This UFO sighting still always trips be out

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
If all crop circles were done by plank and rope then how do you explain ghost circles?

There's numerous possible explanations, but the easiest one I've heard is that the flattened crops don't get harvested, so they go to seed in place, those seeds are left there to overwinter, and in spring those seeds germinate quicker than the planted seeds that are sowed later because they were in the ground first.

Another possible explanation is that the flattening trauma causes a chemical release in the plant that results in an epigenetic effect (changes in gene expression) in the next year's plants, triggering them to grow either slower or faster. Or the soil is more compacted there due to more people walking over it (not just the crop circle makers but tourists who come to visit the circle later). Or the fact that the crops are laid down that way provides an insulating effect to the ground over winter that changes the next year's growth. Or goofy crop circle makers (or a farmer looking to extend the payday he gets charging people to visit his crops) lays down either extra fertilizer or herbicide along the crop circle route.

Without discussing a specific event and being able to investigate the evidence and potential causes for that particular event, it's hard to know.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
How do you reconcile being a Christian while acknowledging the Old Testament is basically myth and fables? Jesus believed the Old Testament was literal did he not?

Myths can be informative without being real, and often aren't even intended to be real. Jesus told parables to make particular points all the time, that doesn't mean he was claiming those parables actually happened. I think that many Jews eventually came to believe that those mythological portions of the Old Testament were "historic truth", but I'm not sure they all did or that they even used the same dichotomy that we talk about as moderns, and I certainly don't believe the stories were intended to be understood as historical truth in the beginning.

I have no idea what Jesus believed on the matter, nor do I think it's particularly important. People who think the purpose of the Old Testament is to tell us how to teach our science and history courses are insanely off base.

The basis of my faith came when seeing that Jesus had far greater insight into human nature and the true way to live than any other human being I have ever encountered. And Jesus makes clear at several points that the Jewish interpretations of the Old Testament don't actually fit what God desires for us, such as when he states that the allowance for divorce came due to their "hardness of hearts" but not due to God's intentions, or when he rejects the need to honor the Sabbath in the manner the OT does, or when he rejects the purity laws, or when he rejects the OT's racially drawn lines, or when he points out that sacrifice is unnecessary (which he does BEFORE his own death, not afterwards). Hell, the OT prophets themselves predicted this, when they spoke of our hearts of stone that would turn into hearts of flesh and how God was coming to relate to us in an entirely different way.

I'd also say that a lot of misinterpretations of the Bible come from a particular "modern" way of looking at it (as opposed to a postmodern way or a premodern way), which interprets everything according to the Enlightenment-era worldview that doesn't even match the worldview of the actual authors of Biblical texts, causing a lot of misinterpretations.

So for me to say that I don't believe parts of the Old Testament are historically true, or that I don't believe in the Bible's infallibility in the way that Reformation-era Protestants believe in it, in no way keeps me from believing that Jesus has the best plan for my life, that I should put my faith in him, or that he was in closer relationship to God than anyone else I've ever seen or heard of.

I did not mean to slander you or be offensive for that I apologize

No problem.


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
Myths can be informative without being real, and often aren't even intended to be real. Jesus told parables to make particular points all the time, that doesn't mean he was claiming those parables actually happened. I think that many Jews eventually came to believe that those mythological portions of the Old Testament were "historic truth", but I'm not sure they all did or that they even used the same dichotomy that we talk about as moderns, and I certainly don't believe the stories were intended to be understood as historical truth in the beginning.

I have no idea what Jesus believed on the matter, nor do I think it's particularly important. People who think the purpose of the Old Testament is to tell us how to teach our science and history courses are insanely off base.

The basis of my faith came when seeing that Jesus had far greater insight into human nature and the true way to live than any other human being I have ever encountered. And Jesus makes clear at several points that the Jewish interpretations of the Old Testament don't actually fit what God desires for us, such as when he states that the allowance for divorce came due to their "hardness of hearts" but not due to God's intentions, or when he rejects the need to honor the Sabbath in the manner the OT does, or when he rejects the purity laws, or when he rejects the OT's racially drawn lines, or when he points out that sacrifice is unnecessary (which he does BEFORE his own death, not afterwards). Hell, the OT prophets themselves predicted this, when they spoke of our hearts of stone that would turn into hearts of flesh and how God was coming to relate to us in an entirely different way.

I'd also say that a lot of misinterpretations of the Bible come from a particular "modern" way of looking at it (as opposed to a postmodern way or a premodern way), which interprets everything according to the Enlightenment-era worldview that doesn't even match the worldview of the actual authors of Biblical texts, causing a lot of misinterpretations.

So for me to say that I don't believe parts of the Old Testament are historically true, or that I don't believe in the Bible's infallibility in the way that Reformation-era Protestants believe in it, in no way keeps me from believing that Jesus has the best plan for my life, that I should put my faith in him, or that he was in closer relationship to God than anyone else I've ever seen or heard of.

No problem.
Are you a non-denominational Christian? Do you take revelation as literal or a myth? If you’re non-denominational do you view Jesus teaching as a philosophy to live by similar to Stoicism or do you think he’s God, will return and usher in Armageddon?


May 24, 2022
Some of the kids saw different things. Some saw the figure above. Some saw the typical greys. And some even claimed to have seen a figure whose face shifted into a lion. I believe the kids saw something that was supernatural that day. Their description of the craft and the general strangeness of it corroborates with a lot of other people's experiences (and mine) from across the world. Whatever these things are I don't think its necessarily extraterrestrial. I highly doubt a space faring civilization would come all the way here to spook out some kids.
I have a theory the space faring civilizations are actually might be the inter dimensional "spiritual" beings they are the only ones with the means to travel distant stars and obtain infinite knowledge.

I don't fully believe in the garden of Eden story I think its a off shot re telling of something in our past that is true

but I think us as in humans lost the ability to contact that side at will and freely travel it like they do
the trees in that story(garden of Eden) are actually beings not trees.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
I have a theory the space faring civilizations are actually might be the inter dimensional "spiritual" beings they are the only ones with the means to travel distant stars and obtain infinite knowledge.

I don't fully believe in the garden of Eden story I think its a off shot re telling of something in our past that is true

but I think us as in humans lost the ability to contact that side at will and freely travel it like they do
the trees in that story(garden of Eden) are actually beings not trees.
The mind can go wild thinking of theories about what these things are. I just accepted that we are beings with limited perception and there are probably things that exist outside our perception. I don't they are aliens though. I lean towards the inter dimensional hypothesis like you. Or perhaps remnants of a past civilization on Earth.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Are you a non-denominational Christian?

Non-denominational or multi-denominational or anything you want to call it. I belong to a church wherever I live but I'm not tied to a single denomination and am happy to learn from anyone who seeks God.

Do you take revelation as literal or a myth?

Be more specific.

If you’re non-denominational do you view Jesus teaching as a philosophy to live by similar to Stoicism or do you think he’s God,

I believe Jesus was intimately in touch with God and acted as God's representative on Earth. I think the phrase "Jesus is God" has been distorted and misunderstood so much in the intervening 2,000 years that it can be more misleading than helpful to a lot of people. N.T. Wright writes well on this and explains the more fluid understanding of what God's presence on Earth meant to pre-1st century Jews than the later controversies would suggest.

will return and usher in Armageddon?

Armageddon is only mentioned once in the Bible, and that was in Revelation 16 which was in the context of God's judgment of Rome. All of Revelation is extremely symbolic language (among other things, likely to avoid being charged with sedition by Roman authorities) and clearly is directly towards spiritual truths more than specific physical happenings, so I think it's a mistake to view Armageddon as a literal physical battle. The only parts of Revelation that I believe are meant to refer to the "End Times" or whatever are parts of Chapter 20 and then 21, and I have no idea how "real" any of that is.

I do believe Jesus will one day "return" in some sense, but beyond that I don't think I know anything.
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Apr 30, 2012
Northern California
Then that whole team was fed lies from multiple sources and through multiple interactions.

Thing is, multiple guys Grusch worked with already came out and made claims themselves, Grusch was different because he was the first one to go through the Pentagons whistleblower process (it didn't exist before) and testify under oath to congress.
It’s possible the entire team has been fed lies to see who would try to flip on them if they came across sensitive information. He isn’t in danger of anything testifying under oath because he is telling his version of the truth

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Then that whole team was fed lies from multiple sources and through multiple interactions.
It’s possible the entire team has been fed lies to see who would try to flip on them if they came across sensitive information. He isn’t in danger of anything testifying under oath because he is telling his version of the truth

There's no evidence about any "whole team" anything lol. If anything it's almost certainly just random people on the fringes here and there.

I agree that Grusch is likely telling his version of the truth. But he's being fed his information by a motly crew of fools and liars.