Kang Deezy
Overall Nice Guy
What's better than BP?
dark knight
Infinity war
No way home
Winter soldier
for sure, there might be a couple more
I’m gonna rewatch it soon
What's better than BP?
Certainly, thats why i made that clear in OP....i figured youd think this was about you and just wanted to say you made me think of the topic, not that you AGREED with the sentimentnever said black panther wasn't a great film
its just that the action/fighting scenes were lacking a bit
I guess I'm spoiled by Man of Steel
I'll give my controversial take on this movie . Will definitely be viewed as the unpopular opinion on this forum (though I don't visit The Film Room much anyways so who knows) ...
I'll explain on here the same way I explain to my homies why "Black Panther isn't that good of a movie"
I'll preface this by saying I only saw the movie one time , in the movie theater ,, and never saw it again . Didn't interest nor excite me to see it again ... hopefully yall won't attack or neg me for giving my opinion ,, maybe it'll help add to the discussion at hand .. (so the summary I'll be giving is off the top)
imo it was an agenda driven movie ..
1) T'Challa is the king .. but his sister is smarter than him .. all woman army , so a woman is in charge of the military branch .. plus he had to chase around Lupita Nyong'o , his love interest ,,, basically convincing her to respect his authority .. but you the King right ?
2) they had all the men of Wakanda exiled in the mountains in the tundra .. all the residents of Wakanda were women and old folk .. so if I'm to be apart of Wakanda I gotta be a lapdog or exiled into the mountains to freeze ? Where the women at for the Mountain Wakandians ?basically all the "masculine men" were viewed as beyond reproach and exiled ... that doesn't sound like a Wakanda I want to be apart of
3) they kill off KIllmonger; so they can save Capt America evil brother for a bunch of sequels ,, they can save Thor evil brother for a bunch of sequels .... but they kill off Killmonger ?? KIllmonger ain't worthy of redemption ?
4) so the white FBI agent can fly Shuri special jets ,, but not her fellow Wakanda brothers ?
5) at the end of the movie ,, they open Wakanda for all the Nations to reap the rewards of their vibranium .. now doesn't that sound like some "all lives matter" shyt .. you think Rome opened their borders to let all the world's nations reap them from their resources ? Did Iraq open its borders to let nations reap them from their oil ? Oh but Black Wakanda gotta be on some "love the world" shyt ,, and let everybody reap their natural resourcesounds like a script written by white people straight from 1400's Africa
6) with all the vibranium money , what do the world leaders of Wakanda do ? Buy Atlanta ? Buy NYC or Harlem ? Buy any city with that new vibranium money ? No . That buy a single block in Comption .One block .
When they got enough wealth to buy the entire city
tell me how the hell does this movie make black people seem more superior than average .
I won't even get into the parts where the women have more lines and screentime than T'Challa (.. but that's the king right)
I won't get into how easily they accept the white FBI agent's "helping hands" while they have all the brothas exiled freezing in the tundra mountains with no women
I won't get into the opening introduction of Killmonger is him sagging his pants , only for him to be sacrificed at the end
I won't even get into the final battle .. which is point 7) a literal gender war between men and women ,, and with the men bowing down to the women at the end of the movie
Tell me how this movie isn't riddled with agenda tropes
Get Out > Black Panther
Birth of a Nation > Black Panther
atleast those movies show brothas having each others back .
(hopefully I don't get fragged and attacked for giving my opinion ,, but I literally had this faceduring my entire experience watching this movie . even fell asleep in the movie theater , and probably didn't miss a thing .... but then again I lost interest of Marvel superhero movies a long time ago .. this had a black cast and I support my black cast movies and will continue doing so ,, but Black Panther wasn't that special to me , imho)
What you think about this opinion, @Ziggiy ?
My only criticism is that I feel whatever fight choreography crew the Russos were using should have been employed here.
The fights are a step down from Winter Soldier and Civil War in my opinion.
Other than that I saw the shyt 4 times in the theater
Let's discuss... what truly is better than BP outta the MCU?
-i'd say infinity war is better... to me that's probably the #1 MCU movie... that's truly the pinnacle and it has a lot of dope themes that are explored to go along with a top notch villain.. the build to it... and all the action sequences.. That's truly Marvel's Empire..
-Winter Soldier is not really a political thriller but it's close and is probably the most grounded MCU movie.. clear motivations on all sides and dope action scenes.. That's probably also better than BP but they are close..
-iron man is a great origin but not better than BP
-GOTG is great because it's a true space opera but better than BP? ehh....
-Spider-Man No Way Home is now in the convo.. for sure..
As i said.. BP probably a top 3-5 MCU movie..