No, אֲֲֲֲדֹֹנָָָָי is invariably identified as singular by the use of singular verbs, and is used exclusively for addressing God (in prayer).
In Judaeo-Arabic אַלַּהּ allah, which is singular in both form and meaning, is used for translating God's Hebrew titles.
No, that is indicative of majesty (also known as 'royal we'). Plural forms can be used to denote a position of authority.
God is unique, the Only One of His 'Kind', so He does not need a 'Name' to distinguish Him from any 'other' (only 'designations' where He features in the narrative due to the limitations of human language). But we, humans, need names to distinguish us from one another.
And there is no ambiguity at all here. On the contrary; it is even more obvious in Hebrew, which has a full conjugation (with different forms for first, second and third person; singular and plural; masculine and feminine) compared with English's deficient conjugations.
God is unique from your perspective but if you’re trying to explain the God you believe in from the deities or God of a non Jew for example you’d probably need to use a name
If God revealed himself to you by a unique “name” which you hold tradition of, it would be a step backwards to tell someone God is “the only one of his kind” because the only important thing about God can’t simply be that he is “one”. That’s just surface level understanding and should be a given to most
It would defeat the purpose of any prior experience or traditions about this “God” (assuming you have the oldest record) and go backwards essentially to a time when people DIDNT know GOD
And then what would be the point of the Torah to Jews or even Jesus to Christians?
If God is meant to be simple, unimaginable and nameless, why even exist?
And that’s the problem. We need to know God for even God to have a purpose. (I learned that from listening to a rabbi)
Names dont matter I guess if you believe in the notion of “1 God by many names” but to say “1 God with NO name or distinct identity” or an “unknown God” is even worse.
In that case you could say “the God Egyptians called RA is Yahweh” or everything is God.
Or you could do like Muhammad and announce all the Arab pagan gods to be encompassed under ONE GOD under the umbrella term “ALLAH” which isn’t as much of a name as it is an ambiguous title like “Lord” in Judaism
Can you give an example of
allah, being “used for translating God's Hebrew titles.”
Maybe you have seen a Torah written in Arabic?