This UFO sighting still always trips be out


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
There is ZERO evidence that a crop circle has ever made crops grow 5x faster lol.

They made the Nvidia crop circle ad that was continuously debated all the way until the Nvidia chip joke was revealed. "Crop Circle Experts" were reading all sorts of hidden messages into the circle, claiming it predicted an upcoming comet, etc.


Even read the comments under the video, all sorts of crop circle believers are claiming the video is a cover-up and aliens really made it. :russ:

You could also look into the Netherlands crop circles, they were "verified" by the crop circle experts as being "real" ones even though they always showed up within a very small portion of one town and the same local "psychic" was almost always the guy who discovered them.

Said psychic was later exposed as a conman who had copied his psychic predictions from other people, faked videos for clout, and was making the crop circles on his own.

Meh the Nvidia crop circle doesn’t have the same complexity and if it wasn’t done by electromagnetic radiation which is the signature of the genuine crop circles then it’s a poor imitation of the real thing.

What do you think about the Arecibo answer crop circle? It wasn’t done by a road and the creator of the circles never came forward to claim ownership

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Meh the Nvidia crop circle doesn’t have the same complexity

Why do you think the "complex" crop circles only suddenly emerged in the late 1990s and 2000s? Why is it that there were zero crop circles of the slightest complexity before the 1970s, and none at all of truly interesting complexity until the 1990s?

Seriously, go ahead and post the most interesting crop circle pre-1975, or the most interesting crop circle pre-1990. They look like little jokes.

Funny how the aliens were able to fly here from distant galaxies, yet their ability to draw circles in the grass perfectly mirrored the human's ability to start plotting out patterns via computer instead of on paper and use GPS instead of surveying everything by foot.

and if it wasn’t done by electromagnetic radiation which is the signature of the genuine crop circles then it’s a poor imitation of the real thing.

What do you think about the Arecibo answer crop circle? It wasn’t done by a road and the creator of the circles never came forward to claim ownership

There has been no evidence that any crop circles have actually been done by electromagnetic radiation. :comeon:

The "Arecibo answer" crop circle is one of the goofiest, obviously human crop circles out there. They weren't even creative enough to do anything unusual or unique, they just replaced the carbon with silicon (a long-time SciFi trope), failed to change the DNA molecules in the right way (if you're replacing carbon with silicon, the rest of the molecules would change by a LOT, but they didn't adjust them at all), and made a typical "Gray alien" to replace the human in the picture (another scifi trope). If there really are aliens out there, they're not going to look like a science fiction version that was invented by movies on Earth before ever being seen in supposed encounters. On top of that, there's a message in the crop circle encoded in ASCII....why would the aliens have ASCII or use it?

Here is what SETI had to say about it:

Crop Circles. Undoubtedly you're aware of these intricate patterns carved in the wheat fields of (mostly) England.

But could they be signals from visiting aliens?

Despite the fact that many of the circles are known to be the work of pranksters, interest in crop circles has enjoyed a recent revival thanks to a pair of new patterns that appear in a field next to the Chilbolton Observatory in Hampshire, England. One is of a face, and many say that it looks like the archetypal "gray" alien so often seen in films and television.

The second is a modified version of the 1974 Arecibo message, broadcast in the direction of the globular cluster M13 in November of that year.

The Arecibo message, which was designed by Frank Drake (who was then Director of the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, and is now Chairman of the Board of the SETI Institute) together with his Observatory staff, was a simple graphic consisting of 73 rows of 23 "bits" per row. This number of rows and columns was chosen because each is a prime number. Prime numbers could be easily guessed by any recipients, and that would help them to decode the graphic.

The message was sent by simple shifting of the signal between two frequencies in the 2,380 MHz band. It took three minutes to send the message.

The message itself gives the kind of information that any culture would want to learn about us:

  • where we are located (at least within our solar system)
  • what we look like (a crude stick figure)
  • a simple drawing of the telescope used to send the message
  • something about our biological construction (DNA and some of the building blocks of our biochemistry)

This message was sent as a "demonstration" to commemorate the upgrading of the 1,000 foot diameter Arecibo telescope with a new, more accurate reflector surface.

The crop circle found in Hampshire looks very much like the one broadcast in 1974. But there are some differences: the Hampshire pattern has replaced the Arecibo Telescope with another graphic that is reminiscent of a space satellite with solar cells.

The diagram that depicts our solar system has been replaced with another that still has nine worlds, but planets 3 through 5 are offset, and the last is drawn larger than the others (or perhaps this is a depiction of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter). Finally, the graphic of the human has been modified by a stick figure that, while humanoid, has a far larger head.

Good fun, and a nice example of grain graffiti. But some folks think that this crop circle (and at least some of the more than a thousand other circles that have appeared in the last decade) are truly signals from visiting aliens.

The aliens, in this view, have borrowed an idea from Carl Sagan's "Contact," and initiated communication by returning one of our own signals to us (albeit, somewhat modified.)

This is highly improbable. There is no evidence to suggest an other-than-earthly origin for these graphics.

Some of the reasons why we are skeptical that this is a "signal" from afar are as follows:

  1. The aliens, if they've received this signal, would obviously be aware of our capability to send and receive high-frequency radio. After all, they would only know of the 1974 transmission by receiving it. And, of course, they've made a point about radio by leaving their message next to a radio antenna. So why would they resort to an extraordinarily crude method of "replying" - carving simple messages in our wheat? Why don't they use radio?

    The wheat graffiti only conveys a handful of information - roughly the equivalent of a few sentences of any text. They could convey far more, in a matter of seconds, by radio. If radio isn't their thing, why don't they simply leave a copy of the Encyclopedia Galactica on the doorstep of either the farmer or the radio observatory?

    They could arrange for a radio blast sufficiently powerful to reach every FM or TV set in a hemisphere, which would quickly convey far more information, and to everyone at once. After all, if they're carving wheat, they're clearly visiting. If they're not fond of radio, they could leave information on paper, as a CD, or in whatever form is convenient. Any such scheme would convey orders of magnitude more information than a wheat carving.

    Surely aliens who can come to Hampshire are sophisticated enough to offer us more information bits than one can find on a fortune in a Chinese cookie.

  2. How come they look like us? Hollywood aliens always look pretty humanoid, but this is an anthropocentric conceit. Visit the local zoo, and you'll find critters that share 3.5 billion years of evolution and a lot of your DNA. But they don't look like you - they look like fish, or alligators, or…

  3. A very important point if you think this is a returned message: The 1974 signal was aimed at the cluster M13, which has hundreds of thousands of stars. Of course, M13 is 25,000 light-years distant, which means that the message will not reach its target for another 250 centuries. Clearly, the crop circle can't be a response from any of M13's inhabitants; they haven't gotten the message yet. But what about a random, Milky Way star that might be in the "beam" of the Arecibo message? Couldn't they have overheard the transmission, and offered this clever carving in reply? No.

    The Arecibo beam at 2,380 MHz is about 2 arc-minutes, which is roughly 1/15th the diameter of the full moon. That's an extremely narrow beam. Imagine shooting an arrow through a giant space in which ping pong balls are hung by threads. The ping pong balls are many miles apart. How long would the arrow have to travel before it accidentally hit one of these balls?

    This is analogous to the situation of the Arecibo message, moving in its tightly focused beam through the spaces of the Milky Way. The chances that it has hit another solar system in the 27 years since its broadcast are… one in 50,000, approximately. If you make the reasonable assumption that the aliens cannot travel faster than the speed of light, then they must lie within 13-1/2 light-years to have received this message and responded.

    The chances of a star system within the volume of space filled by the beam out to this distance is closer to one in a half-million! In other words, it's highly, highly unlikely that any star system has yet been exposed to the Arecibo message. This is an important point, as it is quantitative and not dependent on any other assumptions about this crop circle: no other star systems could have yet received this transmission.

    And incidentally, the odds that a nearby probe could have intercepted it are even smaller!

  4. The biochemistry information in the crop circle is the same as the Arecibo message, although the DNA seems to have an extra strand and a somewhat different number of nucleotides. It has also been noted that silicon is now indicated as part of the biological construction kit, although this element, while popular in science fiction, is rather poor at making the complex molecules required for life.

    Still, it's remarkable how similar the aliens' biology is to ours, even to the point of sporting a helical DNA molecule. They also use the same number of sugars and bases that make up human DNA to construct theirs. But it's remarkable (but undoubtedly a sign of a boo-boo on the constructors' part) that the silicon mentioned above doesn't figure into the formulae of any of these alien DNA components (this point was made by Randy Wiggins.) In addition, keep in mind that of the hundreds of possible amino acids, only 20 are used for earthly life. In other words our biochemistry is somewhat specific.

    How curious (and unlikely!) that theirs would match ours so closely!

  5. Finally, the whole matter of crop circles fails the baloney test, as Sagan would put it. They can be easily made by people interested in creating a stir (you can read a nice description of both crop circles and their construction, as well as a claim by experts in the field, as it were, that they could replicate the new grain graphics, at circle-makers.)

    And of importance, there is a lack of convincing physical evidence that anyone else has made them. You might also wonder why, despite its ample supply of wheat fields, the U.S. is almost never the target of this type of alien graphic: nearly two-thirds of all crop circles are in England. We also note that Chilbolton was the location of other crop circles in 1999 and 2000. Why would aliens resort to a signaling system that conveys so little information and can only be used during the two-month growth season, and then only at night?

    We are also informed by Chilbolton that these recent glyphs appeared (as so many do) after a weekend.
Bottom line? The crop circles are decorative, impressive, and provocative, but not informative.

We can expect better from true extraterrestrial intelligence.

The fact that EVERY change to our message is borrowed for an existed American scifi trope, and there is NO useful information in the message that adds anything to our understanding, plus that they would take all the trouble to make the message and yet send such little information, are the reasons why it looks way more human than ET.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
As some one who wants to believe, but highly skeptical. Grusch either wanted it to be real and was fed lies or is just straight up full of shyt with a high ranking job trying to get his 15 minutes of fame because the UFO community is full of suckers.:yeshrug:

I think Grusch is honest but got played. He's on the autism spectrum, and one of the traits of autism is that they have difficulty reading other people, so they can't tell when people are lying to them. There are people in the military/government who have been telling silly stories for a long time and word got around that there was a guy asking questions about UFO lore who was an easy mark. There's a reason why Grusch is the only one who keeps bringing these things to Congress and not a single person involved in the actual "UFO recovery program" or with any evidence of it at all has ever testified.

Unemployed GM

All Star
Mar 3, 2015
The young kids did see something - some Black men with dreds next to a van about 700 feet away. They freaked out about it because they had been talking about UFOs all week and hysterical kids can convince themselves of anything. But most of the "weird" stories about the incident didn't come in until obsessed UFOologists Cynthia Hind (a day later) and John Mack (two months later) came in to "interview" the kids and convince them they had seen more than they did.

Here's a copy-paste from previous threads about the incident:

The majority of kids who made statements originally said the "alien" they saw was one or more long-haired Black men. The van's wheels were probably hidden by the long grass and it was reflecting the midday sun, and these men were almost certainly were wearing sunglasses, which at 750 feet away would have looked like large eyes.

And here are some drawings those kids made of the sighting:


That is nothing like what was reported later.
:stopitslime: This story is cap. I heard the real story is the kids saw a dred in a Toyota Land Cruiser. But the kids was tripping out because they had mistakenly drank some spiked lemonade that some of the teachers had. The drEd had come out to talk to the kids because nobody was watching them because the teachers were high as fukk, tripping on hallucinogens.
This story is a coverup for child endangerment.

Unemployed GM

All Star
Mar 3, 2015

Celebrity bodyguard turned rapper tells "No Jumper" that he heard secondhand stories about a race of men who live at the bottom of the ocean and are also occupying the moon. :skip:

Apparently, the totally believable guy who knows all of this is scared for his life, and so he thinks the only man who can protect him is....BigHomie.CC. :dead:

Imagine being worried that the government or the Atlantians are after you, and the man you think will protect you from them is BigHomie.CC. :russ:

On top of that, BigHomie.CC doesn't sign the NDA, but the totally believable guy tells him everything anyway. And both that guy and BigHomie.CC are still alive today and just telling the random story on No Jumper.

Plus totally believable guy supposedly has a dead man's switch that will release the information if he is killed.....the same information he could just RELEASE RIGHT NOW if he wanted actual protection, because if he told everything he knew then there'd be nothing to gain from killing him, right? Like, what the hell is the point of having top-secret information about Atlantians on the moon if you don't tell it to anyone other than your fellow top-secret lunatics and celebrity bodyguards you just met?

Only thing missing is.........any evidence whatsoever for any of it. :snoop:
A lot of this UFO shyt is cap. But that shyt he said in that clip is 100 % true. The Navy been knew about this.

I think He also said he saw Dwight Howard at p Diddy’s house in a bright pink dress but no believed him then either. :russ:

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
I think Grusch is honest but got played. He's on the autism spectrum, and one of the traits of autism is that they have difficulty reading other people, so they can't tell when people are lying to them. There are people in the military/government who have been telling silly stories for a long time and word got around that there was a guy asking questions about UFO lore who was an easy mark. There's a reason why Grusch is the only one who keeps bringing these things to Congress and not a single person involved in the actual "UFO recovery program" or with any evidence of it at all has ever testified.

Actually, that’s incorrect. Gruech was part of a UAP task force and his particular responsibility, because he had the appropriate clearances, was to determine if there was a crash retrieval program. Through the course of his investigation, he was able to get interviews from 40 firsthand whistleblowers who worked on the crash retrieval program along with corroborating videos and documentation. When he went to the crash retrieval program, he was refused access. At that point, he provided that information to the inspector general as well as Congress. It was only at that point upon receiving retaliation against him that he filed an official complaint with the inspector general. I don’t know where you’re getting your information from, but these are facts that he testified under oath to Congress, and this information has already been corroborated by multiple senators and members of the house.

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
Hey since @Professor Emeritus likes to post links and babble why don’t I do the same.

Here’s a link to what all of congress and officials say on the topic

1994 Ariel School Encounter wiki to get acquainted:

A collection of the pictures that the Ariel school children drew that I made following a potential rough timeline of events:

2020 BEST interviews of all: Emily Trim, Salma Siddikk, and 5 other students with James Fox - deleted scenes from "The Phenomenon":

An excellent Reddit AMA with Salma Siddikk, one of the Ariel school students who was there that day:

2016 & 2019 A presentation and a interview with Emily Trim, one of the Ariel school students, when she's an adult:

2017, 2017 & 2018 Two interviews and an excerpt with Salma Siddikk, one of the Ariel school students, when she's an adult:

2020 An interview with Francis Chirimuuta, one of the Ariel school students, when he's an adult:

2017 An excerpt of an interview with Bart, one of the Ariel school students, when he's an adult:

2021 An ALLEGED very quick interview with an ALLEGED student from Ariel (sounds more like second-hand remarks), when he's an adult:

Ariel picture addendum (pictures I have since come across):

Where do you go from here?

You will always want to start with The Phenomenon (2020):

This movie is a must-watch. This covers most of what we know currently in a no-nonsense manner. Perfect for those who are being introduced to this topic for the first time, but also heavily recommended for those considering themselves well-versed.

Then, read the DNI's "Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" report:

As well as being aware of all the redacted parts:

Specifically the following:

"In 18 incidents, described in 21 reports, observers reported unusual UAP movement patterns or flight characteristics. Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernable means of propulsion. In a small number of cases, military aircraft systems processed radio frequency (RF) energy associated with UAP sightings. The UAPTF holds a small amount of data that appear to show UAP demonstrating acceleration or a degree of signature management. Additional rigorous analysis are necessary by multiple teams or groups of technical experts to determine the nature and validity of these data. We are conducting further analysis to determine if breakthrough technologies were demonstrated."

After that, start reviewing footage, starting with what we consider to at least come from reputable sources:

Pentagon released UAP footage from USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt - all 3 of them (2004, 2014, 2015):

Wiki for the above videos, plus the wikis for the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) and the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP):

Pentagon UFO videos - Wikipedia Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program - Wikipedia All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office - Wikipedia

Some GIMBAL stabilization:

Some alleged additional footage of the "Go Fast" UAP:

Obama acknowledging that the government has footage of UAP:

Director National Intelligence Avril Haines acknowledges that UAP may be extraterrestrial phenomena:

2019 Radar data of the USS Omaha of UAP, confirmed by the Pentagon:

2019 USS Omaha FLIR video of UAP dropping into water during this incident, confirmed by the Pentagon:

2019 Footage of UAP filmed from the deck of the USS Omaha during this incident:

2019 USS Russell triangle UAP overhead confirmed by the Pentagon:

2019 Article confirming that 5 shots were fired at the UAP by the USS Russell:

1995 Nellis Range UAP:

Unidentified Show - both seasons (2019-2020):

1989 or 1980 Belgian UAP radar data:

2013 Puerto Rican UAP:

Same Puerto Rican UAP video, but AI Upscaled to 1080p (please note this is AI-edited, guessing is involved here):

1981 St Helens Police recording of the sound of a UAP:

2004 Photo of Italian government helicopter rotor "shot with a beam from a UAP" (from Unidentified - Season 1 Ep 6):

1964 Lonnie Zamora incident:

A good look at the Zamora landing scene:

Zamora landing marks angle calculation:

More info on the landing marks and how they look to have been created by equal weight:

Zamora soil analysis:

2012 Alleged stabilized footage of a UAP in Costa Rica:

And really just go from there


Tha realest n***a
Sep 20, 2015
Phoenix lights is the most baffling sighting til this date I think ….. everyone only speaks about the 10pm lights that people caught on camera that may or may not be flares which I even doubt they are flares but what most people don’t know is there was actully 2 sightings that night …. A 1 at roughly 8 pm that traveled over peoples homes from navada though phoenix no noise , maybe the size of a football field or bigger ….. v shaped ….. there is literally only 1 footage of this it’s so grainy on YouTube……there has to be more I know this was 1997 but still …. gov stil says all these sightings was flares but am highly doubtful…..

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Ok I'm in the thread now. Someone whos been following this phenomena since 1996. Someone who has personally witnessed two paranormal events being sasquatch and ghost/poltergeist activity.

I'll squash all this debunked stuff stuff later.


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
Why do you think the "complex" crop circles only suddenly emerged in the late 1990s and 2000s? Why is it that there were zero crop circles of the slightest complexity before the 1970s, and none at all of truly interesting complexity until the 1990s?

Seriously, go ahead and post the most interesting crop circle pre-1975, or the most interesting crop circle pre-1990. They look like little jokes.

Funny how the aliens were able to fly here from distant galaxies, yet their ability to draw circles in the grass perfectly mirrored the human's ability to start plotting out patterns via computer instead of on paper and use GPS instead of surveying everything by foot.

There has been no evidence that any crop circles have actually been done by electromagnetic radiation. :comeon:

The "Arecibo answer" crop circle is one of the goofiest, obviously human crop circles out there. They weren't even creative enough to do anything unusual or unique, they just replaced the carbon with silicon (a long-time SciFi trope), failed to change the DNA molecules in the right way (if you're replacing carbon with silicon, the rest of the molecules would change by a LOT, but they didn't adjust them at all), and made a typical "Gray alien" to replace the human in the picture (another scifi trope). If there really are aliens out there, they're not going to look like a science fiction version that was invented by movies on Earth before ever being seen in supposed encounters. On top of that, there's a message in the crop circle encoded in ASCII....why would the aliens have ASCII or use it?

Here is what SETI had to say about it:

The fact that EVERY change to our message is borrowed for an existed American scifi trope, and there is NO useful information in the message that adds anything to our understanding, plus that they would take all the trouble to make the message and yet send such little information, are the reasons why it looks way more human than ET.
Saying there’s zero proof of crop circles created by electromagnetic radiation is false. I encourage you to do more research on the subject.

If all crop circles were done by plank and rope then how do you explain ghost circles?


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
@Professor Emeritus, you seem to have a vested interest in dispensing any reports of paranormal activity. Are you religious?
He’s a very intelligent breh so I find his religious beliefs baffling. He’s Christian, he thinks that Jesus being divine is more likely than aliens visiting Earth.

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
He’s a very intelligent breh so I find his religious beliefs baffling. He’s Christian, he thinks that Jesus being divine is more likely than aliens visiting Earth.
Ohh ok so he is religious...

I hypothesized that by his interaction in this thread.

At one time I would now begin flaming him, but I've grown even more, and understand there's no need to pit religion vs paranormal or alien activity.

If he do even more research, the agencies and individuals who are indeed researching this phenomenon are whispering that it is indeed what religious people will refer to as demonic!

There's much more to this! All this paranormal, alien, cryptic stuff is connected!


Duck Season
May 2, 2012
Los Scandalous
jesus breh vs alien brehs..

jesus breh up 1 :ehh:

yall really the same type of breh. yall should join forces on some billy carson shyt
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Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
Ohh ok so he is religious...

I hypothesized that by his interaction in this thread.

At one time I would now begin flaming him, but I've grown even more, and understand there's no need to pit religion vs paranormal or alien activity.

If he do even more research, the agencies and individuals who are indeed researching this phenomenon are whispering that it is indeed what religious people will refer to as demonic!

There's much more to this! All this paranormal, alien, cryptic stuff is connected!

It is deserving of credible scientific investigation. The same thing has been reported by military and scientists for 80 years and counting. Time to eliminate the stimga and ridicule and conduct serious scientific study on the matter. All these people are not lying and being deceived.
