The Reality of Black Female Priviledge

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
I really dont see why we are still blaming/fighting with each other as if this is 100% our fault it got like this. We didnt create this gap between each other...society did and yet we are still holding a grudge with one another. shyt been into play since the downfall of civil rights leaders and groups. shyt was calculated that this friction would be created and it would prevent anymore uprising from us. Divide and Conquer and you know what.. its working.

Whenever we decide to blog or vlog about community issues we always put the blame on each other. Havent seen no positive vlogs about us coming together and loving each other "not saying that they exist". fukking shame whenever I see a video about love its usually a interracial couple talking about overcoming racism or a white couple of how they met or the most popular... race play couple, racist white, c00n ass black. We have too much anger and we are putting toward the wrong people which is each other.

Key issues with black people

Too much prayer, not enough action

Too much hate, not enough love

Too much shyt, not enough room for it

Too many wants, not enough needs

Too much money, not enough investments

Too many kids, not enough parents

Too much eating, not enough exercise

These are the issues that I would like to see addressed on vblogs by these so called black people experts. Not to put blame on each other for reasons on why we are not where we should be or for those that can read between the line why theyre suppose to be. Seems these angry black women and men are more concern with telling the world on why they dont have the perfect man or woman and state these biased facts about each other.
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Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
And the bottom line is that no matter how you slice it, it is the women getting a pass for their destructive behavior, while the black men are being unfairly blamed for ALL the problems. And I am not saying that black men have their fair share of the blame, but when you have a group of people who are ALLOWED to CONTINUE their destructive behavior from within and outside the Black Community, then it has to be addressed. The bad ones are getting a pass from the white establishment, other black women, and simps that's the point of the video. This is the reason WHY this has been made, not only because of this but because of the mass media is perpetuating "simping" for black women in their articles on black websites:

Part of the reason for this has came to be is because of the Great Society Programs and the implement of the welfare system that has destroyed the black nuclear family. This is WHY i have said that the white establishment, IE white man, is using the black female to destroy the black community. Females ARE privileged in that they're females who will side with them REGARDLESS of how disgusting and ratchet their behavior is. And if they are willing to side with them, then they will continue to allow they're destructive behavior to continue, and that has to be addressed.

Refer to @Theraflu post because he just pretty much said what I was going to say but in a much more in depth overall superior manner

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
I've been avoiding this thread but had to correct you on something you are getting very very wrong. You are mistaking WOMEN'S privileges for BLACK women's privileges and sitting with arm chair philosopher guy and actually convincing yourself that these are BLACK women's privileges. NO it's just WOMEN's privileges so your whole rational for this thread is incorrect.

In every race. Yes EVERY race women get the exact same privileges you mentioned.


1. White woman teacher sleeps with 14 year old boy. Gets therapy for issues is labelled poor troubled woman. Gets 3 months and slap on the wrist.

2. White man teacher sleeps with 14 year old girl. Gets labelled pedophile pervert child molester and gets 10 years in prison.

See what happens there ? It's a WOMAN'S privilege.

Another example:

1. Hispanic woman is about to be deported they allow her to stay because of her kids.

2. Hispanic man is about to be deported they deport him anyway because he can't use the same sympathy card a woman used.

Another example of WOMEN'S privilege. Black women on their own do not have ANY privileges which come with them being black women. You are mixing the general privileges and sympathy vote anyone with a vagina gets and trying to make it seem like its an actual proper privilege that they get by bring black women when you are wrong.

These videos and nitpicking on irrelevant universal everyday things like the privileges ALL women have do not have any benefit what so ever on us moving forward.

Gender wars are worthless, stupid and a waste of time.

First of all I could give two shyts about WHAT other ethncities/races do when they do destructive behavior within their own communities. That is the reason why it hasn't been brought up. SO if they do it, it, black females should get a pass for that too?? :aicmon: I don't live within the Hispanic/Asian/WHite communities, so their problems towards me have no bearing. Let the Hispanic/White/Asian man deal with HIS problems and his women.

Second, regardless if all women across the board do, THE PROBLEM is that certain black women are doing this and are being allowed to this, and their is a subconscious bias towards them, DESPITE WHAT WAS WRITTEN WITHIN THE MASS PUBLICATION OF THE GRIOT.COM.


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
First of all I could give two shyts about WHAT other ethncities/races do when they do destructive behavior within their own communities. That is the reason why it hasn't been brought up. SO if they do it, it, black females should get a pass for that too?? :aicmon: I don't live within the Hispanic/Asian/WHite communities, so their problems towards me have no bearing. Let the Hispanic/White/Asian man deal with HIS problems and his women.

Second, regardless if all women across the board do, THE PROBLEM is that certain black women are doing this and are being allowed to this, and their is a subconscious bias towards them, DESPITE WHAT WAS WRITTEN WITHIN THE MASS PUBLICATION OF THE GRIOT.COM.

Again breh, you are not getting it, your focus and anger are directed at the wrong place.

Your whole rational is not only wrong but flawed and you and the likes of that Youtube MUST deeply change that so we can focus on our priorities as @Willstyles has been trying to inform you these things such as 'black women get more welfare, black women get more sympathy' are all smoke and mirrors to divert and distract you from focusing on the actual issues which are affecting our race.

People such as this Youtube dude are being used as PAWNS to create the same mentality which damaged us in the first place.

Have you not read Jim Crow tactics and books. The number one way slave owners taught us to always remain enslaved was by TURNING us against each other. As long as black men still sit nit picking on bullshyt we will keep this up.

What you are doing now is classic slave thinking. By nitpicking on your own race Interracially on irrelevant things we will always keep up this cycle.

Now in regards to black women 'using and getting away' with women's privilege you are wrong AGAIN. Women do not pick or ask for the privilege or sympathy that comes with being women. It's the way the world works.

In war you classically know that people always have sympathy towards children and mothers did those children or mothers ask for that ?! NO

The same way we are programmed to feel sympathy for children we are programmed to feel sympathy for women this goes all the way back to evolution and the image of the cave mother.

So stop this 'women getting away with it'. They aren't even in control of that so can't actively choose to use it or not it just is.

But yet again these are all foolish pawns, distractions for us to keep fighting each other over worthless bullshyt.

'Black women get more sympathy from whites' is NOT our problem, lets discuss the break down of the black business, our economy as a disaporia, lets discuss the key issues @Kind Gentleman and @Willstyles mentioned which actually ARE affecting us.

This finger pointing blame game is not it and as long as we keep playing these gender war games the real issues will keep going untouched. This is a waste of our time.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
Again breh, you are not getting it, your focus and anger are directed at the wrong place.

Your whole rational is not only wrong but flawed and you and the likes of that Youtube MUST deeply change that so we can focus on our priorities as @Willstyles has been trying to inform you these things such as 'black women get more welfare, black women get more sympathy' are all smoke and mirrors to divert and distract you from focusing on the actual issues which are affecting our race.

People such as this Youtube dude are being used as PAWNS to create the same mentality which damaged us in the first place.

Have you not read Jim Crow tactics and books. The number one way slave owners taught us to always remain enslaved was by TURNING us against each other. As long as black men still sit nit picking on bullshyt we will keep this up.

What you are doing now is classic slave thinking. By nitpicking on your own race Interracially on irrelevant things we will always keep up this cycle.

Now in regards to black women 'using and getting away' with women's privilege you are wrong AGAIN. Women do not pick or ask for the privilege or sympathy that comes with being women. It's the way the world works.

In war you classically know that people always have sympathy towards children and mothers did those children or mothers ask for that ?! NO

The same way we are programmed to feel sympathy for children we are programmed to feel sympathy for women this goes all the way back to evolution and the image of the cave mother.

So stop this 'women getting away with it'. They aren't even in control of that so can't actively choose to use it or not it just is.

But yet again these are all foolish pawns, distractions for us to keep fighting each other over worthless bullshyt.

'Black women get more sympathy from whites' is NOT our problem, lets discuss the break down of the black business, our economy as a disaporia, lets discuss the key issues @Kind Gentleman and @Willstyles mentioned which actually ARE affecting us.

This finger pointing blame game is not it and as long as we keep playing these gender war games the real issues will keep going untouched. This is a waste of our time.

Worst thing that happened to us was treating desegregation like it was a gift instead of using it as a tool to further build the communities we built. Think of how many black wallstreets would be around today. :wow: We could have a Greenwood in every county :wow:

Greenwood for you kewns that dont know your history :mjpls:,_Tulsa,_Oklahoma#.22The_Black_Wall_Street.22


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
Worst thing that happened to us was treating desegregation like it was a gift instead of using it as a tool to further build the communities we built. Think of how many black wallstreets would be around today. :wow: We could have a Greenwood in every county :wow:

Greenwood for you kewns that dont know your history :mjpls:,_Tulsa,_Oklahoma#.22The_Black_Wall_Street.22

'Worst thing that happened to us was treating desegregation like it was a gift instead of using it as a tool to further build the communities we built. '


Breh you are dropping fukking jewels today. That statement alone :banderas:

You are completely correct. It is the root of many issues because black people were suppressed for so long not allowed to go to white schools, use white toilets, do or have anything to do with whites.

In our fight and attempt to be desegregated we began to lose that element of us which should have always be working on ourselves and instead focused on championing ourselves to do white things. We neglected our own in order to be accepted by the other.

Your statement earlier about white approval summed it up we have a race of people were the women are running around saying 'nikkaz ain't shyt' and see the male pawg as a paradise end goal.

While the men say 'black women ain't shyt' and see running to the white women as an end goal. All while running away from each other, seeking white approval while their own community continues to be destroyed :wow:

Somewhere along the line we lost that original unity which made black people in the Western world get rights in the first place and thought running to white spouses, white schools, white businesses was 'right' and somehow let go of our own.


Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Again breh, you are not getting it, your focus and anger are directed at the wrong place.

Your whole rational is not only wrong but flawed and you and the likes of that Youtube MUST deeply change that so we can focus on our priorities as @Willstyles has been trying to inform you these things such as 'black women get more welfare, black women get more sympathy' are all smoke and mirrors to divert and distract you from focusing on the actual issues which are affecting our race.

People such as this Youtube dude are being used as PAWNS to create the same mentality which damaged us in the first place.

Have you not read Jim Crow tactics and books. The number one way slave owners taught us to always remain enslaved was by TURNING us against each other. As long as black men still sit nit picking on bullshyt we will keep this up.

What you are doing now is classic slave thinking. By nitpicking on your own race Interracially on irrelevant things we will always keep up this cycle.

Now in regards to black women 'using and getting away' with women's privilege you are wrong AGAIN. Women do not pick or ask for the privilege or sympathy that comes with being women. It's the way the world works.

In war you classically know that people always have sympathy towards children and mothers did those children or mothers ask for that ?! NO

The same way we are programmed to feel sympathy for children we are programmed to feel sympathy for women this goes all the way back to evolution and the image of the cave mother.

So stop this 'women getting away with it'. They aren't even in control of that so can't actively choose to use it or not it just is.

But yet again these are all foolish pawns, distractions for us to keep fighting each other over worthless bullshyt.

'Black women get more sympathy from whites' is NOT our problem, lets discuss the break down of the black business, our economy as a disaporia, lets discuss the key issues @Kind Gentleman and @Willstyles mentioned which actually ARE affecting us.

This finger pointing blame game is not it and as long as we keep playing these gender war games the real issues will keep going untouched. This is a waste of our time.

Blind hate is a person's worst enemy, its stop them from thinking logical and efficiently. forces them to go in circles. This is what we are dealing when it comes to folks like these. You show them a clear path to a better life with better ways of helping and they rather stay where they're at. The don't want happiness that way, their condition to think happiness comes through this so called tough love when in reality it does more damage than good. Like beating the living shyt out of a person will make them act better and teach them not to do whatever cause the beating or reviling . I call that the slavery punishment effect. "needless abuse in hopes of conditioning others" Some black parents will destroy their kids in the name of tough love with hopes of them acting better either by doing it physically or verbally . I think that most of these vloggers suffer from that effect in which their standpoint of harsh love is the only way of saving a person. They failed to realize conditioning a person isnt saving them, its making them into a image of the conditioner.

Always harsh words for each other but never heartfelt words. Sometimes you need to tell people their shyt stink in hopes of them realizing and improving. But the way you tell the person is the game changer. You cant hold no problems on some issues, but you can hold back the bitterness and hatred.

But hey keep destroying each other with tactics built on slavery and neo-colonialism brehs and sistas
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Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
:upsetfavre:You can't make your judgment off one article. If black women were privilege, there will be a lot of fortunate black women who will have access to job opportunities that pays well. More women will be out of welfare. There will be less stereotypes of black women and black women wouldn't be demeaned by the media. Also,many black women would procure inheritances from dead affluent relatives if they were privilege. Moreover, there would be a high rate of men who will stay home and play their role as a father and husband rather than abandoning their family. The courts of laws would pardon them in every criminal case. In reality, black women have none of these privileges that I listed. Don't let your hate for women cloud your judgment, breh.


marshawn lynch handshake
Nov 6, 2012
:upsetfavre:You can't make your judgment off one article. If black women were privilege, there will be a lot of fortunate black women who will have access to job opportunities that pays well. More women will be out of welfare. There will be less stereotypes of black women and black women wouldn't be demeaned by the media. Also,many black women would procure inheritances from dead affluent relatives if they were privilege. Moreover, there would be a high rate of men who will stay home and play their role as a father and husband rather than abandoning their family. The courts of laws would pardon them in every criminal case. In reality, black women have none of these privileges that I listed. Don't let your hate for women cloud your judgment, breh.

nigguh stop :snoop:


marshawn lynch handshake
Nov 6, 2012
I spoke the truth. Black women don't have any privilege. Prove me wrong.

black women can not build a community yet have mad children out of wedlock in country that aint theirs. criticism... ya right :stopitslime:

black women can bed wench... nigguhs aint moving up if they marry a rich becky... BW still aint shyt in the eyes of cacs and their cohorts, but if they're gonna prop someone up best believe the BW is up first (BW n BM scenario)

black women have the privilege of being tools to destroy their community :yeshrug: