The opiod crisis is now in the hood. Hip Hop should not be promoting this epidemic like its cool.


Dec 16, 2015
The shyt seriously hit home for me this year. This is some new shyt...Like when crack hit in the mid 80's. The issue I see is that pill popping is the "in" thing and it doesnt have a bad rep like K2 and bath salts. And thats the problem...I'm noticing in the hood that pill popping on opiods is the in thing....And thats terrible because its affecting Hip Hop in a way thats literally like saying doing heroin is cool now.

4 higlights this year that I can testify to:

- My sons 18 year old friend and next door neighbor od'd. And days before his death I overheard his mom yelling at him from the window about how he stole her pain killers.

- Me over hearing my homegirls 20 something daughter arguing with her baby daddy on her phone and putting him on blast about how he's addicted to xans and percs.

- On the street corner over hearing 2 teens in a rowdy looking bunch that looked like they were on their way to school talking about how they were on xans.

- This past Monday take day off from work...Hit up this early 20's something young thug I cop smoke from early that morning and when we link up I walk in his building and he's in the corner doing the dope fiend lean. I'm standing their like.


His eyes half open with that dope fiend look. Mind you..I known this kid for a minute. Young get fly kid so seeing him like that threw me off for a second. I've seen dope fiends his age before but I'm 40 and seeing a 20 something young get fly Black man zoning to the current drug was an eye opener. So anyway....He's "coasting" while we do our transaction. I dont know whats what out in the streets so I just randomly ask "You on them percs?" He said it was xans and that if u just mobile it makes u sleepy thats why he was like that when I walked on him.
it's been in the hood from heroin to people sipping cough syrup.


Apr 21, 2013
So why is it so many people from that era said Superfly inspired people to sell dope?

Curtis Sc00n said it inspired him....And Kima from the wire said the same thing in the movie SLAM.

Yep brothers started perming there fro to get that jesus hairstyle and getting in the dope game. I guess they thought they was Ron O'neal are something.:mjcry:
May 28, 2012
J Cole just made a album about it tho. It’s called KOD, which means “Kids on Drugs, King Overdosed, and Kill Our Demon”

And tbh I’m @C00NM0NGER would co-sign this that Louisiana probably was the black pill poppin capital dating back atleast 15 years from now.

The music from Baton Rouge, layefette and Shreveport was all full on pull poppin music

The dance jigging is pretty much a pill poppin song

“Not to mention got the styrofoam poured up with syrup
And in the tires where the package is gone
Midas been a Goodyear with these Firestones
I spit like Maya's poems, palming chromers
For the buyers chromosomes I got soma's
I got vicodins, valiums I ain't stopping
Got powder, heroin, ex, oxycontin
And that's how we rocking”

This was Wayne rapping with Cassidy, fabulous in like 04-05

I promise you Philly's fingerprints are all over this shyt
Unfortunately we did it first :mjcry:


May 17, 2012
the internet
Ive been saying this...the whole culture is whack.

Even the shyt thats considered cool.

and we need to stop blaming other folks for this...we doing it to ourselves.

but nobody can act like this shyt is new.

Heroin is new?
The neighborhood fiends are new?
They just feel comfortable showing their addiction because its acceptable now.

But the fiends you've always seen on the block wasnt always like that...
...they used to be the cats in the big cars everybody wanted to be like...
...they used to be the house mom we knew...
...they used to be the nerd in school cats would beat up because they wasnt down.

They quietly turn to drugs because they cant deal with the pain...
...and eventually their addiction got so bad they ended up on the street...
...shyt aint really much different now.

Fiends dont go straight to looking like a fiend...its a process.
Now we have social media and rap to show us all.

As much as some of yall like to pretend yall be in the streets...I doubt it.

You never have family that sold work?
They probably was serving other family members low key....
....and thats how the game has always been.


May 6, 2012
it's been in the hood from heroin to people sipping cough syrup.

No....I'm talking about pill popping being cool in Hip Hop to the point of influence to where pill popping is now the in thing in the hood.. Thats some new shyt. Heroin itself was never cool in hip hop. And prior to that everytime I would bring up Pimp C dying from lean all his fanatics would jump in and go "No No...its not the lean its the stuff u add to it"...So Its 'the stuff u add to it' that was considered toxic that I'm talking about. If it was considered "toxic" just 10 years ago obviously it wasn't looked at as a cool thing openly.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
It's real bad. I've been open about my issues on this board before. I've been clean from opiates for 11 years and some change now. I was taking like 40+ Vicodins or Percocets a day back in 2006. Went to rehab and got with a girl there, and when we got out it got worse before it got better. I'll spare the details but I strongly believe if this fentanyl shyt had been as prevalent back then as it is now that I would definitely be dead right now.

I've slowly watched the opiate praising in hip-hop since that time. I don't think it contributed to my use at all, but I definitely enjoyed taking opiates and listening to Sean price talk about taking pills, or Jozeemo (on a track with Sean Price actually) saying "Not to mention I be popping Oxycontins faithfully." I'm a fan of those guys forever and as far as I know Sean was mostly playing a character and never had any pill problems. And the opiate-rap talk was nowhere near as celebrated back then as it is now, but even back in the mid 00's you could start to hear it creep in. Joe Budden would rap about taking pills. Eminem always mentioned it.

But it's gone over the top recently. If it had even the smallest influence on me thinking it was cool back then? I'm positive it has to be an influence on the youth of today. I don't think artists should be role models, and I enjoy some drug rap to an extent, but you are absolutely right that there is a culture that is fairly new that really does celebrate opiates, dying young, etc. Definitely in a way that's more pronounced than ever before.

Sorry for rambling.


May 18, 2012
Only difference is in the 70's wasn't no one singing about dope like its a cool thing. James Brown did a song called 'King Heroin' that was anti dope. Laid Back did the song in the 80's called "white horse" which was anti dope. Heroin always had a label that was negative amongst our media. In 2018, Hip Hop has been promoting opioids like its cool. This is some different shyt going in the wrong direction.
False. Heroin was cool to do back then. Everybody knew a lot of those musicians was on raw. Giving a chick the dope dikk was a thing.

Pill problem been in the hood for like 3-4 years now where u been at.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Called this out TEN YEARS AGO. Been called craY for years.

Thats how i know the coli is soft as fukk and dont go outside scause half the opioid threads are making fun of white people when i know many fukking with this rn.

This shyt hit 20 years ago. Hip hop just started reflecting on it the past 5-10 years.

If you woulda asked le if i woulda seen young black kids on heroin and pks like this.. 20 years ago? Woulda called you crazy

Everyone getting high cuz of these rappers today.
You're exactly right. I can only speak for 3 cities in the south that I've lived in over the past 15 years, 2 of which are not white cities at all, and one that was very white. Opiates have fukked all 3 of those cities up in the past decade. It hit all parts of the community too.

Those chemicals do not discriminate. They can get anyone and everyone man.

It's real bad down here at the moment. I usually roll my eyes when people talk about certain things being a "crisis" or an "epidemic" but the opiates are really rolling through like a tidal wave at the moment. It's gonna get way worse before it gets better too.