These Muslims Are Showing Black America How Impotent And Weak It Is


Dec 17, 2012
'I'm willing to die for Islam': Boston Marathon bomber's chilling texts to his mother reveal he was prepared to sacrifice his life for jihad

Tamerlan Tsarnaev: Boston Marathon bomber's texts reveal he was ready to sacrifice his life for jihad | Mail Online

You're taking the words of a man who was clearly unstable (the older brother Tamerlane) and using the Daily Mail as your source. When you said this:

You can't be serious with this comment for a religion that endorses Jihad?

And, when I clearly asked you for quotes from said endorsements from the Quran when you said the Quran backs jihadits up. :childplease: You really are a basement dwelling internet troll who lies about his accomplishments online. Engineer my ass. You're brain dead. :snoop:


Jun 22, 2012
You're taking the words of a man who was clearly unstable (the older brother Tamerlane) and using the Daily Mail as your source. When I clearly asked you for quotes from said endorsements from the Quran when you said the Quran backs jihadits up. :childplease: You really are a basement dwelling internet troll who lies about his accomplishments online. Engineer my ass. You're brain dead. :snoop:

I just tend to help people(aka coli posters) with their college engineering assignments.

I wouldn't be able to do that if I wasn't an engineer would I?

Qur'an 9:29 " Fight those people of the Book (Jews and Christians) who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, do not refrain from what has been prohibited by Allah and His Messenger and do not embrace the religion of truth (Al-Islam), until they pay Jizya (protection tax) with their own hands and feel themselves subdued."


Dec 17, 2012
I just tend to help people(aka coli posters) with their college engineering assignments.

I wouldn't be able to do that if I wasn't an engineer would I?

Quit trying to change the subject and answer the question you ignorant pos. :ufdup: You constantly talk about ppl being ignorant on this forum when in actuality it's just YOU. You spew all this Islam hate and talk about how Islam is a violent religion and that it says in the Quran that and I quote...:

for a religion that endorses Jihad?

So, my question is where is this so called said quote from the Quran that states support for Jihadists. Take your time, I'mma go somewhere and when I come back I want specific evidence. Thanks. :aicmon:


Jun 22, 2012
Quit trying to change the subject and answer the question you ignorant pos. :ufdup: You constantly talk about ppl being ignorant on this forum when in actuality it's just YOU. You spew all this Islam hate and talk about how Islam is a violent religion and that it says in the Quran that and I quote...:

So, my question is where is this so called said quote from the Quran that states support for Jihadists. Take your time, I'mma go somewhere and when I come back I want specific evidence. Thanks. :aicmon:

Jihad - Wikiquote
Jul 6, 2012
it's a damn shame. after centuries of oppression, from slavery to the still present systemic discrimination we endure on a daily basis, you'd think black people would be the ones angry enough to start blowing these cacs up. instead, we :to: when these racist cacs see their bodies drop from a "terrorist" strike perpetrated by muslims who don't give a fukk about the consequences, as if those cacs give a fukk about what we're suffering from.

these muslims are showing black people how to do it, yet we aren't paying attention. they are actually taking shots at this system, oftentimes dying for their beliefs, and never backing down. paul mooney is right. :salute:

Jews and Chinese people are the better example...

They have created their own little country inside the greater USA (or any other country they are)...

That's how you do...

You make sure your kids go to school...Play by the rules of whichever country they are in...

Put people of your race in strategic positions to help other people of your race come up, until you have enough people in all the right places, and ensure that when black people in America have been taken care of, you should start lobbying for policies that help Africa get its act together...

There is NO GOOD future for black people in America...If you black and you want your future progeny to have a better chance, you need to start whitening your family tree, and start teaching them Spanish...
May 1, 2012
First off, as difficult as it is to overcome systematic brainwashing, we need to try to get past our self hate before we do anything.

In most cases of terror, the religion is irrelevant because the primary reasons are political and terrorist grow out of oppression. The True terrorist are the oppressors. Most of the time we have things twisted because of our media.

white people should be grateful, we (black people) are too comfortable and hopeful to participate in this type of behavior.
At the same time, as a people we are above than that random killing sh1t.
If we did that random killing and bombing stuff, we would be no better than the people here who actually believe that America is an equal and fair nation.

However, IF one of us popped a couple key people or sparked a revolution - I would be grateful to that person. I say video tape and make any killing viral for maxim effect.

We have to be more particular and diverse in our strategy. We do need the institutions and programs of this nation (we don't have other options because history has forced us into this situation) - we need to use these resources to get ourselves into key positions in society that don't involve entertainment and sports. IF some of us are radical... then it would hurt our causes to act like the Arabic Muslims - we would need to focus in on key people to murk- despicable people that deserve to be dipped in lava anyway. Also, we need to invest our most efforts in early childhood education - that alone, solves madd problems.

i understand where you're coming from, but you have to grasp the fundamental idea that these victims are not random tragedies within a social and cultural vacuum. they're complicit in the oppression these "terrorists" are responding to, making them far from random victims haplessly bombed for no apparent reason. is it tragic? yes, but there is a clear relationship between their passive - if not outright willing - acceptance of the spoils of oppression and the source of the hatred that precipitated the execution of the "terrorism" inflicted upon them.

and until these people understand how they are actively participating in the oppression of third world people, they will continue to wrongly assign blame for their injuries and deaths to "terrorists" instead of their governments.
May 1, 2012
Jews and Chinese people are the better example...

They have created their own little country inside the greater USA (or any other country they are)...

That's how you do...

You make sure your kids go to school...Play by the rules of whichever country they are in...

Put people of your race in strategic positions to help other people of your race come up, until you have enough people in all the right places, and ensure that when black people in America have been taken care of, you should start lobbying for policies that help Africa get its act together...

There is NO GOOD future for black people in America...If you black and you want your future progeny to have a better chance, you need to start whitening your family tree, and start teaching them Spanish...

black people can't play by the rules in the country, because we're persecuted even if we abide by the law. you can't draw a parallel between our situation and how jews/chinese are situated here.
May 1, 2012
From ex drug dealer, well spoken mixed black man, flashy dresser, to a guy doing nothing when another guy touches his ass in a bar, economic wizard and scholar and want to be teacher to an extremist now? What next ?


when have i ever been a flashy dresser? it's the exact opposite, if you check my post history. i don't rock labels (true, gucci, etc.). as for the rest of what you said, so what? i got pinched for hustling. i'm educated and articulate. i don't think i've ever claimed to be an "economic wizard," though i do acknowledge being in post-grad.

and the term "extremist" is applied to people who usually reject western anglo orthodoxy. your post betrays an awful lot of stupidity. :ufdup:


May 1, 2012
it's a damn shame. after centuries of oppression, from slavery to the still present systemic discrimination we endure on a daily basis, you'd think black people would be the ones angry enough to start blowing these cacs up. instead, we :to: when these racist cacs see their bodies drop from a "terrorist" strike perpetrated by muslims who don't give a fukk about the consequences, as if those cacs give a fukk about what we're suffering from.

these muslims are showing black people how to do it, yet we aren't paying attention. they are actually taking shots at this system, oftentimes dying for their beliefs, and never backing down. paul mooney is right. :salute:

Thats your white side talkin bruh. You must calm your inner cac. :blessed:
May 1, 2012
Are you surprised? We've always been a weak timid race. Throw us a few smiles and some money and the negro will be content. No ambition, no drive, nothing.

it's a damn shame. black people, by and large, are content with their second class status. i don't know if i'm going to turn to islam, but i'm open to reading the quran and welcoming a different perspective. i'm not religious at all, almost bordering on atheistic, but i'm sick and fukking TIRED of black people gladly embracing the role of slave. and i'm fascinated, i'll admit, by how determined muslims are to break free from western hegemony.

black people think we can operate within the law and commit ourselves to civic responsibility. i say, "bullshyt!." what has voting, since accorded that supposed "right," given us as a community? JACK shyt.

makes me feel like :scusthov: at many of the blacks i see.