Look the movie looks fantastic but Matt Damon should not have been the lead in the movie. Supporting? OK, have him in a side role. But have his face plastered all over this is very disengenious. I haven't seen the film so I don't know exactly how his character will be protrayed but the trailer shows him as being the lead role in the movie. I think Matt is a very good actor and I have nothing against him personally and have been a fan for years (Though I have issues with his elitism and what he said to that Black Producer on that project greenlight show). Yes reguardless of the Zhang choosing him for this lead and that's the director's right. It's still sending a bad message of the White Savior. Yes it's a Fantasy version of events so this a "Mystical" story. But the fact remains in Chinese History greatest Battles a White Man was not leading them period. This same thing happen 13 years ago with "The Last Samurai".
Yes it was a good film but it had the White Savior issue again. This is Chinese History. I'm not Chinese but I understand what it's like see your History distorted. So one of the first Blockbusters about the "Great Wall Of China" and no Asian Actor could lead the movie? Jet Li? Hello the director did "Hero" right? Jet Li would be FLAWLESS for this role. Obviously the director and studio felt having Matt Damon would sell tickets. But again the FACE of the movie should be Chinese. Again visually, artistically it looked amazing. I love Zhang artsically, always have but that doesn't change how I feel. All I saw in that trailer was Matt Damon all over the place. So I'm with the Asian Actress complaining. I mean look at this poster:
So you were Gods of Egypt and now your the Saviors of the Great Wall Of China.