The Reality of Black Female Priviledge


May 2, 2012
You got the effect down packed but whats the cause behind it?
i doubt you even know the cause of it, you probably believe it's simply cacs fault and blacks need to hug it out to fix the problem


Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
I didn't really agree with this thread but this is some old SOHH bullshyt by the mod(s) moving threads they don't like.

Let people have their discussions and k.i.m.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Look how quickly this thread was moved to the "BUshes" SMFH.

cause it does nothing but add more fuel to a fire that needs to die out. Seriously man, how many vlogs do we need on black men and women placing the blame on each other? I listen to the video and it had some valid points but black women dont have privilege, neither do black men. Just because black women gets a tiny bit of lean away from society doesn't mean its privilege since it usually leads to more devastating effects on their lives. Same thing with us black men. Did he bring up Marissa Alexander getting 20 years for firing a warning shot? Did he bring up its more black women missing than white women and yet the media doesnt shine no light on it.


This guy suffers from a inferior complex and is upset cause black men such as himself can't have the same "so called" privilege that was over exaggerated in this video. He's like :damn: how come they can do this, how come they can do that but but but we can't and its destory the community cause the playground is no longer even. White people love them more than us men and its not fair :why:

@King Poetic spit some solid truth in this thread though.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
i doubt you even know the cause of it, you probably believe it's simply cacs fault and blacks need to hug it out to fix the problem

Youre learning marcuz :blessed:

Forgiving and moving on is much stronger than fighting and blaming one another. Especially when all of this hate has been created for us, not by us.

Not saying we need to let this c00nery slide and forgive the ones that dont wanna help. Forgive the ones that dont understand and build together.

Instead of getting our knowledge from movies and novels with white producers and applying it to our real life relationships we need too sit down and talk with each other on how we can make shyt better.

both black men and women need some guidance and direction from each other man, cant preach that shyt enough.
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May 2, 2012
Youre learning marcuz :blessed:

Forgiving and moving on is much stronger than fighting and blaming one another. Especially when all of this hate has been created for us, not by us.

Not saying we need to let this c00nery slide and forgive the ones that dont wanna help. Forgive the ones that dont understand and build together.

Instead of getting our knowledge from movies and novels with white producers and applying it to our real life relationships we need too sit down and talk with each other on how we can make shyt better.

both black men and women need some guidance and direction from each other man, cant preach that shyt enough.

see the sad part is how far removed you are from the actual solution. hugs and forgiveness doesn't build a community -- MONEY does. black women don't "c00n it up" with white men strictly out of some need for acceptance. they do it because that's where they receive all of their opportunities. black women don't look towards black men for education, employment, general services. really, they don't even need black men; we're just the walking dildo with a possible child support check to a lot of them.

nikkas like you aint focused on the money though. you think the problem can be solved magically if we all hugged it out. :beli:

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
cause it does nothing but add more fuel to a fire that needs to die out. Seriously man, how many vlogs do we need on black men and women placing the blame on each other? I listen to the video and it had some valid points but black women dont have privilege, neither do black men. Just because black women gets a tiny bit of lean away from society doesn't mean its privilege since it usually leads to more devastating effects on their lives. Same thing with us black men. Did he bring up Marissa Alexander getting 20 years for firing a warning shot? Did he bring up its more black women missing than white women and yet the media doesnt shine no light on it.

All you need to do is look at this board and see the blatant bias towards black females. The "Black Male Privilege" threads are still in the Locker Room, while this thread that calls out and let BW be HELD ACCOUNTABLE to their actions is being thrown into the "bushes". It shows me right their that factual videos CRITICIZING black women will not be tolerated on this forum. But fallacious black male threads are allowed to fester. :smh: As long as the black community and the white establishment continue let certain bw to NOT be held accountable for their actions, and not recognize the blatant bias towards bw in the media as well as the black community, then the fires will continue. This has to be addressed, of course its NOT ALL, but the reality is it's enough. It is a simple fact that bw will have more leeway and bias towards them, simply because they are not black and male. The black community will continue to put the blame solely on the shoulders of black men and let bw slide for their behavior simply because she is a woman. This has to be acknowledged.

And BTW, Marrissa is guilty as HELL, she went back to HIS house after she had "escaped", got a gun in the car, went back, and fired THREE shots at not only him BUT AT HIS KIDS. The propaganda campaign on all the social media networks was specifically aimed at the gullible people of black community (because nikkas don't read anyways so they will believe her because she is a bw :troll:), so when the real facts came out, then our integrity would be diminished.

It is a tradegy that their are more bw missing then ww, but their is als JUST AS many black males missing as black females, but thats another subject all together.


This guy suffers from a inferior complex and is upset cause black men such as himself can't have the same "so called" privilege that was over exaggerated in this video. He's like :damn: how come they can do this, how come they can do that but but but we can't and its destory the community cause the playground is no longer even. White people love them more than us men and its not fair :why:

@King Poetic spit some solid truth in this thread though.

I'm not a shrink so I can't do a psychiatric evaluation on this man. :manny:.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
see the sad part is how far removed you are from the actual solution. hugs and forgiveness doesn't build a community -- MONEY does. black women don't "c00n it up" with white men strictly out of some need for acceptance. they do it because that's where they receive all of their opportunities. black women don't look towards black men for education, employment, general services. really, they don't even need black men; we're just the walking dildo with a possible child support check to a lot of them.

nikkas like you aint focused on the money though. you think the problem can be solved magically if we all hugged it out. :beli:

Money sustains the community, it doesn't build it. This is the capitalist mindset that was I talking about during my community meetings. That mindset doesnt work for us black people since we are on the bottom of the money chain, which is why when we try to look at shyt from money is everything view end up not advancing. Sort of a 1 step forward 1000 steps back. Black people in general look up to white folks for many, lets make that clear marcuz. Most bosses, CEO the folks that write our checks, our loans, etc are white. Its a given due to us being a minority in a white society. Now how we can fix this is stop investing our money into other races and start having our own. Which is why I only get stuff from my local deli which is black. I promote my personal training business in their stores and is having someone turn my parents garage into a fit center, with help from my sistas in the city for permits and etc. This is how it should be...once black folks realize this is how it should be we wouldnt have to too look for money else where.

Im focused on the money but I dont have the same capitalist mindset that plague our people.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
You got the effect down packed but whats the cause behind it?

Its several things, the cause of a marathon of many things happening back to back. I put a huge blame on welfare though.

Until the fifties the black family unit was the strongest in american society. Segregation helped black people become pretty close to being self dependent since there was no other choice. Black folks got tossed the desegregation bone by massa and abandoned their own shyt. Welfare also happened and was the biggest hit of them all since slavery. Which proved to be a family destroyer, not a wealth builder. Black women like any other type of woman are going to rebel when she is bringing in more. Even if its some peanuts from the government. Welfare pretty much discouraged black women from getting married. Just have some seeds and collect a check. After a while the idea of out of wedlock kids and broken families became a cultural habit since all habits and born of repetition. Throw some media and entertainment with no morals and over sexuality in that requires little to no accountability, mix it with c00nery and internet access and here we are.


Just Wild
Jun 16, 2013
West Virginia
All you need to do is look at this board and see the blatant bias towards black females. The "Black Male Privilege" threads are still in the Locker Room, while this thread that calls out and let BW be HELD ACCOUNTABLE to their actions is being thrown into the "bushes". It shows me right their that factual videos CRITICIZING black women will not be tolerated on this forum. But fallacious black male threads are allowed to fester. :smh: As long as the black community and the white establishment continue let certain bw to NOT be held accountable for their actions, and not recognize the blatant bias towards bw in the media as well as the black community, then the fires will continue. This has to be addressed, of course its NOT ALL, but the reality is it's enough. It is a simple fact that bw will have more leeway and bias towards them, simply because they are not black and male. The black community will continue to put the blame solely on the shoulders of black men and let bw slide for their behavior simply because she is a woman. This has to be acknowledged.

And BTW, Marrissa is guilty as HELL, she went back to HIS house after she had "escaped", got a gun in the car, went back, and fired THREE shots at not only him BUT AT HIS KIDS. The propaganda campaign on all the social media networks was specifically aimed at the gullible people of black community (because nikkas don't read anyways so they will believe her because she is a bw :troll:), so when the real facts came out, then our integrity would be diminished.

It is a tradegy that their are more bw missing then ww, but their is als JUST AS many black males missing as black females, but thats another subject all together.

I'm not a shrink so I can't do a psychiatric evaluation on this man. :manny:.

I agree that black men have it worse but it seems like y'all have no sympathy for issues black women face.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers

black female privilege is when women like this still must be respected because they are mothers.

:wow: Look at this wench. She'll be the very one typing a 3 paragraph rant about "Happy Single Mothers Day" on fathers day. No respectable man would wife this trollop so some scrub knocked her up and left.

shyt is scustin B :dahell: