This UFO sighting still always trips be out

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The government: "honestly, we don't know what da fck them things are. They are truly unexplained aerial phenomenon"

Breh, there are "unexplained aerial phenomena" every single day of every year of humanity's existence. All that means is that you saw something in the sky and it was too far away or too blurry to know what it was.

The government has NEVER claimed that any specific sighting was inexplicable. If you think they have, then name the exact sighting. All they have said is that they don't know enough to explain all of them, or they have had witnesses who have claimed things that were inexpicable. If a random eyewitness says they saw something, and there's no other evidence, then no one will ever debunk it.

Some nikka on thecoli: "nah, this sht ain't real. It's been debunked... De... Bunked"

Um, every debunking that I've done on this thread regarding an American incident is also agreed to be debunked by the American government. So....what are you even talking about here?

Can you name a single UFO incident where the official government position contradicts mine?


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
lol at the lack of self-awareness here. There are people who keep posting debunked BS in this thread, but it isn't me. I brought the receipts to prove what has been PUBLICLY known since 1997 about the A-10s behind the Phoenix Lights. If it's been debunked, then why didn't you debunk it?

The only thing the government has confirmed is that we haven't identified every single object people spot in the skies. And that's something that has always been true and will always be true.

They hold sessions discussing it because people are noisy, and if you're noisy enough you get a discussion. The government held sessions on the big wave of Asian hate crimes too, does that automatically make that real?

No one has invested "huge money" researching such. The total money that has been put into research is minuscule, more at the level of random pork you throw in the direction of a noisy congressman than at the level of "this is an existential threat to our view of reality!"
No debunk for the crop circles that have appeared but can’t be explained by the traditional plank method?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
No debunk for the crop circles that have appeared but can’t be explained by the traditional plank method?

What proof is there that a crop circle couldn't be explained?

The whole idea that UFOs are flying around making little swirly patterns in farmers' crops is hilarious to begin with. Then there's the fact that they're virtually always made in the exact same parts of the exact same countries (90% in one small portion of England where competing crop circle groups have been active for decades, 90% of the rest in USA, Canada, one town in the Netherlands where one guy has been doing it for years, rarely a few other European countries, Australia, and occasionally Israel), almost always in farms close to roads and with pedestrian access.

Why do the aliens hate Africa? Why do they avoid third-world countries almost entirely? Why are they virtually always near roads and never in farms that you can't access by foot? Why does the increase in complexity of the circles always proceed at the exact same pace as the adoption of GPS and better computer modeling tech?

Y'all gotta do better than this clown shyt.


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
What proof is there that a crop circle couldn't be explained?

The whole idea that UFOs are flying around making little swirly patterns in farmers' crops is hilarious to begin with. Then there's the fact that they're virtually always made in the exact same parts of the exact same countries (90% in one small portion of England where competing crop circle groups have been active for decades, 90% of the rest in USA, Canada, one town in the Netherlands where one guy has been doing it for years, rarely a few other European countries, Australia, and occasionally Israel), almost always in farms close to roads and with pedestrian access.

Why do the aliens hate Africa? Why do they avoid third-world countries almost entirely? Why are they virtually always near roads and never in farms that you can't access by foot? Why does the increase in complexity of the circles always proceed at the exact same pace as the adoption of GPS and better computer modeling tech?

Y'all gotta do better than this clown shyt.
Watch the video I posted a few posts back. The video stated that some crop circles were made without plank and rope where the crops were bent but not broken, had radiation signatures and the crops affected grew faster than the other nearby crops afterwards.

It’s kind of arrogant to assume we know how aliens would try to communicate with us.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Watch the video I posted a few posts back. The video stated that some crop circles were made without plank and rope where the crops were bent but not broken, had radiation signatures and the crops affected grew faster than the other nearby crops afterwards.

It’s kind of arrogant to assume we know how aliens would try to communicate with us.

Breh, that's goofy shyt they've been saying for 20 years, and on multiple crop circles where they made those "can't possibly be humanmade" claims the guys who made it came out afterwards with VIDEO of them doing it lol.

There's zero evidence that "bent not broken" means it wasn't people doing it, people have no problem bending grass. And there's never been any legitimate third-party verification of the claims of radiation, not to mention that anyone sufficiently motivated could open a bunch of fire alarms and lay down some radiation if they felt that would make their crop circle cooler. Same with laying down extra fertilizer if they felt like it.

The guys who do these things are well-known in the areas they operate. Complex crop cricles only started very recently, and are almost solely in the places where the most active crop circle clubs operate, and are always in accessible places where they can pull it off. Not to mention that there's been literally no evidence, ever, to connect them to aliens or UFOs. Taking it seriously is ridiculous.


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
Breh, that's goofy shyt they've been saying for 20 years, and on multiple crop circles where they made those "can't possibly be humanmade" claims the guys who made it came out afterwards with VIDEO of them doing it lol.

There's zero evidence that "bent not broken" means it wasn't people doing it, people have no problem bending grass. And there's never been any legitimate third-party verification of the claims of radiation, not to mention that anyone sufficiently motivated could open a bunch of fire alarms and lay down some radiation if they felt that would make their crop circle cooler. Same with laying down extra fertilizer if they felt like it.

The guys who do these things are well-known in the areas they operate. Complex crop cricles only started very recently, and are almost solely in the places where the most active crop circle clubs operate, and are always in accessible places where they can pull it off. Not to mention that there's been literally no evidence, ever, to connect them to aliens or UFOs. Taking it seriously is ridiculous.
As the video states the “pranksters” are sitting on billion dollar technology that can make crops grow 5x faster but instead of going public with said technology they’re keeping it to themselves for the “lulz”.

The guys you’re referring to have never been shown to actually make the complex circles without clear proof of human involvement. You’re just taking their word for it.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
As the video states the “pranksters” are sitting on billion dollar technology that can make crops grow 5x faster but instead of going public with said technology they’re keeping it to themselves for the “lulz”.

There is ZERO evidence that a crop circle has ever made crops grow 5x faster lol.

The guys you’re referring to have never been shown to actually make the complex circles without clear proof of human involvement. You’re just taking their word for it.

They made the Nvidia crop circle ad that was continuously debated all the way until the Nvidia chip joke was revealed. "Crop Circle Experts" were reading all sorts of hidden messages into the circle, claiming it predicted an upcoming comet, etc.


Even read the comments under the video, all sorts of crop circle believers are claiming the video is a cover-up and aliens really made it. :russ:

You could also look into the Netherlands crop circles, they were "verified" by the crop circle experts as being "real" ones even though they always showed up within a very small portion of one town and the same local "psychic" was almost always the guy who discovered them.

Said psychic was later exposed as a conman who had copied his psychic predictions from other people, faked videos for clout, and was making the crop circles on his own.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Took me a while to find the Dutch conman I was looking for - it was Robbert van den Broeke:

He's been exposed as a conman MANY times. Got caught using information off of the internet during a spiritual reading, but included the typo. Got caught plagiarising psychic predictions from another psychic. Got caught making fake "spiritual" photographs because his phone was on Live mode while he was doing it. And so on.

This fake "psychic" was the guy who "found" almost every crop circle in the Netherlands. Suspiciously, the vast majority of them appeared within a couple miles of his own home. He claimed that his psychic powers led him to the crop circles before anyone else could find them, and that sometimes he even saw orbs in progress making the circles. (Considering his aptitude with his camera tricks, it's surprising he never tried to get video of these orbs at work). The crop circle community totally believed him and published numerous papers claiming that his crop circles were real, such as "An Experimental Study for Reproduction of Biological Anomalies Reported in the Hoeven 1999 Crop Circle". But his own family members said they caught him returning from crop circle making at night clearly dishevelled and covered with grass and crap like he'd been working hard in the fields. He was an obvious fraudster through and through, yet the crop circle community kept claiming his circles were legit and published "proof".


The Sword of Jesus of Nazareth
May 25, 2022
Phoenix Lights was long ago confirmed to be a formation of five A-10 Thunderbolt II planes from the Maryland Air National Guard flying over Phoenix while returning to Davis-Monthan Air Force base in Tucson.

1. A formation of 5 planes from the Maryland Air National Guard was flying in the exact 5-point "boomerang" pattern that was observed, with the exact same lights on that were observed, using the exact commercial air corridor where they were observed, at the exact time that was observed.

2. The only existing video of the event shows that the lights move independently of each other, suggesting that it's not a single object but 5 individual objects (many eyewitnesses also said they appeared to be independent objects, while some thought it was one big objects).

3. Tracking of the location of the sightings shows they were moving 400 mph which proves they were very high up and moving at normal plane speed, not very close to the ground and moving slow (which many eyewitnesses mistakenly assumed, being that it's impossible to judge distance to lights in the sky of unknown size at night).

4. Amateur astronomer Mitch Stanley observed them through his telescope that he was using at the time and confirmed that they were clearly planes, which he said vocally at the time to the other people with him.

:gucci:well shyt...

breh, you better be working in Law or somethin, cause the way you break down shyt I can't help but applaud .


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Watch the video I posted a few posts back. The video stated that some crop circles were made without plank and rope where the crops were bent but not broken, had radiation signatures and the crops affected grew faster than the other nearby crops afterwards.

It’s kind of arrogant to assume we know how aliens would try to communicate with us.

There is a way to distinguish real from fake crop circles

Mainly the stems. Ones from fakes are usually broken stems, patterns from where boots have been, etc.

The ones that are hard to debunk are smooth, almost like nothing has touched them, just laid neatly and symmetrically


Chasing The Dragon
Jun 17, 2012
Above The Clouds
I saw a UFO before in Charlotte, NC
Was on the highway and we saw a set of lights going the same speed as us on the highway then they just stopped instantly and went down
Now we we weren't high but were mos def going to get high :pachaha:
.......ok maybe we were alil high:patrice:BUT I SAW WHAT I SAW


Apr 30, 2012
Northern California
As some one who wants to believe, but highly skeptical. Grusch either wanted it to be real and was fed lies or is just straight up full of shyt with a high ranking job trying to get his 15 minutes of fame because the UFO community is full of suckers.:yeshrug: