This Whole Women in Their Prime Thing seems like some 1960s B.S

Mar 23, 2013
Women number one problem will be they dont know how to tap into a mans desires. They always trying to learn about men from women or a biased source. Even when women talk you guys tap into women and not men which to me is not how you learn to KEEP a man . But im pretty sure some female on the coli would say I have a hard time getting rid if them(the arrogance)....And I would follow it up with it not in your nature to turn do men left and right...its not to have diffrent men in and out of you bodies. Women want one man or dikk to please and get married and have kids by it not in a womens nature to CRAVE diffrent dikk like men crave and are biological understood to entertain more than one women. When women attempt this all your doing is being a guy ...period. A lot of this stuff could be solved if everybody would play they role and understand that it is collateral damage on both ends .


African American Queen
Jul 16, 2013
Locker room
What I mean by that is the tone and delivery with attitude about MEN that is a subject that I dont believe women truly understand. I can damn sure say yall dont understand the biology of MEN. Cause I have not heard ONE women on the coli talk about HOW TO TAP INTO THE DESIRES OF A MAN SO YOU GET WHAT YOU ARE AFTER. Women have enough power in this game...I think. The reason I will never listen to women is cause a women CANT ellivate me to my highest level as a man. I dont need to know about women I studied a lot during college and I have a mother and had two of the best grandmothers any one could ask for. I even go out and the world and experiment and sometimes those ashes get buried in the quick little gems for men thread other times I wanna help . I general dont like what women are...I dont like living in a world were NO matter what a women is or does it a good thing thing and what a man is or being a man is a HORRIBLE thing. So the men in that GEMS thread bury there ashes good...bad ..or indiffrent . And yes it is some hopelessness in that thread cause dont think women will ever understand WHAT WE ARE ...period. And women have the nerve to pop off at the mouth about a creature yall dont even understand... man please
This post is draining to me.


Jun 22, 2012
Women number one problem will be they dont know how to tap into a mans desires. They always trying to learn about men from women or a biased source. Even when women talk you guys tap into women and not men which to me is not how you learn to KEEP a man . But im pretty sure some female on the coli would say I have a hard time getting rid if them(the arrogance)....And I would follow it up with it not in your nature to turn do men left and right...its not to have diffrent men in and out of you bodies. Women want one man or dikk to please and get married and have kids by it not in a womens nature to CRAVE diffrent dikk like men crave and are biological understood to entertain more than one women. When women attempt this all your doing is being a guy ...period. A lot of this stuff could be solved if everybody would play they role and understand that it is collateral damage on both ends .

Bravo post breh, bravo.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I never mentioned marriage if your coming at me. I said dating.

Come at the king you better not miss :birdman:

As always people are living through their idols who are millionaires and have more access to women than the average man. Fantasy vs Reality
Oct 22, 2012
This also.

Why would a successful man in his mid 30s choose a woman in her mid 30s? That same woman has had her heart broken, her back beat out, her babies aborted, and some more shyt. So why get with her? When he could just as easily get with a female in her early 20s? A female whose fresh, gullible, and easy to mold?

Lol. If having a husband is your goal in life you best get one before you hit 25.
:merchant: This is harsh, brother.


Docile & dominant @ the same damn time
Mar 29, 2014
Adjacent to the King
What kind of people do you know?

But again, every woman is a hero in their own story. Sure, you don't gossip about your girlfriends, you've never lied to or cheated on anyone, yes we know. But surely your "friends "have, ask them for some stories if you don't believe mine
. (It's not about being a hero or lying. Stop conflating the issue... Those people who you speak of are bitter and vile. Just because you have encountered that negativity does not make it exist for the rest of that population.)

Do women want a used up man? Individuals in both genders have their own criterion on what is normal.

To suggest this is to deny the fundemental difference between men and women.

If you get ran through(for women, I know that termonology is offensive, but guess what, THAT'S HOW MEN THINK OF IT) by 200 dudes, your true utilty as a woman, TO A GOOD MAN, is used up. Your virtue and exclusivity is null. Its not good anymore. That is what we prize in women, AS MEN. How many times do we have to say it. But a lot of women don't want to hear it, because it's hard to be a good woman. Just like it's hard to be a good man. And really, what's the reward?

Any man or woman that has been through 200 people is no use to any partner

puts 2 and 2 together,(so they don't know the woman)

Ok, say we don't know her up front, but after years of dealing with women we learn signs and give-a-ways, and now with the internet, the information age has made EVERYTHING accessible and the gender games have nowhere to hide. All that's left, to people that want to learn, is whats real.
(I agree here but you guys need to stop over exaggerating and realize that people have individual merits and experiences... The extremism on this site is overwhelming.)
Years back, if a guy was dealing with a strange woman, or vice versa, and they didn't know how to tackle the situation, they'd have to weather the storm or hope there was someone older who could guide them down the right path or shoot them some game. But now, all they have to do is hop on google and search for "this guy/girl is acting like this, this guy/girl said this, so what does this mean" and 100,000 people will say "I've been in your shoes before, and this is what the situation is, and this is what you need to do for X,Y,Z to happen and avoid disaster."

(yes because you can tell someones sexual history by looking at them and their age; idiot male logic)

Men do use logic. That is the fundemental basis of being a man. We operate off of logic. (Fact: Men are just as emotional as women. Women are just as analytical as men. )

(yes because uncontrollable aging is the same thing as choosing to be yellow bellied; makes sense, it must be male logic)

Oh look, a plea has been copped.

"My age is uncontrollable, there's nothing I can do about it!"

You know what that plea sounds like? Those pleas short dudes cop about how they can't get dates cause the tall dudes are knocking down all the girls.

"My height is uncontrollable, there's nothing I can do about it."

So? People like what they like, sorry.
No one is copping pleas... I was pointing out that your analogy compared apples to oranges. Like who you like. Don't pretend that your sisters or any other woman has to feel bad because their life journey is different from the norm.

I didn't say women had to become crazy cat ladies, and I honestly think that's bullshyt, but you run with what you want. You want some cats, good for you, go for it. I like ice cream too, nothing wrong with it either.
The remainder of my post was directed towards whoever was using cat memes. The thread was too long to go back and quote them.

We're just saying that there are, and there will always be, women just like that, who happen to look better. And if the man has the option(resources) the man will often choose them (No one is arguing that. Everyone has options [whether they be limited or not]; the troubling part is when folks try to dictate rank on other people's options) .[/QUOTE]

Profound? I think his post was telling about the view on women..even if disagreed with or wrong.
You can drop the mic 3 times but your reply reeks with if women aren't constantly saying reckless/mundane shyt that gets dapped, quoted and repped.

I didn't think his quote was any worse than anyone elses.

And since the majority of your reply boils down to "fukk your silly ass opinions, Imma do me..." I really have to wonder what the point of replying to me was in the first place


Elitism?... Nawl.... You just covering up that you quoted a random illogical diatribe... It's ok boo .... Please don't speak for my opinion as if you understand it... You don't and aren't trying to.... I replied to you because you asked for a woman's opinion on his statement and I gave it... Whether you like it or not...... Get out of your feelings