These Muslims Are Showing Black America How Impotent And Weak It Is


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
:what: im not cosigning bombing innocent people at all but i wouldn't sit here and pretend like we dont do the same exact thing to them on a much bigger scale like you are

Then pick a side, I find it hilarious that all these people are outraged about American actions in other countries yet are perfectly fine with reaping the benefits of being American.

Why do you think the standard of living is so high in your country? :usure:

:obama: Because I lived in a Superpower

And how do you maintain being a Superpower? :usure:

With Peace, Love, and Understanding. How the f*ck else? :smugbiden:


Apr 10, 2013
Then pick a side, I find it hilarious that all these people are outraged about American actions in other countries yet are perfectly fine with reaping the benefits of being American.

Why do you think the standard of living is so high in your country? :usure:

:obama: Because I lived in a Superpower

And how do you maintain being a Superpower? :usure:

With Peace, Love, and Understanding. How the fukk else :smugbiden:


they hate America but are afraid to move to other countries.
Reminds me of @Slaimon who swears Sharia law is the perfect law but refuses to move to Saudi Arabia but somehow prefers to live in "immoral" American society and spew his garbage nonsense about Islam.

If America is so bad why are these people still living here?
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the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012

they hate America but are afraid to move to other countries.
Reminds me of @salimon who swears Sharia law is the perfect law but refuses to move to Saudi Arabia but somehow prefers to live in "immoral" American society and spew his garbage nonsense about Islam.

If America is so bad why are these people still living here?

Exactly, fukking hypocrites have no problem living in our First World society yet they shyt on the Military methods that enable us to continue living this lifestyle. What, you think the rest of the world is cool with the amount of global resources we use? :stopitslime:
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May 12, 2012
Then pick a side, I find it hilarious that all these people are outraged about American actions in other countries yet are perfectly fine with reaping the benefits of being American.

Why do you think the standard of living is so high in your country? :usure:

:obama: Because I lived in a Superpower

And how do you maintain being a Superpower? :usure:

With Peace, Love, and Understanding. How the f*ck else? :smugbiden:

:what: pick a side about what nikka? i know why we're a superpower even though i dont like it

im just saying im not about to act like a terrrorist bombing shyt here is worse than all the shyt that we do to other countries


Apr 10, 2013
Exactly, fukking hypocrites have no problem living in our First World society yet they shyt on the Military methods that enable us to continue living this lifestyle. What, you think the rest of the world is cool with the amount of global resources we use? :stopitslime:

They have no idea how many people would jump ship in their countries to come over. Believe me when I tell you most third world countries and Muslim countries are hell on earth. These hypocrites aint about that life they just talk.

If they had lived in Saudi Arabia and tried to run game on a phat ass Arabian girl they would probably be in jail right now getting raped by Saudi men.

But then again they aint about that life :skip:


Apr 10, 2013
:what: pick a side about what nikka? i know why we're a superpower even though i dont like it

im just saying im not about to act like a terrrorist bombing shyt here is worse than all the shyt that we do to other countries

What is wrong with America being a superpower?


All Star
Jul 26, 2012

they hate America but are afraid to move to other countries.
Reminds me of @Slaimon who swears Sharia law is the perfect law but refuses to move to Saudi Arabia but somehow prefers to live in "immoral" American society and spew his garbage nonsense about Islam.

If America is so bad why are these people still living here?

Yea. That shyt makes no sense to me. Black people did fight to make this country better for* ourselves. It's not perfect yet, sure. But ask any Black person if they'd rather live in the US today or 100 years ago and they'd say today with a quickness.

That's because we worked hard to get what we have. You can't get equal treatment in a society after you've spent generations killing their ancestors. bytches will hate you forever.

We didn't want to eradicate whites, we wanted to have the same things they had. Jobs with economic and social mobility, cars, the right to vote, own property, etc. It's not perfect but we've come fukking far in a short period of time compared to these idiots traveling to countries like France and responding to pre-existing laws by burning, rioting and pillaging. Despite this, France still tries to give their minorities rights because it's in their constitution.

And what do these people do who moved there for a better life? They respond by rioting and beating people up. :shaq2: They are entitled of course to righteous outrage to protect their own and their rights, but the stupid responses to moving to a secular Christian country, and trying to force people who lived there before you and have more power than you do to accept your rules about women, dress, and education is just...

If you don't like it then don't move there.

Oh you wanted a better opportunity for your fam?

Then shut the fukk up. How do you think they got it like that in that country?? They were killing each other for hundreds of years over religion and realized they fukked up and finally stopped so they cold economically mobilize the majority of their population.

I know I sound imperial as fukk in this post, but let's not pretend like Black people didn't fight for what's ours and just passively accepted it, and these crazy terrorists out there are the only ones doing it right :childplease: oh really, that's why they've been getting bombed the fukk out of and still fighting the same shyt battles for 30 years with generations on both sides hating each other.

At least WE'VE made some progress with our own strategies.
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the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
:what: pick a side about what nikka? i know why we're a superpower even though i dont like it

im just saying im not about to act like a terrrorist bombing shyt here is worse than all the shyt that we do to other countries

If you're so outraged why continue living here? How can you stand residing amongst some filth?! Holier than thou nikkas don't mind reaping the rewards but can't stand getting their hands dirty :beli:


May 1, 2012
Yea. That shyt makes no sense to me. Black people did fight to make this country better for* ourselves. It's not perfect yet, sure. But ask any Black person if they'd rather live in the US today or 100 years ago and they'd say today with a quickness.

That's because we worked hard to get what we have. You can't get equal treatment in a society after you've spent generations killing their ancestors. bytches will hate you forever.

We didn't want to eradicate whites, we wanted to have the same things they had. Jobs with economic and social mobility, cars, the right to vote, own property, etc. It's not perfect but we've come fukking far in a short period of time compared to these idiots traveling to countries like France and responding to pre-existing laws by burning, rioting and pillaging. Despite this, France still tries to give their minorities rights because it's in their constitution.

And what do these people do who moved there for a better life? They respond by rioting and beating people up. :shaq2: They are entitled of course to righteous outrage to protect their own and their rights, but the stupid responses to moving to a secular Christian country, and trying to force people who lived there before you and have more power than you do to accept your rules about women, dress, and education is just...

If you don't like it then don't move there.

Oh you wanted a better opportunity for your fam?

Then shut the fukk up. How do you think they got it like that in that country?? They were killing each other for hundreds of years over religion and realized they fukked up and finally stopped so they cold economically mobilize the majority of their population.

I know I sound imperial as fukk in this post, but let's not pretend like Black people didn't fight for what's ours and just passively accepted it, and these crazy terrorists out there are the only ones doing it right :childplease: oh really, that's why they've been getting bombed the fukk out of and still fighting the same shyt battles for 30 years with generations on both sides hating each other.

At least WE'VE made some progress with our own strategies.

Stockholm syndrome.


Oct 21, 2012
The muslims have their pride and their faith. They have their homelands and nationalities to rally behind.

Google the World Court and look into that. There were going to charges brought against the United States for what they've done to blacks, they were going have to pay for their crimes, we could have had are own nation carved out for us like the israelis, but guess what.

They sent c00n ass Colin Powell and Condolezza Rice to speak on behalf of us, talking about we straight, we like being Americans, its all good,.

Black americans were raised by whites, giving white people names, giving the bible raising black babies to believe God is white and Jesus is the way.
How can you raise a hand against God? Slavery was all mental, it had nothing to do with whips and chains, you take a child from birth and teach him white man is God it has a psychological affect on the brain, and you had this shyt go on for centuries.

We've been conditioned for centuries to hate ourselves not the white man, we love that white man. A dark skin man holds contempt for a black with light skin more than the a white person. The Chief Keef generation seems wild and out of control, but they don't want no static with honkeys.

Saves post :ohhh:


Jun 4, 2012
it's a damn shame. after centuries of oppression, from slavery to the still present systemic discrimination we endure on a daily basis, you'd think black people would be the ones angry enough to start blowing these cacs up. instead, we :to: when these racist cacs see their bodies drop from a "terrorist" strike perpetrated by muslims who don't give a fukk about the consequences, as if those cacs give a fukk about what we're suffering from.

these muslims are showing black people how to do it, yet we aren't paying attention. they are actually taking shots at this system, oftentimes dying for their beliefs, and never backing down. paul mooney is right. :salute:
First off, as difficult as it is to overcome systematic brainwashing, we need to try to get past our self hate before we do anything.

In most cases of terror, the religion is irrelevant because the primary reasons are political and terrorist grow out of oppression. The True terrorist are the oppressors. Most of the time we have things twisted because of our media.

white people should be grateful, we (black people) are too comfortable and hopeful to participate in this type of behavior.
At the same time, as a people we are above than that random killing sh1t.
If we did that random killing and bombing stuff, we would be no better than the people here who actually believe that America is an equal and fair nation.

However, IF one of us popped a couple key people or sparked a revolution - I would be grateful to that person. I say video tape and make any killing viral for maxim effect.

We have to be more particular and diverse in our strategy. We do need the institutions and programs of this nation (we don't have other options because history has forced us into this situation) - we need to use these resources to get ourselves into key positions in society that don't involve entertainment and sports. IF some of us are radical... then it would hurt our causes to act like the Arabic Muslims - we would need to focus in on key people to murk- despicable people that deserve to be dipped in lava anyway. Also, we need to invest our most efforts in early childhood education - that alone, solves madd problems.


May 12, 2012
If you're so outraged why continue living here? How can you stand residing amongst some filth?! Holier than thou nikkas don't mind reaping the rewards but can't stand getting their hands dirty :beli:

:what: who the hell said i was outraged tho nikka i just said i dont fukk with it and you're actin like im standin on soapboxes in the street talkin down on the government

every country does their dirt nikka foh with that "why you still living here" bs


Jun 4, 2012
The muslims have their pride and their faith. They have their homelands and nationalities to rally behind.

Google the World Court and look into that. There were going to charges brought against the United States for what they've done to blacks, they were going have to pay for their crimes, we could have had are own nation carved out for us like the israelis, but guess what.

They sent c00n ass Colin Powell and Condolezza Rice to speak on behalf of us, talking about we straight, we like being Americans, its all good,.

Black americans were raised by whites, giving white people names, giving the bible raising black babies to believe God is white and Jesus is the way.
How can you raise a hand against God? Slavery was all mental, it had nothing to do with whips and chains, you take a child from birth and teach him white man is God it has a psychological affect on the brain, and you had this shyt go on for centuries.

We've been conditioned for centuries to hate ourselves not the white man, we love that white man. A dark skin man holds contempt for a black with light skin more than the a white person. The Chief Keef generation seems wild and out of control, but they don't want no static with honkeys.
