Why didn't you start the conversation, when im around my folks I always make sure we talk about current issues
The message not the messenger.
A grown man shouldn't want to suck another man's dikk just to not hate on him^, and to pick up gems.

Why didn't you start the conversation, when im around my folks I always make sure we talk about current issues
The message not the messenger.
A grown man shouldn't want to suck another man's dikk just to not hate on him^, and to pick up gems.
Same mindset I have about him also. I go back and forth on my feelings on him although his podcasts are very interesting to listen to.
But it seems like all he wants is to people to call up agreeing with him or a point he made and mention his Hidden colors series or an upcoming meeting he is having in a city just so he can say "YES INDEED" 20 times in a show.
He hears anything besides that..,,any kind of disagreement...first he is calm and then asks the person____how is___thing like___ or "what do you mean"...then out of nowhere after a while just hangs up on the person. Looks at the screen and says "sorry brother/sister...i had to hang up on you because you were c00ning"...
randomly throws out a word like "c00nette" ....complains about some people in the chatroom trolling.
Yes there are tons and tons of c00ns but this podcast he just got me heated when he hung up on that sister when she is probably one of the more conscious people that called the show....
im a fan and i have a lot of the same gripes.Your just not a fan that's all it is...
im a fan and i have a lot of the same gripes.
What muslims really accomplished in the black community?You act like they are the saviors, they were there during the crack epidemic and during Jim Crow they were not spear heading any movement of any kind.I doubt he attends church.
And church is one of the primary reasons we are lost as a community.
And he is Money Mayweather........ He is past community , he is celebrity. He is hollywood and detached...
Once you reach that level -- You can only be expected to give back to Any community if you were already an activist ----------------- like Jim Brown, Muhammad Ali, etc.
If you're just a nikka that made a bunch of money, then you have zero obligation to anyone.
(the muthfakers struggling to build in the community are the ones that have the obligation - and they need to quit dissing strippers and drug dealers, etc and use them to help build. They need to quit dissing Muslims (most black americans do not like muslims) , because % wise black Muslims Are the builders in the communities, And they need to quit dividing themselves over bullshyt...... and also they need to QUIT WAITING for a savior ....... Weather its Oprah, Tyler fakkit Perry, or Jesus Crakker Christ)
A lot of older brothers and sisters are on the scared uncle tom shyt that was passed down to a lot of their children.
It's really the younger brothers and sisters that are about black empowerment. You should spread that message to the younger folks in your area; because the older blacks are done. Plus the younger blacks are the future.
What about folks who are doing something that's complain (for lack of a better term)? I wouldn't say I'm complaining about the rich or the middle class. It just makes me wonder why they're not able to see the world as I do.
Respect to you BREH, cause I know you're one dude on hear that is about that action and I enjoy reading your post about some of the things that you're doing and showing that you're doing.
Jason black is hard to take serious because he has the voice of a homosexual
He sounds like he's gargling nut while recording. ... no offense to the brother but he does sound like a fakkitJason black is hard to take serious because he has the voice of a homosexual
@Sensei I agree that black Muslims been unsuccessful at single handedly defending white supremacy, but if you really feel they do nothing and have built and done Nothing then you're a fool
They.Name something monumental they built in Black America?
Thousands of noi brother had and do have businesses.
Are you seeking a savior? Or daddy?
They do their part. Just giving us the motivations for malcolm, the black panthers, 5% , and resurrection of black consciousness. ..
Why didn't you start the conversation, when im around my folks I always make sure we talk about current issues
Yea. My wife asked me once.He sounds like he's gargling nut while recording. ... no offense to the brother but he does sound like a fakkit
Yea. My wife asked me once.
Is he gay?
I was feelin like i got caught doing something wrong.
I was like uhhhh nah i think he was just in the choir at church.
Edit this post and do it again. It was Trash.Tariq is pretty much high picthed with his tone too. Like some said he has too much exclusives of gay porn activity. No straight man would have a collection of homosexual material like he does.