that detroit caller was right, and tariq hates to hold black multi-millionaires accountable. he talking about some "why don't do you do it", i bet mayweather has more wealth than 90% of the black citizens in detroit combined.
then he brings up the asian community and says they dont do that, WRONG. asians worth 400 million dollars definitely turn around and reinvest into their communities.
Yea but the black community has more than enough money to finance itself without waiting on Oprah or Floyd Mayweather. Stats continually show that blacks spend trillions each year in malls, shoe stores, churches, hair salons and car lots. But supposedly, n#ggas are always broke when it comes to spending money on political backing, donations to black causes and investing in business.
The thing that people like the caller and you fail to realize is that it takes alot of people doing a little instead of waiting for a few people to do alot.
If blacks were to setup an avenue where they can deposit money into a community chest, used to build black business tailored to that community's needs and wants, then some real action could take place.
Imagine if the black households in Philadelphia, for example, donated $20 each per month to a community fund.
That fund is governed by elected black officials with an oversight board. Within the city limits, about 1.5 million people live. Around 45 percent of those people are black, which gives us 700K black people, give or take. And let's say only half of those families donate every month.
That would be $7 million dollars per month in capital and $84 million for the year.
With $84 million, I'm thinking some a school or two could be built. I'm thinking a bank or two could be created. I'm thinking some politicians could get financed. I'm thinking some run down neighborhoods could get blacks and for black families. I'm thinking some desperately needed services could be created in black neighborhoods.
And that's only the beginning. Most people are followers, so once they see the fruition, the numbers would increase. And let's say, eventually, 75 percent of the black population joins in.
That's $10 million per month and $120 million for the year. Way more than one person would donate.
Imagine if blacks across the country decided to do this in their neck of the woods every month and every year. Imagine all the new businesses that would be created to just to service the plans of the community fund. Imagine the money circulation that would lift many from poor to middle class, from middle class to upper class. Imagine the end of "glass ceilings" as black companies are created that hire black professionals to service the needs of the community.
If black people in the 1920s could have airplanes in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 1920s, then I believe blacks can at least revitalize their neighborhoods in 2015 and beyond.