Women promote and participate it far more than men do. Most men do not have the privilege of doing well with this culture/lifestyle- most young men are not even having sex.
Women are chasing after the same set of men. If they didn't, they honestly wouldn't be getting played so much. But being with the 6' dude who makes 6 figures is oh so important to them.
And yeah, I got tired of it. I found myself fitting the bill of what women want, but at some point, you lose respect for the superficial shyt women want. I just direct that energy into finding a woman that doesn't fit that mold instead of going fully my own way or going full HOH. But I complain about it because at some point you get disgusted by some of these women and how base (and honestly, twisted) women's attraction is.
But I mean...let's be real about what's happened. Society gave women the keys to drive the dating market for about a decade or two and things went left immediately. Sex has always been currency for women and times how shown modern women aren't good spenders.
All women except the truly unfortunate ones (the disabled and wheel-chair bound, deaf, blind, diseased, cancer patients, etc) have far more dating and mating options at their disposal than the vast majority of men. Only tall men with fame/popularity/clout/heavy social media presence, and/or wealth, handsome facial looks with great bodies have as much option/s. For the rest of men, they have to take what they can get. Women settle for them at best or ignore them completely at worst. And when they settle for the men they deem « average », they silently and deeply resent them because they ain’t MR. tall/popular/handsome/swagged up breh. They don’t feel butterflies in their stomach with these « boring and average » men. They feel trapped in a relationship with them, it’s so boring to them. And no matter what these men do, it’s never good enough for these selfish/ entitled/jaded women. And many years later, they divorce these dudes and try to act and feel like 22 again (no Taylor swift pun intended here) in a 43 year old body, in a desperate and vain attempt at reviving their glorious prime years.
The current Sexual revolution/hookup culture benefits only young women under 40 and the minority of men with the desired biological/genetic/financial/ social characteristics most women truly covet deep in their wicked hearts. Young Women in their physical prime ( the 18-40 age range) don’t care about personality, values, hard work, character or interior beauty like that. They only say that they want a good man with good values because they want to look good in front of other people, and they want to ease their conscience and pretend they’re pure and innocent people with zero vain and superficial and desires

they lie about this for image/reputation purposes and relieve their guilty consciences.
And the heavy/regular use of modern social media platforms (instagram, TikTok etc) in our lives only makes it worse.
A well dressed, average looking woman unfer 40 has many decent suitors going after her. Most of them aren’t the coveted and desired 6’5 tall, popular, clouted up, tatted up, in great shape and official member of handsome gang but they are decent enough people (some of them are even ambitious, loyal, good character, educated, with good jobs and looking to build a family )
You actually have to be a wealthy, good looking, young male celebrity to have as many dating/mating options as this woman.