Real Talk
My only gripe with that movie was the shytty cgi, especially the end fight.
It had CGI issues but it’s one of Marvel’s best films. The hate is absurd.
It’s green screens plus they probably didn’t invest because they didn’t think it would be the hit it was.Yeah, the CGI was embarrassing at times.
And Disney owns ILM who were GOATS....have they fallen off or something?
Probably just everyone doing green screens and shyt. The green screen shyt has gotten outta hand and a lot of it looks bad when it should be improving.
I'd put IM 1 above BP but not Age of UltronFirst, no diss to @Take It In Blood who made me think of this and a reply by someone else, since you were talking about action scenes, and it was clearly not a hot take, it was an opinion.
But I've heard this a lot in the last year, on the ringerverse podcast Van Lathan stands on this square and I just don't fukkin get it.
How is that movie overrated? It was entertaining, beginning to end...was iconic in both acting performances and what it represented. Had a GOAT villian with bulletproof motives, a legit hero and a heroes journey, 5 star cast, and a good ending. The only reasonable complaint is the sus CGI on the bridge. Other than that it's an absolute classic.
Help me understand how we're now putting Ironman or age of Ultron and shyt above black panther?? It's truly some contrarian shyt to me.
Age of Ultron was a legit C-I'd put IM 1 above BP but not Age of Ultron
Low key sometimes I forget about Age of Ultron because I don't think David Spader was a good Ultron.
I also did'nt like that Ultrons mouth moved...and he had....I dunno... "too much" personality if that makes sense?
I wanted to like that movie...I really did. I mean it's Ultron, he's one of the Avengers most prominent villainsAge of Ultron was a legit C-
personally, i think because bp was hyped up as though it were some sort of movement. i get the excitement behind a major black superhero on the big screen, but there was so much bandwagoning happening behind it that felt artificial as fukk, and when things like that happen, theres bound to be pushback of sorts in the opposite direction. like when ghostbusters afterlife came out, there werer people trashing it and supporting the 2016 version for a variety of reasons, one of which was that "at least it tried something new". i knew shyt was gonna get bad one day for bp when i saw that ass deray asking people on social media to tell him about the character instead of him picking up a damn comic so he could go to the premier and look like an absolute clown
come on I love black panther but what?This. I think this is where the contrarians are coming from. Obviously there's gonna be white boys who hate it, but when you run across the hate among us, I believe it's because the film did suffer from an overhype of sorts. Which to me, isn't a bad thing.
But I remember when it came out: dude, this chic hit me up (she saw it on Thurs opening day, my ticket was for Saturday) Thurs night talking about, "Neo, this is the best movie I have ever seen."
Me: "You mean the best MARVEL movie, right?"
Her: "No, I mean the best movie in history"
I mean, it's a great movie, one of the best Marvel movies, but for somebody, a 40 year old woman, to tell me it's the best movie she's ever seen in her life? I mean, come on
But that's the power of hype.
Dude, my parents went to go see this, my parents who are not marvel heads, had never went to the theaters to see a Marvel movie in their life, but they went to this one.
It was the hype that drew everybody in, and there's nothing wrong with that. But when the hype is happening, there is a fear from ppl to criticize something that has so much love from the ppl in that moment.
And I think folks are finally feeling comfortable enough to call out what they feel are legit criticisms about the movie.
Like for me, i loved the movie, still a top 5 Marvel movie for me, but them fights T'Challa had on the waterfall were asscheeks, both of them. I'm not expecting mans to do much when he don't have his BP powers, but I mean, if they took Cap's super strength away from him, dude would still at least still have some martial arts abilities due to the training he received. They had T'Challa on the waterfall fighting like me
But that's my only criticism. Other than that, it's a great movie, legendary even, and I know the second one wont' live up to the first, and that in itself is gonna lead to further emboldening of folks to come out and trash the first one. So y'all just get ready.![]()
come on I love black panther but what?
I remember my parents wanted to go see it 4 times