Nah, you're tripping if you think men created this. Women control access to sex, so this is women's (and sexual freedom = feminism's) fault. Sexual freedom + birth control for women = average dude having less options. The top men eat though.
I'm not a millionaire or anything, but I make 6 figs, pass the 6' bar, and work out. When I went all in on the apps, it was just a conveyor belt of women honestly. After a while, you do see the negative impact it all has on relationships and pairing, though. I got to a point where I really felt I had to detox to be able to be with one woman- that constant novelty rewires your brain. And I never liked the idea of whoever I was with being smashed and dashed by dudes who were just like me, so I stopped and deleted the apps.
Being with one woman is challenging in its own ways, but rewarding. I do wonder if I would've reached the same place without wilding out, though.
YEP. Congrats to you. That’s why I said what I said.
These dating apps are basically a sex catalog for men, ESPECIALLY fine AND successful men.
If the less attractive women they don’t want long term are opening their legs, AND the more attractive women they would generally want are also opening their legs… I mean, wtf is going to happen?
I guess I understood it from a younger age cuz I have more men than women in my family and they are all educated and caked up. The divorced ones date nothing but Black female attorneys. Like, I didn’t know it was that easy for them but they have no reason to even think of dating a woman who isn’t fine and doesn’t make 6 figures. And they only date “age appropriate” women. They already got it easy plus all the women are just throwing themselves at men anyway? There’s no incentive.
Everything revolves around access to sex. Everything.
That’s why men pay for sex workers.
What’s the joke? “We don’t pay for the sex, we pay them to leave”.
Now regular women are doing the job of sex workers and not even getting a bit of provision out of the situation.
We don’t have to pay cuz men are more than happy to hit it and not be responsible for our emotions, etc after sex.
Women should certainly have access to birth control, and I definitely don’t want to be chained to a man I’m not attracted to or compatible with only because of his ability to provide (of course that is important!), but having control of reproduction doesn’t mean I gotta bust it open for dudes just cuz I think they’re cute.

If something goes wrong, it’s going to affect my body- not his. So is it worth it in the long run?
Sometimes we have to flip it around to see it from both sides.
Some ppl hate on beautiful women because it’s easier for them to find men who want to do things for them, properly court them, give them things, etc simply because of their looks.
Is it faaaaair? Nah. Is it morally right? That’s a good question to ask. Is it an option that is available to them? Yes. And because it’s a nice option they will probably go for it.
Well, men want sex. Is it fair that men with more money/looks have women throwing it at them? Nah. Is it morally right to sleep with all of those women? Probably not. Is it an option that is available to them? Yes. And because it’s a nice option they will probably go for it.
Men can stop throwing money at pretty girls who don’t want them, and women can stop throwing cat at men who don’t want them.
Again- my real issue in this thread was that this breh knew he didn’t find brehette attractive and didn’t want to be with her, but he literally left her at the damn alter. I realize there was more drama on the show that I didn’t know about, but ultimately, he could’ve just ended it without embarrassing ol girl for the world to see.
Anyway- I literally just checked this after finishing my meal planning for the rest of the week (baking salmon and chopping fruits and veggies @1am

). I wish AD and Clay the best…I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of either of them