing the need for vitamins and probiotics
You're referring to the people who claimed vitamins would cure COVID?
No. The information has not changed since the beginning. Being healthier =/= COVID-proof. Having a well-rounded diet and ensuring you get all of your vitamins makes you less likely to suffer the ill effects or die from the disease than a person who is vitamin deficient or otherwise ill.
You can't "boost" your immune system beyond a basic level.
So basically the same thing us "hotep" folks were saying from the beginning about getting sunlight daily after they put yall on lockdown and made you sit in the house.
Social distancing did not mean staying inside the house.
The dominant society didn't want to give black people the keys to why we were hard hit by covid.. We're deficient in a lot of critical vitamins and minerals.. Really has nothing to do with anything specific to the black race. Most of the other black countries outside of america did pretty well against this particular virus..
Scientists have been saying long before the COVID pandemic started that Black people in the U.S. are at a higher risk of death and complications from common illnesses as well as pandemics.
The Black countries that did better than the U.S. also implemented a variety of social-distancing measures, contact tracing, quarantine, and other health measures.