The Reality of Black Female Priviledge


May 7, 2012

black female privilege is when women like this still must be respected because they are mothers.
:dead: .. i can't.... :snoop: .. :dead:...


May 2, 2012
Money sustains the community, it doesn't build it.

:what: money most certainly BUILDS a community. if i'm going to start businesses and create opportunity for other blacks in the neighborhood, what's the FIRST thing i'll need? hugs and forgiveness??

This is the capitalist mindset that was I talking about during my community meetings. That mindset doesnt work for us black people since we are on the bottom of the money chain, which is why when we try to look at shyt from money is everything view end up not advancing. Sort of a 1 step forward 1000 steps back. Black people in general look up to white folks for many, lets make that clear marcuz. Most bosses, CEO the folks that write our checks, our loans, etc are white. Its a given due to us being a minority in a white society. Now how we can fix this is stop investing our money into other races and start having our own. Which is why I only get stuff from my local deli which is black. I promote my personal training business in their stores and is having someone turn my parents garage into a fit center, with help from my sistas in the city for permits and etc. This is how it should be...once black folks realize this is how it should be we wouldnt have to too look for money else where.

Im focused on the money but I dont have the same capitalist mindset that plague our people.

alright i don't want to get into your micro networks again because we've been over this. your area is blighted, it's not a thriving black wall street with successful black owned businesses as far as the eye can see. your area will be likely gentrified by cacs within the next 15 yrs judging from it's condition. that "mindset" isn't currently working for us because we're too busy trying to emulate the lifestyle of rich whites. we have the money, we just give it to non-blacks as fast as we get it. you give whites too much power in the situation, frankly. the problem isn't really them, it's our fukked up priorities. if we came together financially and decided to build black businesses like grocery stores and gas stations, that step alone would create long term generational wealth.

and didn't you say you were on unemployment? :beli: stop it, will. we need a massive shift in priorities, starting from the ground up. hugs and kisses has nothing to do with the plight we're faced with. this is a capitalist society, blacks better decide if they want to sink or swim. that social welfare blacks are currently surviving off of will not last forever.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
All you need to do is look at this board and see the blatant bias towards black females. The "Black Male Privilege" threads are still in the Locker Room, while this thread that calls out and let BW be HELD ACCOUNTABLE to their actions is being thrown into the "bushes". It shows me right their that factual videos CRITICIZING black women will not be tolerated on this forum. But fallacious black male threads are allowed to fester. :smh: As long as the black community and the white establishment continue let certain bw to NOT be held accountable for their actions, and not recognize the blatant bias towards bw in the media as well as the black community, then the fires will continue. This has to be addressed, of course its NOT ALL, but the reality is it's enough. It is a simple fact that bw will have more leeway and bias towards them, simply because they are not black and male. The black community will continue to put the blame solely on the shoulders of black men and let bw slide for their behavior simply because she is a woman. This has to be acknowledged.

And BTW, Marrissa is guilty as HELL, she went back to HIS house after she had "escaped", got a gun in the car, went back, and fired THREE shots at not only him BUT AT HIS KIDS. The propaganda campaign on all the social media networks was specifically aimed at the gullible people of black community (because nikkas don't read anyways so they will believe her because she is a bw :troll:), so when the real facts came out, then our integrity would be diminished.

It is a tradegy that their are more bw missing then ww, but their is als JUST AS many black males missing as black females, but thats another subject all together.

I'm not a shrink so I can't do a psychiatric evaluation on this man. :manny:.

Stop it...Im damn sure if a chick made a thread about us, it would be in the bushes just as fast. Only reason it may seem bias is cause its more of black women threads then black men. Safe to say the admins/mods are getting tired of it...from both sides.

Youre still missing my point about black privilege not existing, cause if it did she would be free regardless of the facts that was stated. I mean fukk me, the korean lady shot and killed Latasha Harlins and got less to 0 jail time for it. Watch docs on white women killing their husbands and still get less time. So don't sit here and tell me we have privileges as other races, cause we don't. Society has proven that time and time again. Just because a dog owner gives its dog the left overs doesnt mean it will cook a full course meal over it one, but the dog is still. The lil shyt they let us slide with is nothing compare to shyt the hit us with both black men and women.

Once again you missing my point, the fact is black people in general dont have privileges. Reason why I posted bw articles is debunk this video myth. If a black women would have made this video I would have posted the same link you posted about the missing black men and damn near every article about us getting killed but random cacs and police.

Seriously man why must it be a competition between us bm and bw?

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Stop it...Im damn sure if a chick made a thread about us, it would be in the bushes just as fast. Only reason it may seem bias is cause its more of black women threads then black men. Safe to say the admins/mods are getting tired of it...from both sides.

Youre still missing my point about black privilege not existing, cause if it did she would be free regardless of the facts that was stated. I mean fukk me, the korean lady shot and killed Latasha Harlins and got less to 0 jail time for it. Watch docs on white women killing their husbands and still get less time. So don't sit here and tell me we have privileges as other races, cause we don't. Society has proven that time and time again. Just because a dog owner gives its dog the left overs doesnt mean it will cook a full course meal over it one, but the dog is still. The lil shyt they let us slide with is nothing compare to shyt the hit us with both black men and women.

Once again you missing my point, the fact is black people in general dont have privileges. Reason why I posted bw articles is debunk this video myth. If a black women would have made this video I would have posted the same link you posted about the missing black men and damn near every article about us getting killed but random cacs and police.

Seriously man why must it be a competition between us bm and bw?

Oh I get the point quite well in terms of black people having no privilege in America, but you have to remember that their are privileges WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. Every black person who has a black family can see this. The man in the video was also using privilege as a metaphor for the blatant bias towards black females.

Furthermore I don't want competition within the black community, however our problems, both male AND female has to be addressed.


Aug 12, 2012
Oh I get the point quite well in terms of black people having no privilege in America, but you have to remember that their are privileges WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. Every black person who has a black family can see this. The man in the video was also using privilege as a metaphor for the blatant bias towards black females.

Furthermore I don't want competition within the black community, however our problems, both male AND female has to be addressed.

Breh it is hopeless with some of these simp guys and girls.

I mean shyt.......Aretha Franklin got pregnant when she was like 12 years old and yes even though it was decades ago you will never hear criticism about that....meanwhile if an old school Motown legend who was a MALE was fathering a kid at 12 years old he would still be hearing about it to this day

shyt is disgusting

you can see the truth in this thread just by looking at the antics of Lebron's mother...not just the suspect boyfriends.......but the arrests.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
:what: money most certainly BUILDS a community. if i'm going to start businesses and create opportunity for other blacks in the neighborhood, what's the FIRST thing i'll need? hugs and forgiveness??

alright i don't want to get into your micro networks again because we've been over this. your area is blighted, it's not a thriving black wall street with successful black owned businesses as far as the eye can see. your area will be likely gentrified by cacs within the next 15 yrs judging from it's condition. that "mindset" isn't currently working for us because we're too busy trying to emulate the lifestyle of rich whites. we have the money, we just give it to non-blacks as fast as we get it. you give whites too much power in the situation, frankly. the problem isn't really them, it's our fukked up priorities. if we came together financially and decided to build black businesses like grocery stores and gas stations, that step alone would create long term generational wealth.

and didn't you say you were on unemployment? :beli: stop it, will. we need a massive shift in priorities, starting from the ground up. hugs and kisses has nothing to do with the plight we're faced with. this is a capitalist society, blacks better decide if they want to sink or swim. that social welfare blacks are currently surviving off of will not last forever.

As I said before my city has black owned business, stores, laundry spots, mechanics, even a futurine store and a dentist. Google seven oaks orange nj to see black fact here you go Black owned houses by the people that has stores and businesses in the same area...most are lawyers and cops though. Black guy just bought the glass business in couple of miles down the road and gave me a discount when my windshield got cracked. I never said my town had a black wall street. Im just saying we have our own businesses that we are living just fine. Youre right we are to busy trying to emulate the rich aka the capitalist mind I was just talking about.

I have been working doing security for like 2 months along with my personal training business now if referring to my SSI make it stack thread about me still going there, theyre offering me free tuition for state colleges for my physical therapist degree :ahh: gotta stay in touch. I agree with you in the shift in priorities but I think it will be easier if we just stop fighting with each other work together. 2 incomes are much better than 1! Black men and women need to put aside this so called beef and build together.


Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go
I wouldn't necessarily say we have "black female privilege" when we're shown on the media as loud, ghetto, trashy, hoeish, masculine, ugly, etc. I mean we do have SOME female privileges but NOT black female privilege. Plus I don't agree that there is a certain thing as black male privilege either.

White men and women have way more "positive" privileges then anyone so....:yeshrug:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
No simp or anything but this can't be good for the black race. We got to squash this stupid gender beef.

There ain't no gender beef breh. These are the black version of white dudes who wear fedoras. They're angry bytches they want don't want them back and this is just one of the ways they lash out.

I say let them bulls cook, it's some good mid week fukkery :obama: