This UFO sighting still always trips be out

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I think He also said he saw Dwight Howard at p Diddy’s house in a bright pink dress but no believed him then either. :russ:

The allegations of sexual assault against Dwight were made in July of last year, all over the news by fall, blew up again in February of this year after the judge refused to dismiss the charges.

The allegations against Diddy blew up in March of this year.

Big Homie CC's interview where he says he saw Dwight at Diddy's house was in April of this year.

He didn't scoop anything, he started telling that story AFTER Dwight's proclivities were already all over the news and after Diddy's depravity was all over the news as well. That's what he does every time, he just takes whatever has been in the news and makes a story out of it.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
@Professor Emeritus, you seem to have a vested interest in dispensing any reports of paranormal activity. Are you religious?

It's the exact same energy I give in every controversial thread, whether it's political conspiracies, historical claims, religious disputes, etc. I'm hyper-obsessed with trying to discover the truth and then expose misinformation no matter what the subject is. If you've seen me on these boards you know that already, it has nothing to do with religion.

I was deeply into paranormal shyt when I was a kid. Read literally every book my library had (starting with the children's section but branching out into the adult section realy early) on ghosts, ESP and other paranormal abilities, unsolved mysteries, cryptozoids, but MOST of all UFOs and Bigfoot. Literally read the entire Erich von Däniken series before I'd even hit puberty.

But I was also into science, and as I started to learn more about physics and biology and got exposed to more scientists, I realized that the stories I'd been reading in all the UFO books weren't the whole picture. In fact, I saw that a lot of the stories in those books were summarized and altered in a disingenuous manner, stating as facts things that weren't actually known and hiding evidence and explanations that pointed in a different direction. Cases that I thought were rock solid began to fall apart when more details were known. Once some of the details of the best cases I liked began to fall apart, I got suspicious and started to doubt whether any of the really cool-sounding cases were as cut and dried as I had been told they were....and sure enough, every big case I looked into had additional details that either invalidated what I'd been told about the case or pointed to a much more likely explanation.

I had already become very sceptical of the paranormal before I ever became religious (I only found religion as an adult). Religion has nothing to do with it, plenty of religious people believe in all sorts of paranormal things, plenty of religious people spread disinformation too. If you look at the religious threads, there are plenty of times where I've debunked claims that fundamentalists make about the inerrancy of the Bible or the historical validity of particular Biblical stories, and I have heavy doubt regarding a lot of "miracle" claims.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
As some one who wants to believe, but highly skeptical. Grusch either wanted it to be real and was fed lies or is just straight up full of shyt with a high ranking job trying to get his 15 minutes of fame because the UFO community is full of suckers.:yeshrug:
Then that whole team was fed lies from multiple sources and through multiple interactions.

Thing is, multiple guys Grusch worked with already came out and made claims themselves, Grusch was different because he was the first one to go through the Pentagons whistleblower process (it didn't exist before) and testify under oath to congress.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Phoenix lights is the most baffling sighting til this date I think ….. everyone only speaks about the 10pm lights that people caught on camera that may or may not be flares which I even doubt they are flares but what most people don’t know is there was actully 2 sightings that night …. A 1 at roughly 8 pm that traveled over peoples homes from navada though phoenix no noise , maybe the size of a football field or bigger ….. v shaped ….. there is literally only 1 footage of this it’s so grainy on YouTube……there has to be more I know this was 1997 but still …. gov stil says all these sightings was flares but am highly doubtful…..

Phoenix Lights has already been posted in here. There were two different events, both were related to squadrons of A-10s (but two different squadrons) from the Maryland Air National Guard who were taking part in Operation Snowbird at the Air Force base right there. Lots of people saw them that night because everyone was looking at the Hale-Bopp Comet that was making a close pass by.

The first sightings around 8pm were a squadron of five A-10s that were crossing Phoenix while returning to the Air Force base near Tucson. We know the exact planes, their exact training mission, their exact flight path, their exact timing, the exact flight lights they were using, and it all matches up perfectly along with the sighting. The fact that they were five planes (matching the five lights) flying in the same formation that the lights were seen in at the same time along the same path easily proves it. Also, the timing of the sightings along different places in their flight path shows they were flying at 400mph, which matches the speed they were going at and also proves how high the lights must have been (because anyone who reported that they were moving slowly was simply misinterpreting how far away they were, as distant objects look slower when you don't take into account their height). In addition, an astronomer that night who was getting ready to watch the comet observed the lights himself through a 60x scope, saw that they were just planes, and reported that to the people around him AND to newspaper reporters the next day when the hype got in the news. Also, the one video of the sighting you mention clearly shows that the lights are moving relative to each other and thus aren't connected to a single object, but are multiple independent objects.

The second sightings at 10pm were a different squadron of four A-10s, but from the same Maryland National Guard and partaking in the same Operation Snowbird training mission. Once again, we know the planes involved, their mission, and even their pilots. It was their final training mission and they were dumping excess flares on the target grounds at the opposite side of the mountains from Phoenix before they returned to base. We know the exact specs of the flares and it matches exactly what people recording on video that night, we've had participant testimony from the pilots involved explaining exactly what they did. There isn't any doubt there at all.

The local Air Force base already confirmed this way back in 1997, the Maryland Air National Guard confirmed it, the pilots involved confirmed it, the astronomer who watched it through his telescope confirmed it, and the videos confirm it. There isn't a single detail in the evidence that disputes that the first group of lights were planes in formation or th that the second group of lights were flares dropped via parachute, except that some eyewitnesses didn't know what they were looking at. The fact that people still hype this shyt up without including all the evidence we know has gotten silly.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
He’s a very intelligent breh so I find his religious beliefs baffling. He’s Christian, he thinks that Jesus being divine is more likely than aliens visiting Earth.
Yall got to stop saying this about dude :mjlol:

He isnt intelligent at all. His strategy is to write long-winded posts where he seems like he knows wtf he is talking about, when all it does is regurgitate the same shyt written by other people who get paid to be debunkers and come up with the stupidest shyt as a way to explain what OTHER people saw. Literally, playing in peoples faces.

And of course he/she is overtly religious. In fact, a book was just released that said the Pentagon/government has people just like this dude that didnt want them researching this topic, including Grusch testifying because they think it’s demonic.

This the type of nikka that be gatekeeping information because they are afraid.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Hey since @Professor Emeritus likes to post links and babble why don’t I do the same.

[followed by Gish Gallop of awful evidence]

Breh, randomly mass-posting bad evidence doen't get you any closer to the truth. A lot of the stuff you posted doesn't even align and contradicts other stuff you posted. If you have good evidence, you post THAT evidence and make a coherent argument from it. The more bs you have to throw against wall all mixed up together, the weaker your case looks.

In terms of the Ariel stuff, there's a reason you're mass-posting the adult testimony while I'm focusing on the original testimony. What they said as adults, after they'd already had the childhood experience of being manipulated by two UFOologists (one of whom was a hypnotist), has little validity compared to their original reports. And their original reports were MUCH different than what they said later.

Rather than your mess of a Gish Gallop, how about you just read this site which carefully lays out the known evidence from beginning to end?


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Pentagon released UAP footage from USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt - all 3 of them (2004, 2014, 2015):

Wiki for the above videos, plus the wikis for the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) and the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP):

Pentagon UFO videos - Wikipedia Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program - Wikipedia All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office - Wikipedia

So are you not aware that the Pentagon themselves has already debunked those videos?

"One of the videos, referred to as GoFast, appears to show an object moving at immense speed. But an analysis by the military says that is an illusion created by the angle of observation against water. According to Pentagon calculations, the object is moving only about 30 miles per hour."

"Another video, known as Gimbal, shows an object that appears to be turning or spinning. Military officials now believe that is the optics of the classified image sensor, designed to help target weapons, make the object appear like it is moving in a strange way."

As others have pointed out before me, that's almost certainly why the Navy named the video "Gimbal". They already knew exactly what the video was showing and how mundane it was long before the video was even linked, but those who knew weren't disclosing it due to the desire to maintain confidentiality regarding capacities.

Mick West has debunked them as well, using the exact information already displayed on the screens.

In the FLIR video, the video focuses on a single UAP in the distance. It appears to rotate in place before zooming to the left of the frame. According to To the Stars Academy, this movement is “unprecedented velocity.”

West pointed out that, as the camera stops tracking the object, it also changes the zoom. This switch from a 1x zoom to a 2x zoom gives the object the appearance of “teleporting” to the left. The craft, which was always traveling to the left, continues apace but isn’t followed by the camera anymore. That gives it its apparent speed. “This is perfectly consistent with something like a distant aircraft just flying along quite normally making no sudden movements,” West said on YouTube.

He believes GIMBAL to be a plane as well, lit by the infrared flare of the engine and locked in place by a trick of the gimbal mounted camera viewing it. In a series of several videos on his YouTube channel, West walks through how a gimbal mounted camera can produce the effects seen in the Navy footage, including the rotating glare and image sharpening in IR cameras.

West thinks GOFAST is a balloon tracked by a camera and given unnatural speed by an effect called parallax--when viewed while moving, objects at different distances appear to move at different speeds. The To the Stars Academy release of GOFAST claims the object is moving quickly and low across water. West, using the data displayed in the camera footage, calculates the speed and distance of the perceived object. According to him, it’s actually moving slowly at a high altitude.

All three videos were just standard misinterpretations of sensor data. And you've spent all that time thinking and posting about it and watching dozens of explanation videos without getting that right.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

It looks like a model on a string, and the guy holding the string pulls is away at the end which is why the movement is so crazy disordered and unstable. How would it go from perfectly stable hovering to that ridiculously erratic movement that looks nothing like real flight?

When you find out that the guy who filmed it literally makes little wooden models as a hobby and has multiple UFO videos filmed in different locations. :dead:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
2013 Puerto Rican UAP:

Same Puerto Rican UAP video, but AI Upscaled to 1080p (please note this is AI-edited, guessing is involved here):

Almost certainly a chinese lantern floating by from the KNOWN chinese lantern launch beach that's right next to that base. It looks like it's going much faster than it is due to the movement of the tracking camera and the parallax effect - the buildings in the background are much further away than the object itself, so they pan by faster than the object actually moves.

Here is a report by Rubén Lianza, Commodore (ret), Argentine Air Force, Head of the Argentine Air Force Committee for Aerospace Phenomena Research.

"On the night of April 25, 2013 at about 09:22 PM (local time), a Bombardier DHC 8 airplane operated by the U.S. Customs & Border Protection equipped with an Infrared camera, captured and followed a very peculiar flying object which yielded a fluctuating infrared signature over Rafael Hernández airport, Aguadilla (Puerto Rico). The object at times seemed to disappear (which was interpreted by some ufologists as "splashing into the ocean") and also split into two pieces (1)."

"One thing that really helped me a lot to quickly interpret this alleged UFO as a wind-driven object was my former military pilot experience, having shot several airborne videos during hundreds of hours of test flights. But to avoid imposing here any "argument from authority" and to make this work completely scientific, I still had to demonstrate that the conditions for this object to be wind-driven must be met."

"Question 2: Is it one object… or two? The timeframe of the video that shows the object splitting into two was crucial to determine its true nature. Far from being the result of a single image "duplicated" by atmospheric diffraction, as Bob Bixler suggested: "Some or all of the 9 factors above could lead to image shimmering and signal variability, mirages (double mirages) and signal loss" (3) or even the most bizarre explanation about an extraordinary flying object duplicating itself, the two objects do not show reciprocating (mirror) images, as some kinds of mirages usually do. They are identical in shape and size and also bear exactly the same Infrared signature. The upper "lobes" show hotter (darker) spots as much as at the bottom areas (where lantern´s fires are usually located).

Under close inspection, it can be easily seen that each one of them is unmistakably manufactured in the shape of a heart."


Their truncated bottoms owe their shape to the circular openings for the air intake right below the candles.



Question 3: In case they were two lanterns, is it normal that sometimes they fly in pairs? The answer is YES. Applying Ockham´s razor principle, by approaching this UFO case starting from simpler to more complicated theories, and considering the humans´ social behavior before thinking about any non-human flying object theory, I believe this case might have been easily solved a long time ago, just if we bore in mind that heart-shaped hot air balloons are, in fact, released tied in pairs during some earthlings´ wedding parties.

Indeed… there exist companies which sell pairs of lanterns in the shape of hearts paraphrasing the song "Love is in the air" (George Young and Harry Vanda, 1978) and offering the balloons tied up holding a banner with the names of the just married.


Next, I looked for the weather report for that day at Puerto Rico´s Rafael Hernández airport ( According to the historical weather records, that night the wind was blowing from the East North-East quadrant.


Question 4: Where did they come from? Many resorts in Puerto Rico offer their facilities for wedding parties. Among the most known is the Mansion Hacienda Villa Bonita, less than 10 km South East of the airport (
There are also many Beach Resorts where wedding parties take place. One of them located on the beach near Villa Montana shows in the Internet pictures of people releasing (you guessed) wedding lanterns:


The Villa Montana Beach is located right to the East North-East of the Aguadilla airport, exactly the direction the wind was blowing from the night of April 25, 2013! In the map below we can see the area where the alleged UFO was captured in video and the relative position of Villa Montana Beach Resort.


"Even though the complete IPACO report can be read on Annex A, we can here anticipate the conclusion that for a UFO size of about 3 feet (1 m.) of transverse height and width, the camera-UFO distance was calculated in 3.9 NM (7,223 m.)."


Summarizing all the reports written on this strange UFO case, in addition to my recent IR image interpretation plus having identified a wedding lantern release scenario in perfect coincidence with the prevailing winds the night of April 25, 2013, I can conclude with a decent margin of certainty that a simple explanation does exist for the flying objects captured by the Wescam Infrared camera over the Rafael Hernández airport.

The alleged UFO was a simple pair of wind-driven hot air lanterns in the shape of hearts, tied together, very likely released during a wedding party, from a beach near Villa Montana Resort (or any place upwind from the Airport).

Link to Full Report:


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
This is a stupid statement to make
Religion is man made. If there’s anything that can be easily debunked it’s the abrahamic religions. Explain Adam & Eve, Noah’s Ark, Earth being created before the Sun, no historical evidence of the prophet Daniel yet his book is considered cannon etc.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Actually, that’s incorrect. Gruech was part of a UAP task force and his particular responsibility, because he had the appropriate clearances, was to determine if there was a crash retrieval program. Through the course of his investigation, he was able to get interviews from 40 firsthand whistleblowers who worked on the crash retrieval program along with corroborating videos and documentation. When he went to the crash retrieval program, he was refused access. At that point, he provided that information to the inspector general as well as Congress. It was only at that point upon receiving retaliation against him that he filed an official complaint with the inspector general. I don’t know where you’re getting your information from, but these are facts that he testified under oath to Congress, and this information has already been corroborated by multiple senators and members of the house.

Nothing I said was incorrect at all. Quote anything in that comment that you think you debunked and then quote the EXACT proof that it was wrong.

You are incorrect when you claim that Grusch interviewed "40 firsthand whistleblowers who worked on the crash retrieval program". He claims to have interviewed 40 people who had information related to the government and UAPs and SOME of them claimed to be firsthand witnesses who worked on the program. He's never specified how much of the evidence relates to a crash program specifically or how many of the people were actually firsthand observers of anything.

It's likely that the government does have a highly confidential crash retrival program to recover our own top secret aircraft and drones as well as aircraft/drones from our enemies. For the obvious political reasons (like if we recovered a top-secret Russian craft, especially if that craft still had pilots in it dead or alive, or if we recovered our own top secret craft from enemy soil), such a program would be at the highest levels of classification and anyone involved in part of it would only be in a need-to-know basis. Someone working on the periphery of the program likely would not even be told what was being recovered unless they had to know.

So it's possible that SOME people working in various levels of such a crash retrival program would know they were working in crash retrival, and know it was highly classified, but not know what they were actually recovering. It's possible that due to the high level of secrecy and sketchy, partial information coming to them, some such people would come to believe that UFOs were being recovered. But I think it's more likely that most of the "witnesses" he interviewed are just blowing smoke up his ass.

Until we get an ACTUAL statement from an ACTUAL witness and confirm his ACTUAL role and what he knows and can prove, it's all a bunch of smoke with no fire.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Religion is man made. If there’s anything that can be easily debunked it’s the abrahamic religions. Explain Adam & Eve, Noah’s Ark, Earth being created before the Sun, no historical evidence of the prophet Daniel yet his book is considered cannon etc.

Adam & Eve, the creation myths (both of them), and Noah's Ark are all pretty clearly myth to me and not based on historical reality. You should be able to deduce that just from the fact that the Bible starts off with two completely different creation myths (Genesis 1 and Genesis 2), which contradict each other. Everything in Genesis 1-10 is told in a mythological literature format, not in a historical literature format, and appears meant to relate tales explaining who God is and who people are and how things got this way in a story-telling sense. Nowhere in those books is there any claims of witnesses, or explanation for how someone would know these things happen, or testimony that this information was given to the writer by God, or anything like that. Just like Native American creation myths, it's a storytelling device meant to explain truths of our human nature and God's nature, not historical reality.

Beyond Genesis 1-10, it's pretty clear to me that Jonah and Job are told in that mythological story-telling format as well, with no claims to historical truth. I'm ambivalent on Daniel.

Now, will you take back that random slander you threw out based on unwarranted assumptions you made about me?


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
Adam & Eve, the creation myths (both of them), and Noah's Ark are all pretty clearly myth to me and not based on historical reality. You should be able to deduce that just from the fact that the Bible starts off with two completely different creation myths (Genesis 1 and Genesis 2), which contradict each other. Everything in Genesis 1-10 is told in a mythological literature format, not in a historical literature format, and appears meant to relate tales explaining who God is and who people are and how things got this way in a story-telling sense. Nowhere in those books is there any claims of witnesses, or explanation for how someone would know these things happen, or testimony that this information was given to the writer by God, or anything like that. Just like Native American creation myths, it's a storytelling device meant to explain truths of our human nature and God's nature, not historical reality.

Beyond Genesis 1-10, it's pretty clear to me that Jonah and Job are told in that mythological story-telling format as well, with no claims to historical truth. I'm ambivalent on Daniel.

Now, will you take back that random slander you threw out based on unwarranted assumptions you made about me?
How do you reconcile being a Christian while acknowledging the Old Testament is basically myth and fables? Jesus believed the Old Testament was literal did he not?

I did not mean to slander you or be offensive for that I apologize