Those white women come from families where that is prioritized.
Do Black families as a whole prioritize men’s education and finances as much as other groups?
Because when those of us (women AND men) on THIS board do we get attacked and told that we are telling Black girls to be gold diggers and the “good women” only look for character
You got a bunch of Black girls who are not being raised to prioritize provision because many are not in households where that is the lesson.
White and Asian girls will be ridiculed if they can’t bring home a man who is destined to make good money. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE.
So Black women go for what women are naturally attracted to because most are never taught to truly EXPECT finances from our men.
When our community tells the 20YOs “that 5’6 engineering student will be making $300k in 12 years and you will be able to stay home with your kids” girls will start ignoring the 6’4 guy who plays college ball with no guarantee of a contract or degree in something useful.
No one naturally gets it right at 22.
Other communities guide their young.
The same white and Asian girls who are taught to chase the bag while young have brothers who are taught to complete their degrees or head into trades right after HS so they have ability to make middle class wages by late 20s.
Shoo…Black wealth would increase if every young Black man 18-25 simply worked for UPS or had a trade that they started right out of HS. There are new programs popping up that have high schoolers learning about trucking, etc. Those are going to be 18, 19, 20, 21 YOs making GREAT money. And if the girls around them are taught what that means, they will find a nice dude amongst that group and start the marriage/family thing early.
We used to have the highest marriage rates and now we have the lowest. We have to put work in on both sides to correct things.