The Reality of Black Female Priviledge


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
This is the reality of the situation, it hits hard, but it has to be addressed.

As a black man, how come you don't see the glaring problems within the black community? Can you take your simp-glasses off for one second .

:heh: a bunch of nikkas making youtube videos ain't addressing shyt. It's a bunch of fukk nikkas hiding behind a screen name scared to show their face. If they wanted to address it, go out in the community where you live and address it. Keyboard revolutionaries belong in the bushes.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
:myman: Exactly Im not even going to entertain this. But I know others will....

Some men and women just "get it" others dont :manny: cant save everyone
wish i picked the cowboys instead of falcons this upcoming season
would of been nice to stan with yall :manny:

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Oh I get the point quite well in terms of black people having no privilege in America, but you have to remember that their are privileges WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. Every black person who has a black family can see this. The man in the video was also using privilege as a metaphor for the blatant bias towards black females.

Furthermore I don't want competition within the black community, however our problems, both male AND female has to be addressed.

Even though this guy in the video was referring to society, not in our community I will address that as well from a unbiased point of view.

:heh: no we dont have privileges in our own communities and this video proves it cause we still the judge and executioner of each other.
Black women judge us based on unrealistic requirements due to european influence aka tv due to lack of a positive black men

We judge them based on what we think a good woman should be rather we get our image from television or our mothers

Can't have the Privilege to say how we feel or what we want without being judged and brought down by each.

Can't have the privilege to be comfortable in our own skin due to self hate issues

Woman can't wear what they want without being judge or harassed

Men can wear what we want without be judge.

Cant even fukking drive in our own hoods without being Harassed

Cant have nice shyt, the list goes on...

Think yall have privileges/freedom mixed up with the right/excuse to be fukking self destructive and its two different things.
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Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Its several things, the cause of a marathon of many things happening back to back. I put a huge blame on welfare though.

Until the fifties the black family unit was the strongest in american society. Segregation helped black people become pretty close to being self dependent since there was no other choice. Black folks got tossed the desegregation bone by massa and abandoned their own shyt. Welfare also happened and was the biggest hit of them all since slavery. Which proved to be a family destroyer, not a wealth builder. Black women like any other type of woman are going to rebel when she is bringing in more. Even if its some peanuts from the government. Welfare pretty much discouraged black women from getting married. Just have some seeds and collect a check. After a while the idea of out of wedlock kids and broken families became a cultural habit since all habits and born of repetition. Throw some media and entertainment with no morals and over sexuality in that requires little to no accountability, mix it with c00nery and internet access and here we are.

:wow: shyt was so well put breh :salute:


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
Oh I get the point quite well in terms of black people having no privilege in America, but you have to remember that their are privileges WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. Every black person who has a black family can see this. The man in the video was also using privilege as a metaphor for the blatant bias towards black females.

Furthermore I don't want competition within the black community, however our problems, both male AND female has to be addressed.

I've been avoiding this thread but had to correct you on something you are getting very very wrong. You are mistaking WOMEN'S privileges for BLACK women's privileges and sitting with arm chair philosopher guy and actually convincing yourself that these are BLACK women's privileges. NO it's just WOMEN's privileges so your whole rational for this thread is incorrect.

In every race. Yes EVERY race women get the exact same privileges you mentioned.


1. White woman teacher sleeps with 14 year old boy. Gets therapy for issues is labelled poor troubled woman. Gets 3 months and slap on the wrist.

2. White man teacher sleeps with 14 year old girl. Gets labelled pedophile pervert child molester and gets 10 years in prison.

See what happens there ? It's a WOMAN'S privilege.

Another example:

1. Hispanic woman is about to be deported they allow her to stay because of her kids.

2. Hispanic man is about to be deported they deport him anyway because he can't use the same sympathy card a woman used.

Another example of WOMEN'S privilege. Black women on their own do not have ANY privileges which come with them being black women. You are mixing the general privileges and sympathy vote anyone with a vagina gets and trying to make it seem like its an actual proper privilege that they get by bring black women when you are wrong.

These videos and nitpicking on irrelevant universal everyday things like the privileges ALL women have do not have any benefit what so ever on us moving forward.

Gender wars are worthless, stupid and a waste of time.

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Even though this guy in the video was referring to society, not in our community I will address that as well from a unbiased point of view.

:heh: no we dont have privileges in our own communities and this video proves it cause we still the judge and executioner of each other.
Black women judge us based on unrealistic requirements due to european influence aka tv due to lack of a positive black men

We judge them based on what we think a good woman should be rather we get our image from television or our mothers

Can't have the Privilege to say how we feel or what we want without being judged and brought down by each.

Can't have the privilege to be comfortable in our own skin due to self hate issues

Woman can't wear what they want without being judge or harassed

Men can wear what we want without be judge.

Cant even fukking drive in our own hoods without being Harassed

Cant have nice shyt, the list goes on...

Think yall have privileges/freedom mixed up with the right/excuse to be fukking self destructive and its two different things.

And the bottom line is that no matter how you slice it, it is the women getting a pass for their destructive behavior, while the black men are being unfairly blamed for ALL the problems. And I am not saying that black men have their fair share of the blame, but when you have a group of people who are ALLOWED to CONTINUE their destructive behavior from within and outside the Black Community, then it has to be addressed. The bad ones are getting a pass from the white establishment, other black women, and simps that's the point of the video. This is the reason WHY this has been made, not only because of this but because of the mass media is perpetuating "simping" for black women in their articles on black websites:

Part of the reason for this has came to be is because of the Great Society Programs and the implement of the welfare system that has destroyed the black nuclear family. This is WHY i have said that the white establishment, IE white man, is using the black female to destroy the black community. Females ARE privileged in that they're females who will side with them REGARDLESS of how disgusting and ratchet their behavior is. And if they are willing to side with them, then they will continue to allow they're destructive behavior to continue, and that has to be addressed.