The Woman King is one of the best movies I ever watched, controversy be damned


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
I think it’s because this is the first time in a long time a movie with a majority black cast with a black director has caused this level of a split with the potential audience it was intended for. It may just be my bias but It’s not that some of us are mad that y’all don’t want to see it. I am to degree bc I think it’s a good film aside from the controversy. Some of us are like at least see it before you start trashing it because then these opinions will be more well informed and robust. It’s like saying an album is trash but not listening to it because you don’t like what the artist does outside of the music. Is the album trash or you don’t want to support the album? The two points are being conflated when they are two very different things. So i think this split is playing out in real time in this thread.
See that bolded part makes no logical sense. Let me explain why.

1. First, no one has to see the movie to understand that the premise of a movie is not something they want to support. Did any of our ancestors have to see "The Birth of A Nation" to know they did not want to see it and instead boycotted it?

2. There are people who are actually paid to see movies, give reviews, summaries, critiques, and synopsis of them. We don't need to actually see the movie to know what happens in the movie, since others have already done it whom are paid to do it.

3. Why would we hand over our money to a movie whose premise is repugnant to us, just so we can give those of you who do desire to see the movie a reason that you feel will be valid for our own reasons for not seeing the movie? It should be enough that we have decided with our own agency that we do not desire to see the movie, and our reasoning as Black Americans concerning the misrepresentation of the tribe being made heroes in the movie should be enough. We who desire to honor our enslaved ancestors should have our decisions on this respected just as much as you feel your decision to see it and support it should be respected. We are under no obligation to actually go see a movie just to support what you like, just because the movie has a Black director and all Black actors. Also, let's not forget the premise was created by a White woman and the screen play written by two White women. So this effort was not an effort born out of our own community, but was born out of the efforts of the White Feminist community.

So in the end, we have a right choose to not spend our money on something we disagree with. We also have a right to express our reasons for not supporting it too. You have the right to support it and say why you support it. Where I see the problem is when some of you decide to insult those who have decided that we do not support the movie, using very spurious and disingenuous arguments that lean on the bleeding edge of even actually supporting the slaving ways of the Dahomey that the movie is about. It amazes me that some of you will pish posh our reason for not supporting it by trying to downplay the historical enthusiastic participation of the Dahomey in the Slave-Trade. Essentially doing the same thing some of us find repugnant about the misrepresentation of them in the movie as some heroes.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Yeah they're basically fighting an imaginary movie.

And the core of their complaint seems to be, "Hey we as Black men wanted to be prominently featured in this cool movie about African warriors, and since we weren't we're going to pretend that we hate slavery movies now and want to boycott them." :mjgrin:

Because did they boycott the 2 versions of Underground Railroad? Nope Which they should have since they both showed Black people in a pathetic state doing nothing much but running from whites.

12 years a slave? Nope. Which was even worse since a white guy had to save the protagonist from slavery at the end. :scust:

Django which showed a white man having to guide a Black man on how to do revenge? Nope And in fact because it was a Tarantino film whites were just as prominently featured as Jamie Foxx's character. With massive amounts of n word usage.

Did they promote Birth of a Nation which they should have since they hate slavery movies? Nope. They let Black women rip Nate Parker and the film apart and did little to assist him or the film. :jbhmm:

So they don't hate Slavery movies they just hate not being prominently featured as heroes in them and they seem to hate maybe Black women getting attention instead of them.

And the "individual behind the boycott, Antonio" was accused of telling Black people not to vote for Democrats, much like Tariq because he wants reparations which in the US is like asking for a free mansion as it has the same probability of happening. :mjlol:

So he and others aren't serious.

So if he is pro-Black what is he doing for the Black community? Apparently nothing much. But he can definitely organize a boycott on twitter.
What does any of this illogical gibberish have to do with what is being discussed? You erected a giant strawman to argue against. No one is saying anything like what you have up above. You are so determined to support this movie and shyt on those who don't, now you are creating a completely false narrative about why we do not desire to support the movie. A narrative that I mind you makes no logical sense at all to boot.


May 25, 2022
So it's basically a Fantasy Film

It's a slightly modified history film. But to hear some tell it they think it's about the Dahomey Avengers fighting against the enslaving euro cacs. :mjgrin:

And they think the "real history" is that the Dahomey forced the Brits, Americans and other cacs to take enslaved Africans when they didn't want to as they were just pure and angelic cacs purely interested in abolishing slavery and doing right by Black people. :russ:

Which is lunacy.

Neither is true

The Dahomey were like the Spartans, Vikings, Mali Empire, Oyo, Ashanti, etc...

An empire that engaged in warmongering and enslaving to make a buck off of slavery because they felt it was the most profitable way to do things. Some fought against it but most went along with it. Just like most people in the USA until it was no longer profitable.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
It's a slightly modified history film. But to hear some tell it they think it's about the Dahomey Avengers fighting against the enslaving euro cacs. :mjgrin:

And they think the "real history" is that the Dahomey forced the Brits, Americans and other cacs to take enslaved Africans when they didn't want to as they were just pure and angelic cacs purely interested in abolishing slavery and doing right by Black people. :russ:

Which is lunacy.

Neither is true

The Dahomey were like the Spartans, Vikings, Mali Empire, Oyo, Ashanti, etc...

An empire that engaged in warmongering and enslaving to make a buck off of slavery because they felt it was the most profitable way to do things. Some fought against it but most went along with it. Just like most people in the USA until it was no longer profitable.
Cool. So what’s wrong with telling that story? Or people saying “we don’t like they ain’t telling that story”


All Star
Jun 14, 2012
See that bolded part makes no logical sense. Let me explain why.

1. First, no one has to see the movie to understand that the premise of a movie is not something they want to support. Did any of our ancestors have to see "The Birth of A Nation" to know they did not want to see it and instead boycotted it?

2. There are people who are actually paid to see movies, give reviews, summaries, critiques, and synopsis of them. We don't need to actually see the movie to know what happens in the movie, since others have already done it whom are paid to do it.

3. Why would we hand over our money to a movie whose premise is repugnant to us, just so we can give those of you who do desire to see the movie a reason that you feel will be valid for our own reasons for not seeing the movie? It should be enough that we have decided with our own agency that we do not desire to see the movie, and our reasoning as Black Americans concerning the misrepresentation of the tribe being made heroes in the movie should be enough. We who desire to honor our enslaved ancestors should have our decisions on this respected just as much as you feel your decision to see it and support it should be respected. We are under no obligation to actually go see a movie just to support what you like, just because the movie has a Black director and all Black actors. Also, let's not forget the premise was created by a White woman and the screen play written by two White women. So this effort was not an effort born out of our own community, but was born out of the efforts of the White Feminist community.

So in the end, we have a right choose to not spend our money on something we disagree with. We also have a right to express our reasons for not supporting it too. You have the right to support it and say why you support it. Where I see the problem is when some of you decide to insult those who have decided that we do not support the movie, using very spurious and disingenuous arguments that lean on the bleeding edge of even actually supporting the slaving ways of the Dahomey that the movie is about. It amazes me that some of you will pish posh our reason for not supporting it by trying to downplay the historical enthusiastic participation of the Dahomey in the Slave-Trade. Essentially doing the same thing some of us find repugnant about the misrepresentation of them in the movie as some heroes.
1. What about the premise is repugnant? Or are you putting your own feelings onto a film that you did not watch? I don’t understand how you keep missing this vital point. It’s one thing if you watched the film and came to this conclusion so how can one take your opinion on the films premise and its ultimate conclusion seriously? At the end of the day it needs to be said flat out. You’re wrong. You can’t speak deeply and throughly on something you did not take in. Your opinion is misinformed until you watch the film.

2. People that have watched the film and the critics that you reference don’t dismiss what the Dahomeys did. They genuinely either enjoy the film or they didn’t. A lot of people enjoy it because they see what the film was trying to accomplish. As I mentioned several times the film is not focused on the Dahomeys role in the slave trade. It’s highlighted and it’s a plot point but that’s not the point of the film. The fact that you are using that as a talking point is weird because I’ve told you repeatedly that’s not what the movie is about. So don’t support it that’s fine but also don’t speak so vehemently against it because you don’t know what you’re talking about. You are giving full opinions out of a place of ignorance because you didn’t watch it.

3. I can understand have suspicious about the film because white people wrote it and that’s reasonable because of their history. This is not to absolve white people but that’s your personal bias. You didn’t speak to the white writers. You don’t know their intentions. You might feel different about what they created again if you watched the film. I’m going to come back to that point because that’s the missing link. You are going back and forth with people who actually know what they are talking about because they saw it.

4. I can’t speak for other posters but I haven’t insulted you. I don’t plan to. I’m just saying we can’t have a reasonable discourse about this topic if you’re going to speak so confidently on something you didn’t watch. It’s unbalanced. The support we are referring here is in the big picture. Here’s where we disagree though. You think support for this means support for more films that twist history. The rest of us are saying support for this film could mean more diverse films. Support for this film could mean more black films that are profitable in the future. Which opens more doors for more black actors, black directors, black casts and black films. Some of which could be the ones that are more accurate and depict what you’d like to see.

Amerikan Melanin

Dec 16, 2014
I liked it. The movie was shot well. Some dialogue was hard to understand.

Loved the fight scenes.

Hated: light skin love interest only nice male in the entire film.

All black men were a threat.

No black love amongst families. No family structure shown at all.

Women were smartest and strongest in the tribe.

All heterosexual women were shown as conniving concubines not worthy of praise.

The single warrior women were the best of society. Bad message.

Worst character most evil person was a black man.

It’s was a fantasy film which is fine.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
lol, it's just a movie man, it is not meant to be real. I personally enjoyed it. It was nice to international cast of black women actors in the big screen coming together. Hope this leads to more opportunities for them.
Movies based on historical events are not just movies

They're a rewriting of historical events and oftentimes propaganda

And yall know that which is why yall lol it away and say good luck to the cast

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I actually put away my feelings and watched this (from a torrent :umad:)

Movie was corny as hell. I really love when you can watch a movie and kinda forget it's bullshyt. And I'm not talking about the historical facts, I mean from cliché bullshyt plot points. From the beginning, it was just too many tropes. The new age girl who doesn't want to get married but be a warrior.. The mean terrible leader with a secret only her friend knows. The extra mean looking 3rd in command who really is the sweetheart of the group and trains the young woman. The nikkas hopping off the horses, looking like north philly dudes with the expressions and diddy bops.. Who just had to be the darkest nikkas in the movie. Who happened to be the rapist of the mean leader. Who happens to be the father to young warrior. Who happens to be the daughter of the mean leader.. With the lip glossy ass king (I could not stop laughing at this dude's terrible accent eh?) The hater ass wife who plots against the leader.. The leader who doesn't follow her own rules. Who disobeys but wins. So the king doesn't punish but rewards her and picks her over the mean wife...

Trope trope trope trope... Stunning yet useless shot Stunning yet useless shot Stunning yet useless shot....

I get what this was... Empower Black Women Movie #923472934. But damn.. I wish they could have just made a great movie. I found myself laughing at how corny and telegraphed everything was..

"mmmmmmmmm I put a shark tooth in you" :russ:


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
I actually put away my feelings and watched this (from a torrent :umad:)

Movie was corny as hell. I really love when you can watch a movie and kinda forget it's bullshyt. And I'm not talking about the historical facts, I mean from cliché bullshyt plot points. From the beginning, it was just too many tropes. The new age girl who doesn't want to get married but be a warrior.. The mean terrible leader with a secret only her friend knows. The extra mean looking 3rd in command who really is the sweetheart of the group and trains the young woman. The nikkas hopping off the horses, looking like north philly dudes with the expressions and diddy bops.. Who just had to be the darkest nikkas in the movie. Who happened to be the rapist of the mean leader. Who happens to be the father to young warrior. Who happens to be the daughter of the mean leader.. With the lip glossy ass king (I could not stop laughing at this dude's terrible accent eh?) The hater ass wife who plots against the leader.. The leader who doesn't follow her own rules. Who disobeys but wins. So the king doesn't punish but rewards her and picks her over the mean wife...

Trope trope trope trope... Stunning yet useless shot Stunning yet useless shot Stunning yet useless shot....

I get what this was... Empower Black Women Movie #923472934. But damn.. I wish they could have just made a great movie. I found myself laughing at how corny and telegraphed everything was..

"mmmmmmmmm I put a shark tooth in you" :russ:
Although I disagree with you, this was a funny summary of the movie :dead: rep