The Woman King is one of the best movies I ever watched, controversy be damned


May 25, 2022
Not a single person in here said or implied that the British ended slavery out of the kindness of their heart. That's a point that stands on nothing presented. Nobody's trying to Woman King the British:mjlol:

Again I hope it was worth it:manny: because they're having meetings right now about what they can Woman King next

A number of people did ridiculously imply that the British were heroes.

Absurdly saying "Even the British told the Dahomey to stop trading in slaves and they just wouldn't listen" :mjgrin:

as if the Brits were good guys just trying to stop slavery and the ultra powerful Dahomey just wouldn't listen to their moral arguments.

Yes the "moral" British Empire, because after they finished "stopping" slavery proceeded to not just continue with their colonies in the Caribbean and elsewhere full of kidnapped Black people, but because that wasn't enough, entered the continent in force and slaughtered the Ashanti, the Zulu, stole land to create apartheid South Africa, puppet states like Nigeria, Southern Rhodesia, Zambia, and more and then proceeded to strip mine them of diamonds, gold, oil, etc...and become rich off stolen african wealth to the present day.

And more movies about African empires will be produced which is exactly as it should be because the Black film industry is embarrassingly pathetic and consists primarily of nothing but biographical films, comedies, crime films, and weak slave films showing Black docility and acquiescence which strangely never resulted in boycotts.

Almost like the critics are disingenuous and were never serious about wanting pro-Black films to begin with.
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Jun 1, 2012
A number of people did ridiculously imply that the British were heroes.

Absurdly saying "Even the British told the Dahomey to stop trading in slaves and they just wouldn't listen" :mjgrin:

as if the Brits were good guys just trying to stop slavery and the ultra powerful Dahomey just wouldn't listen to their moral arguments.

Yes the "moral" British Empire, because after they finished "stopping" slavery proceeded to not just continue with their colonies in the Caribbean and elsewhere full of kidnapped Black people, but because that wasn't enough, entered the continent in force and slaughtered the Ashanti, the Zulu, stole land to create apartheid South Africa, puppet states like Nigeria, Southern Rhodesia, Zambia, and more and then proceeded to strip mine them of diamonds, gold, oil, etc...and become rich off stolen african wealth to the present day.

And more movies about African empires will be produced which is exactly as it should be because the Black film industry is embarrassingly pathetic and consists primarily of nothing but biographical films, comedies, crime films, and weak slave films showing Black docility and acquiescence which strangely never resulted in boycotts.

Almost like the disingenuous critics were never serious about wanting pro-Black films to begin with.
That's not implying the British were heroes, it's the fukkin truth :mjlol:

A comparative example is the Rape Of Nanking got SO bad Germany sent a Nazi to Japan to tell them nikkas to CHILL

Is that implying that the Nazis were heroes? Not if you're using your brain and looking for points to project off of. There's no "as if" that's you doing your own conclusive leaps

Using moral in quotations to refer to the British empire like nikkas ain't been roasting the Queens death and the absurdity of the crown. Y'all try so hard to sound smarter than nikkas then fall to the trappings of your own comprehension level

And there is no "Black film industry" that's the mistake y'all keep making
. White people are funding, casting, writing and producing all these shyts:mjlol:

And those movies you speak of didn't need boycotts because black people wasn't going to see them shyts in the first place. That's why the Cac film industry pivoted to a more palatable form of acquiescence like Woman King
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May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
A number of people did ridiculously imply that the British were heroes.

Absurdly saying "Even the British told the Dahomey to stop trading in slaves and they just wouldn't listen" :mjgrin:

as if the Brits were good guys just trying to stop slavery and the ultra powerful Dahomey just wouldn't listen to their moral arguments.
No one implied the British were good guys or the heroes of anything. The fact that the British Blockaded them to get them to stop the slave trade is a historical fact. The fact that the British suggested to them to stop slaving and instead pivot to exporting palm oil is also a historical fact. Pointing that out when discussing the Dahomey's refusal to stop being enslavers does not imply anything about the good intentions of the British. What it does do is demonstrate the Dahomey's real reluctance to stop their own participation in the slave trade.

So your attempt to act like anything was being said about the morality of any one else but the Dahomey is just another attempt to defend the indefensible. It really is pretty pathetic in my opinion. It just continues to demonstrate to me that some of you possess a morality that changes based on who commits the evil acts, instead of being based the the fact that the act is evil in the first place. Some of you will argue to defend the Dahomey's repugnant history of slaving in the same manner that I've seen White conservatives argue about the Civil War being only about states rights. The only difference is that most White conservatives seem to be self-aware enough to not openly defend their ancestors participation in slavery directly, some of you here are actually doing that for the Dahomey without even noticing it.


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
A number of people did ridiculously imply that the British were heroes.

Absurdly saying "Even the British told the Dahomey to stop trading in slaves and they just wouldn't listen" :mjgrin:

as if the Brits were good guys just trying to stop slavery and the ultra powerful Dahomey just wouldn't listen to their moral arguments.

Yes the "moral" British Empire, because after they finished "stopping" slavery proceeded to not just continue with their colonies in the Caribbean and elsewhere full of kidnapped Black people, but because that wasn't enough, entered the continent in force and slaughtered the Ashanti, the Zulu, stole land to create apartheid South Africa, puppet states like Nigeria, Southern Rhodesia, Zambia, and more and then proceeded to strip mine them of diamonds, gold, oil, etc...and become rich off stolen african wealth to the present day.

And more movies about African empires will be produced which is exactly as it should be because the Black film industry is embarrassingly pathetic and consists primarily of nothing but biographical films, comedies, crime films, and weak slave films showing Black docility and acquiescence which strangely never resulted in boycotts.

Almost like the critics are disingenuous and were never serious about wanting pro-Black films to begin with.

These fake ass militants dont leave their basements breh.


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
The Africans were just as complicit as the Europeans both are guilty.

Nothing fake militant about that.

Comparing them to Nazi's is fake militant

dikksucking the British as if they were cared about stopping slavery and expecting african tribes to do whatever the Brits tell them to do is is fake militant

Claiming theres wenching in the movie when there's no absolutely no wenching in the movie is fake militant

Claiming the movie is anti-black male and makes black men look weak when theres literally none of that in the movie is fake militant

Claiming the movie covers up their role in slavery when it actually addresses it head on is fake militant

The movie doesn't even depict the Agojie as heroes that freed slaves. It depicts them as warriors who saved their own tribe from the Oyos. That's it. Every narrative being spewed about the movie is bullshyt by nikkas who didnt watch it.

As for Africans being complicit everyone knows this which is why damn near every West african country has already owned up to it and apologized. Benin was the first country to apologize, they know what they did.

And the reality is black americans are the descendants of slaves and slave traders. Whichever tribe your roots trace back too, that tribe was trading slaves and having tribe members held captive and sold as slaves.

But im not finna go back and forth about it, nikkas can have the twitter propaganda trying to take heat off cacs. Brehs was really out here posting National Review articles on here this past weekend, smh
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All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Comparing them to Nazi's is fake militant

dikksucking the British as if they were cared about stopping slavery and expecting african tribes to do whatever the Brits tell them to do is is fake militant

Claiming theres wenching in the movie when there's no absolutely no wenching in the movie is fake militant

Claiming the movie is anti-black male and makes black men look weak when theres literally none of that in the movie is fake militant

Claiming the movie covers up their role in slavery when it actually addresses it head on is fake militant

The movie doesn't even depict the Agojie as heroes that freed slaves. It depicts them as warriors who saved their own tribe from the Oyos. That's it. Every narrative being spewed about the movie is bullshyt by nikkas who didnt watch it.

As for Africans being complicit everyone knows this which is why damn near every West african country has already owned up to it and apologized. Benin was the first country to apologize, they know what they did.

And the reality is black americans are the descendants of slaves and slave traders. Whichever tribe your roots trace back too, that tribe was trading slaves and having tribe members held captive and sold as slaves.

But im not finna go back and forth about it, nikkas can have the twitter propaganda trying to take heat off cacs. Brehs was really out here posting National Review articles on here this past weekend, smh
Very Well put. No point in arguing with people that didn’t see it because they like to be wrong and strong on here.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Comparing them to Nazi's is fake militant

dikksucking the British as if they were cared about stopping slavery and expecting african tribes to do whatever the Brits tell them to do is is fake militant

Claiming theres wenching in the movie when there's no absolutely no wenching in the movie is fake militant

Claiming the movie is anti-black male and makes black men look weak when theres literally none of that in the movie is fake militant

Claiming the movie covers up their role in slavery when it actually addresses it head on is fake militant

The movie doesn't even depict the Agojie as heroes that freed slaves. It depicts them as warriors who saved their own tribe from the Oyos. That's it. Every narrative being spewed about the movie is bullshyt by nikkas who didnt watch it.

As for Africans being complicit everyone knows this which is why damn near every West african country has already owned up to it and apologized. Benin was the first country to apologize, they know what they did.

And the reality is black americans are the descendants of slaves and slave traders. Whichever tribe your roots trace back too, that tribe was trading slaves and having tribe members held captive and sold as slaves.

But im not finna go back and forth about it, nikkas can have the twitter propaganda trying to take heat off cacs. Brehs was really out here posting National Review articles on here this past weekend, smh

Who compared them to Nazi's?

People said Jews would never allow them to be viewed in a positive light in a movie.

And no one is dikk sucking Britain.

And again Africans are just responsible as the Europeans for the atrocities surrounding the transatlantic slave trade.

ADOS and other descendants of the trade have a right to point it out and be opposed to this move.
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la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
Comparing them to Nazi's is fake militant

dikksucking the British as if they were cared about stopping slavery and expecting african tribes to do whatever the Brits tell them to do is is fake militant

Claiming theres wenching in the movie when there's no absolutely no wenching in the movie is fake militant

Claiming the movie is anti-black male and makes black men look weak when theres literally none of that in the movie is fake militant

Claiming the movie covers up their role in slavery when it actually addresses it head on is fake militant

The movie doesn't even depict the Agojie as heroes that freed slaves. It depicts them as warriors who saved their own tribe from the Oyos. That's it. Every narrative being spewed about the movie is bullshyt by nikkas who didnt watch it.

As for Africans being complicit everyone knows this which is why damn near every West african country has already owned up to it and apologized. Benin was the first country to apologize, they know what they did.

And the reality is black americans are the descendants of slaves and slave traders. Whichever tribe your roots trace back too, that tribe was trading slaves and having tribe members held captive and sold as slaves.

But im not finna go back and forth about it, nikkas can have the twitter propaganda trying to take heat off cacs. Brehs was really out here posting National Review articles on here this past weekend, smh

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
What’s the controversy?

Edit: yeah just read up on it. Trash ass movie.
Imagine a film being made glorifying Hitler’s regime. Wouldn’t happen. Whole fukking lineage full of c00ns.
Then imagine the Jews are like “man y’all just need to go see the movie. You’ll see what they was trying to do. Great acting. Great cinematography. 5 stars!!”

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
You reread my post while using Nazis instead. I’m sure there have been white films where there is a nazi soldier that has thoughts on what they were doing was wrong. They use that character as a vehicle to address that particular problem. If you disagree you’re being obtuse because it happens in movies all the time.

Whether you like it or not, in our current time, Black Panther is the gold standard. You don’t have another movie to date with a majority black cast with that kind of budget breaking those kinds of records. So for the time we are in it’s the gold standard. Will we have better movies in the future certainly.

Like I said, if there are better movies of this elk that have been made point them out. You can’t because they haven’t been done yet. It’s the inability to contextualize the times we are in and then look back on some high horse sh*t. No one in here is saying the Dahomeys were perfect or even good but in the story the film was telling the focus wasn’t slavery. That’s what I’m getting at. The slavery was in the background not the forefront.

I have an issue with people turning the movie into something it is not without watching the movie. More importantly it’s problematic when people who watched the movie are telling them they are wrong and these people are arguing with them like they have equal footing.

I’m not coming at you with this question, but did you watch the film?
No. No there is no movie like that. Cause they respect themselves and wouldn’t support that shyt. Not only that but they’d then put the JDL on their ass and raise hell. That shyt wouldn’t even get greenlit

Be serious. That’s why you gotta guess there is one but we clearly have one here. Other people don’t do this to themselves. Hell racist ass QT knew to only change his wwII movie to kill Hitler. Not prop him up as having a moment of clarity

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
What about the part that Frank Lucas played in destroying black lives and families? Why weren't you refusing to see that? That was a true story, one that happened only decades ago compared to this Woman King story that happened centuries ago. How come you and others weren't against that movie?
Answer your own questions breh

Nobody would have a problem if this came out as a true story of what happened. Nobody. Cause they’d get mad and someone would say “well that’s exactly what happened”