The most Alpha thing a man can do is live off of a woman.


All Star
Mar 10, 2017
This is the internet. Your anecdotes trying to look cool don't matter. You could be a fat 40 year old virgin lying through his teeth for all we know and they claims be nothing more than fantasies.

I deal in biological truths and data. Women are by their nature designed to not ask men out. They are feminine. Its masculine energy that is assertive. And the data I posted supports that. You talking out your ass about women asking you out all the time is irrelevant. Remember you didn't limit this to just your experience. You started your previous post by saying "women approach men all the time". As if it was the norm. Any man who has actually dealt with women knows it isn't the norm. Only those inexperienced with women but are trying to sound cool online say such things.
You’re the last person I’d be trying to sound cool for my guy, I don’t even know you. The thing with you incel nikkas is you cope with your failures with women by projecting it onto other men. I’m sure you’re familiar with the 80/20 rule. You’ve clearly had the experiences of a 80% man. You think any positive experiences with women are men lying for the net because it’s so unfathomable to you that there’s men who actually get bytches. Women approach attractive men in social settings, just like they DM men on social media and dating apps. A girl walked up to my last weekend at rooftop party in Brooklyn to tell me “you’re cute as fukk” after trying to get my attention all night. Everything I’m saying is normal for good looking guys. All my nikkas have similar experiences when we go out, it’s not just me. Women are more forward and liberated in this era than before, they have no problem getting at a guy they want to fukk. You just don’t have that effect on women bro and that’s fine.


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
This is a lie, cuz by nature....a woman is nurturing. They also want to take care of you (especially a male). It takes charm, wit, and mouthpiece, to harness it, in any woman. I don't give AF what the chick looks like. :yeshrug:

There's plenty of baddies w/ bum nggas. Most just can't get them what, cuz they're scared of women. I've said dozens of times on lady is a business owner. She gets a way bigger bag than me. I could be the type of ngga, who implants myself, in her business/affairs. I DON'T. She knows the money, nor the bag, sways me, cuz there's millions of females w/ that get bags, or in a different opportunities. They can be got too. I'm not insecure about my shyt. Stop feelin like, cuz a MFer gotta bag over you...they're better than you, or hold more value than you, ol hoe ass insecure nggas. That's a weak mentality, and complete lack of confidence, in yourself. :mjlol:
people telling on themselves in this thread with their expectations of how women should be/react :whew: when you get things without asking.... you can just say "thank you kindly" :youngsabo:

confusion is a sickness
May 16, 2012
You’re the last person I’d be trying to sound cool for my guy, I don’t even know you. The thing with you incel nikkas is you cope with your failures with women by projecting it onto other men. I’m sure you’re familiar with the 80/20 rule. You’ve clearly had the experiences of a 80% man. You think any positive experiences with women are men lying for the net because it’s so unfathomable to you that there’s men who actually get bytches. Women approach attractive men in social settings, just like they DM men on social media and dating apps. A girl walked up to my last weekend at rooftop party in Brooklyn to tell me “you’re cute as fukk” after trying to get my attention all night. Everything I’m saying is normal for good looking guys. All my nikkas have similar experiences when we go out, it’s not just me. Women are more forward and liberated in this era than before, they have no problem getting at a guy they want to fukk. You just don’t have that effect on women bro and that’s fine.

First and foremost, you didn't limit this to the experiences of the few. You said "women approach men all the time". As if its the norm rather than the exception. Now you're switching it up with the 80/20 rule. Something I've been posting about on this site for ages. I posted actual stats from a study supporting my opinion. You are talking about UNCONFIRMED ANECDOTES. Why not upload video of all the times women approach you and ask you out on YouTube? If its so common for you then content like that would do numbers.

Regardless of what fantasies you are trying to project. The data says only about 5% of men have EVER been approached by a woman. Not that it happens all the time. But ever. That is an incredibly small percentage. Smaller than the 80/20 rule. And as I stated earlier, there is a biological reason for this. Assertiveness is a masculine trait. Its not feminine. Women are not designed to approach men. All this liberation talk is meaningless. At the end of the day genetics and nature is what drives us when it comes to sexual relationships. If a woman approaches a man, she's typically gonna be masculine and/or unattractive. Actual attractive women don't approach men. They are naturally feminine and men approach them all the time so why would they need to.

Stop with your ducktales and start dealing with facts.


May 6, 2012
I don't agree that its the most alpha thing but i see where OP is going. I'd say the assumption that it's automatically beta is wrong. But it's not necessarily alpha. It all depends on if she runs shyt or not like OP said
Apr 30, 2012
This is the internet. Your anecdotes trying to look cool don't matter. You could be a fat 40 year old virgin lying through his teeth for all we know and these claims could be nothing more than fantasies.

I deal in biological truths and data. Women are by their nature designed to not ask men out. They are feminine. Its masculine energy that is assertive. And the data I posted supports that. You talking out your ass about women asking you out all the time is irrelevant. Remember you didn't limit this to just your experience. You stated "women approach men all the time". As if it was the norm. Any man who has actually dealt with women knows it isn't the norm. Only those inexperienced with women but are trying to sound cool online say such things.
You deal in caclytics.



Oct 9, 2012
You’re the last person I’d be trying to sound cool for my guy, I don’t even know you. The thing with you incel nikkas is you cope with your failures with women by projecting it onto other men. I’m sure you’re familiar with the 80/20 rule. You’ve clearly had the experiences of a 80% man. You think any positive experiences with women are men lying for the net because it’s so unfathomable to you that there’s men who actually get bytches. Women approach attractive men in social settings, just like they DM men on social media and dating apps. A girl walked up to my last weekend at rooftop party in Brooklyn to tell me “you’re cute as fukk” after trying to get my attention all night. Everything I’m saying is normal for good looking guys. All my nikkas have similar experiences when we go out, it’s not just me. Women are more forward and liberated in this era than before, they have no problem getting at a guy they want to fukk. You just don’t have that effect on women bro and that’s fine.


imma hitta by myself
May 6, 2012
what this thread really shows me is that a lot of you dudes didnt have fathers in your lives lol

it should be a natural instinct for a man to want to be the bread winner in a relationship and being able to handle business financially own his own or at least working together.period.

thats just normal shyt. and none of you nikkas is pimps so idk why that shyt got brought up lmao

and its a difference between a woman holding you down while you're on your come up & you just flat relying on your woman to take care of you like a damn child.


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
TS knows.... I make my own loot, but my girl willingly gives me stacks because as a man she trusts me to flip it and make use of it more than she can. But this is some next level shyt you poopy butt boys don’t know about. Women can purchase and spend, but they can’t flip.


Oct 9, 2012
what this thread really shows me is that a lot of you dudes didnt have fathers in your lives lol

it should be a natural instinct for a man to want to be the bread winner in a relationship and being able to handle business financially own his own or at least working together.period.

thats just normal shyt. and none of you nikkas is pimps so idk why that shyt got brought up lmao

and its a difference between a woman holding you down while you're on your come up & you just flat relying on your woman to take care of you like a damn child.
Pimps are seen as alpha


All Star
Feb 21, 2017
Lotta NBA players are ackward as fukk but been swimming in p*ssy since they could dunk.
You don't personally know those men or how they interact with women to call them awkward.

Lotta short fat broke men with great personalities are virgins for life. Attraction is not a choice despite how badly you want it to be. Its biological hardwiring. Neither men nor women have a choice about what we are attracted to in the opposite sex. It was determined hundreds of thousands of years ago as our species evolved on the plains of Africa.

Women only care about 2 things in men when it comes to mating: (1) Can he protect me? (2) Can he provide for me?

Having masculine attributes like being tall, muscular, aggressive, and assertive cover the protector role. While having skills to acquire lots of money in the modern world covers the provider role. Ideally women want to mate with a man that is both a protector and provider. But they will settle for one or the other if a guy with both qualities is unavailable.

Personality is nothing more than a silly notion human beings use to explain why they find certain people attrative versus others. Same with vibe and love. All are code words trying to explain unconscious hardwired behaviors. A man with no personality but good looks and money will always be swimming in more p*ssy than a short fat ugly man with the greatest personality on earth.
I only agree with the protection and masculine parts of your post. Personality matters to women whether you want to believe it or not. Why do you think so many brehs complain that black women don't want them because they don't have swag? Personality matters.