Yea you kinda laid out the pros and consI think Black Panther is a victim of extreme hype. I saw it twice in theaters with my family, and we all love it. The second time as we left the theater, I knew this movie wouldn’t hold up over time because people () would nitpick the shyt out of it.
I will say I prefer the Russo’s vision of T’Challa over Coogler’s, the action scenes were lacking but Killmonger’s challenge from an emotional standpoint is damn near perfect.
Ryan Coogler excels at aesthetics and dialogue. His movies look COOL and this is a huge reason why BP resonates so much. The wardrobe and designs with the shots and music is

I also prefer the Russo's version of Tchalla because yea Coogler cut his nuts off in BP. Also we all know how proficient they are with action. A Coogler/Russos team up would've made for a