The most Alpha thing a man can do is live off of a woman.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The real question is why are so many obsessed with being an 'alpha male', which is a term that originated from the PUA community applying some observations made about the animal kingdom to picking up women? Alpha is just a rebranded term for a playa or pimp and we keep normalizing and pedestalizing this sort of behavior which has played a huge role in spreading destruction in the black community. This is nothing new and you've heard it in old songs like 'papa was a rolling stone.' Being some transient who lives off women and is planting seeds everywhere is not behavior that we need to look up to.

How about we focus on being a man, and a man leads his household and takes care of his family? And focus on rearing girls to be wives and not baddies or hot girls or whatever other cleaned up euphenism for ho that is being passed around today.

The big problem is that being a playa or a ho is not seen as destructive behavior, which it is. All of these alpha talk is garbage at the end of the day. These dudes are talking about having multiple women but not having any level of commitment to any of them, but they aren't talking about the stds that come with lifestyle and the pregnancies and getting taxed in child support... or the jail that comes with not paying up... or the kids that hate you because you weren't there for them because you were too busy juggling multiple women.

Being a committed family man doesn't mean you are some 'beta cuck' or whatever term they are using. The key is to LEAD and to NOT MARRY WHORES. There was a reason they had a saying that you can't change a ho into a housewife existed. We need to stop teaching boys to be playas and girls to be hos if we want to repair this damage. Otherwise we're just going to keep running in circles and trying to make due with the degeneracy spawning from a moral wasteland. Passing a bunch of people around and trying to stay non committed and use others for their resources is not a sustainable formula for a healthy community.

And on a deeper note, that's not even taking into account that all of this sleeping around is creating incest in the community because
some guy is impregnating a lot of women in the same area and the resulting kids don't know who their daddy is and end up dating, and come to find out, later on, they have the same father.
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Oct 9, 2012
The real question is why are so many obsessed with being an 'alpha male', which is a term that originated from the PUA community applying some observations made about the animal kingdom to picking up women? Alpha is just a rebranded term for a playa or pimp and we keep normalizing and pedestalizing this sort of behavior which has played a huge role in spreading destruction in the black community. This is nothing new and you've heard it in old songs like 'papa was a rolling stone.' Being some transient who lives off women and is planting seeds everywhere is not behavior that we need to look up to.

How about we focus on being a man, and a man leads his household and takes care of his family? And focus on rearing girls to be wives and not baddies or hot girls or whatever other cleaned up euphenism for ho that is being passed around today.

The big problem is that being a playa or a ho is not seen as destructive behavior, which it is. All of these alpha talk is garbage at the end of the day. These dudes are talking about having multiple women but not having any level of commitment to any of them, but they aren't talking about the stds that come with lifestyle and the pregnancies and getting taxed in child support... or the jail that comes with not paying up... or the kids that hate you because you weren't there for them because you were too busy juggling multiple women.

Being a committed family man doesn't mean you are some 'beta cuck' or whatever term they are using. The key is to LEAD and to NOT MARRY WHORES. There was a reason they had a saying that you can't change a ho into a housewife existed. We need to stop teaching boys to be playas and girls to be hos if we want to repair this damage. Otherwise we're just going to keep running in circles and trying to make due with the degeneracy spawning from a moral wasteland. Passing a bunch of people around and trying to stay non committed and use others for their resources is not a sustainable formula for a healthy community.

And on a deeper note, that's not even taking into account that all of this sleeping around is creating incest in the community because
some guy is impregnating a lot of women in the same area and the resulting kids don't know who their daddy is and end up dating, and come to find out, later on, they have the same father.
That sounds good on paper but when you see misogynistic dudes having success with women (in general) I kinda don’t blame dudes for saying fukk it.
If I see stand up guys getting shytted on what’s the point of being a stand up dude. That’s not a personal issue, but I can see it from a guy who’s frustrated with the dating scene


All Star
Feb 21, 2017
So you're saying professional athletes whose brand is important are acting like socially awkward weirdos in public on purpose when they have a cool personality in private? This is quite a stretch. What benefit would a public figure have to not show he's socially calibrated. And don't even try to say its for money or attention. These men already have it. And when you look at the most popular athletes (i.e. Jordan, Kobe, LeBron) they didn't have weird public personas. They were the same guys in private that we saw publically.

Not having the right personality means not being masculine enough in this context. This site is predominantly filled with black men from middle class backgrounds who didn't grow up in the "hood" and thus don't fall into the "thug" archetype many black women find attractive. For the record, there is nothing wrong with women being attracted to those type of men. Its the equivalent in the black community of the "bad boy" getting the girl over the "nice guy" in the white community. Women find aggression and the capability to inflict violence as attractive traits in men because those traits are more conducive to survival than being the "nice guy". So what you really described here is nothing more than the masculine traits that make a man the "protector" women naturally desire and calling it "personality".

Obviously. I have never claimed unattractive men with money get genuine burning desire from the women who get with them. Those women are clearly using these men for their resources and will cheat on them any chance they get with a man they actually find attractive. This is a part of the natural order. Its why I say as a man you should cover all bases not just put all your eggs in one basket. You should get in shape, build muscle, and look your best as well as make as much money as possible. That way you can increase your chances of getting true burning desire from a woman rather than just getting woman who will cheat on you any chance she gets.
May 16, 2012
The real question is why are so many obsessed with being an 'alpha male', which is a term that originated from the PUA community applying some observations made about the animal kingdom to picking up women? Alpha is just a rebranded term for a playa or pimp and we keep normalizing and pedestalizing this sort of behavior which has played a huge role in spreading destruction in the black community.

Because we are men and we are driven by our base animal instincts to reproduce with as many women as possible. Does it make sense logically in today's age? No. But like I said many times before, our DNA and brain don't know its the year 2021. We still have the same genetics as our ancestors who lived thousands of years ago. So we are still driven by the same basic pressures and insticts that drove them. This is why being an alpha male is so important. Because for most of history they were the only ones that had access to women.

Only 40% of men who have ever lived reproduced compared to 99% of women. Fighting to be at the top of the male hierarchy is hard-wired into us.


All Star
Feb 21, 2017
So you have no counter-argument? Not that surprising. I did destroy every point you made with that rather impressive post.


Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
That sounds good on paper but when you see misogynistic dudes having success with women (in general) I kinda don’t blame dudes for saying fukk it.
If I see stand up guys getting shytted on what’s the point of being a stand up dude. That’s not a personal issue, but I can see it from a guy who’s frustrated with the dating scene



Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
-This shyt has me dying. I like how people make these wild generalizations about what all men do & be so wrong.

-These Alpha/Beta discussions keep a smile on my face with all the stupid shyt I read that gets passed off as facts.


Oct 9, 2012
-This shyt has me dying. I like how people make these wild generalizations about what all men do & be so wrong.

-These Alpha/Beta discussions keep a smile on my face with all the stupid shyt I read that gets passed off as facts.
What advice would you give


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
What advice would you give
-On the thread topic I say do you. I have no issue with a man letting his girl take care of him. The couple times I had the option I didn't take it but I had other reasons. I don't have insecurities about being with a woman that makes more money than me, I've done it.

-On the rest of the thread all I can say is I personally wouldn't take any advice from the breh @Swagnificent. Majority of the shyt he's said hasn't been accurate at all in my dealings with women. According to his posts I should of never gotten any p*ssy.


President, (Retired)
Oct 4, 2015
Black Empowerment
The alpha/beta/etc construct has been proven false in multiple ways, but let's say it's legit...

It's easy to dominate women, being able to do that when you already have the physical capability and cultural backing (women want men who can lead) should make it easy.

I thought alphas are dominant in general, not just dominant with those easy to dominate. Alphas in the wild lead the entire group, not just females.

In the real world men look down on other men that use women for financial gain. It's a sign of weakness and shows a lack of independence. It's why pimps get sensationalized by the bottom tier financially but it's not something anyone with real power celebrates or admires.
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