Tariq Nasheed on new Star Wars movie - "12 Years a Space Slave"


Aug 25, 2015
Maybe if the marketing hadn't CLEARLY been a ridiculous Bait and Switch then people wouldn't have been misled.

Make no mistake, this isn't a case of black people seeing that Boyega had been cast and just hoping he'd be Force Sensitive. It was shyt like THIS

That had people thinking he'd be the main hero and a Jedi. Keep in mind. He's the FIRST human character in the cinematic continuity to wield a Lightsaber in combat and NOT turn out to be Force Sensitive. THATS how far they went to market him as a hero, only to switch it and have the white girl be the hero.

It was pure mis-marketing and it was bullshyt.

People keep saying if "Finn were White you wouldn't have a problem". That's a cop-out, the fact of the matter is he's NOT white, and again, if the marketing of the movie hadn't been built around Finn as an important character with the Force, then you might have an argument. But not only did he turn out to not have the Force, he was a cowardly, bumbling, comedic side kick, with no goal beyond "save Rey", which he didn't accomplish. Every single thing he set out to do in the film he failed at. He failed in fighting the storm trooper (Han saved him) he failed to save Rey (Rey saved herself, within 30 minutes of first using the force) he failed in fighting Kylo Ren and wound up in a coma (Rey kicked Kylo's ass, again within 24 hours of first using the force)

Han was a selfish jerk in ANH? Fantastic, he STILL got his moment of heroism in the film when he came back to help Luke.

Luke was a Whiny farm boy? Great, he STILL destroyed the Death Star.

Leia was a spoiled Brat? Yep, she STILL was the one who ended up saving both Luke and Han on Vadar's stronghold when they were outgunned and overmatched.

The fact of the matter is that Finn is the ONE "main" character out of SIX movies to accomplish absolutely nothing by the climax. If it weren't for Boyega's performance the character literally would've been worthless.

He couldn't pilot
He couldn't fight
He couldn't save the white girl
He got his ass kicked by Rey
He got his ass kicked by Chewie
He got his ass kicked by the random Alien
He got his ass kicked by A Storm Trooper
He got his ass kicked by Kylo Ren

Where's the redemption in all of this? Where's the supposed "Destiny" that has been awakened when the final shot of his character he isn't even fukking CONSCIOUS!!?!!

Because if his "destiny" was to carry the lightsaber until the white girl awoke to her destiny then you can miss me with that shyt. Hell they should've went ahead and just cast a white actor and kept it moving

Take this rep. These brehs aint hearing you :wow:


Jul 7, 2012
It isn't just Black people having an issue with Finn. I've seen White people claim he was useless and bumbling too.

I thought Finn was great and his heroic moment was going up against Kylo despite knowing how powerful he was and putting up quite a fight.

As others have said if this character was white there would be none of these complaints. we have two more films with Finn in them I'm expecting a more resilient, wiser and better fighter Finn in both those movies.

No because there is no history of White men being portrayed problematically in Hollywood films. In most action/sci-fi/fantasy films in which they are lead, they are usually depicted as powerful, intelligent and hypercompetent. Women/minorities on the other hand is another story....

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
This is that whole new white feminist thing. Set up some weak male and a strong female lead. Same thing happened with the new Mad Max. They turned him into a bytch who had to be saved by the badass woman. They fukked up the timeline and everything too. That whole movie was nothing but women beating back men trying to turn them "back into hos."

Verbal Kint

May 13, 2015
TC, Ap
Maybe if the marketing hadn't CLEARLY been a ridiculous Bait and Switch then people wouldn't have been misled.

Make no mistake, this isn't a case of black people seeing that Boyega had been cast and just hoping he'd be Force Sensitive. It was shyt like THIS

That had people thinking he'd be the main hero and a Jedi. Keep in mind. He's the FIRST human character in the cinematic continuity to wield a Lightsaber in combat and NOT turn out to be Force Sensitive. THATS how far they went to market him as a hero, only to switch it and have the white girl be the hero.

It was pure mis-marketing and it was bullshyt.

People keep saying if "Finn were White you wouldn't have a problem". That's a cop-out, the fact of the matter is he's NOT white, and again, if the marketing of the movie hadn't been built around Finn as an important character with the Force, then you might have an argument. But not only did he turn out to not have the Force, he was a cowardly, bumbling, comedic side kick, with no goal beyond "save Rey", which he didn't accomplish. Every single thing he set out to do in the film he failed at. He failed in fighting the storm trooper (Han saved him) he failed to save Rey (Rey saved herself, within 30 minutes of first using the force) he failed in fighting Kylo Ren and wound up in a coma (Rey kicked Kylo's ass, again within 24 hours of first using the force)

Han was a selfish jerk in ANH? Fantastic, he STILL got his moment of heroism in the film when he came back to help Luke.

Luke was a Whiny farm boy? Great, he STILL destroyed the Death Star.

Leia was a spoiled Brat? Yep, she STILL was the one who ended up saving both Luke and Han on Vadar's stronghold when they were outgunned and overmatched.

The fact of the matter is that Finn is the ONE "main" character out of SIX movies to accomplish absolutely nothing by the climax. If it weren't for Boyega's performance the character literally would've been worthless.

He couldn't pilot
He couldn't fight
He couldn't save the white girl
He got his ass kicked by Rey
He got his ass kicked by Chewie
He got his ass kicked by the random Alien
He got his ass kicked by A Storm Trooper
He got his ass kicked by Kylo Ren

Where's the redemption in all of this? Where's the supposed "Destiny" that has been awakened when the final shot of his character he isn't even fukking CONSCIOUS!!?!!

Because if his "destiny" was to carry the lightsaber until the white girl awoke to her destiny then you can miss me with that shyt. Hell they should've went ahead and just cast a white actor and kept it moving

So dude had no discernable skills or abilities yet still made the whole thing happening by saving Rey (she wouldn't have gotten off Jakku without him), saving Poe, getting the shields down (which led to the base's destruction), fighting Kylo Ren when Rey was knocked out, and actually hurting him with no skill, only heart. You say the 'if he was white' argument has no weight but the ONLY reason you have beef with the character is BECAUSE he's black. The character himself is by nature unskilled, inexperienced and generally completely unprepared for everything he's dealing with. He said that mission was his very first so give me a good reason why he should've been winning all these fights? As I've mentioned multiple times the 'accomplished nothing' thing is a narrative you're pushing that has no weight at all because I keep mentioning the things he accomplished that were all vital to the plot. He had multiple moments of bravery and heroism but you're basically saying 'nah they weren't good enough'. And that's fine. But you're trying to create a narrative that doesn't exist cause you wanted the brotha to be the next Luke

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Maybe if the marketing hadn't CLEARLY been a ridiculous Bait and Switch then people wouldn't have been misled.

Make no mistake, this isn't a case of black people seeing that Boyega had been cast and just hoping he'd be Force Sensitive. It was shyt like THIS

That had people thinking he'd be the main hero and a Jedi. Keep in mind. He's the FIRST human character in the cinematic continuity to wield a Lightsaber in combat and NOT turn out to be Force Sensitive. THATS how far they went to market him as a hero, only to switch it and have the white girl be the hero.

It was pure mis-marketing and it was bullshyt.

People keep saying if "Finn were White you wouldn't have a problem". That's a cop-out, the fact of the matter is he's NOT white, and again, if the marketing of the movie hadn't been built around Finn as an important character with the Force, then you might have an argument. But not only did he turn out to not have the Force, he was a cowardly, bumbling, comedic side kick, with no goal beyond "save Rey", which he didn't accomplish. Every single thing he set out to do in the film he failed at. He failed in fighting the storm trooper (Han saved him) he failed to save Rey (Rey saved herself, within 30 minutes of first using the force) he failed in fighting Kylo Ren and wound up in a coma (Rey kicked Kylo's ass, again within 24 hours of first using the force)

Han was a selfish jerk in ANH? Fantastic, he STILL got his moment of heroism in the film when he came back to help Luke.

Luke was a Whiny farm boy? Great, he STILL destroyed the Death Star.

Leia was a spoiled Brat? Yep, she STILL was the one who ended up saving both Luke and Han on Vadar's stronghold when they were outgunned and overmatched.

The fact of the matter is that Finn is the ONE "main" character out of SIX movies to accomplish absolutely nothing by the climax. If it weren't for Boyega's performance the character literally would've been worthless.

He couldn't pilot
He couldn't fight
He couldn't save the white girl
He got his ass kicked by Rey
He got his ass kicked by Chewie
He got his ass kicked by the random Alien
He got his ass kicked by A Storm Trooper
He got his ass kicked by Kylo Ren

Where's the redemption in all of this? Where's the supposed "Destiny" that has been awakened when the final shot of his character he isn't even fukking CONSCIOUS!!?!!

Because if his "destiny" was to carry the lightsaber until the white girl awoke to her destiny then you can miss me with that shyt. Hell they should've went ahead and just cast a white actor and kept it moving

Knowing hollywood, and knowing this is star wars as a black person I dont see how anyone that is socially conscious could have expected him to be the main hero, I would have legit been shocked like that would have been the biggest plot twist. Especially with how much they tried to keep everything under wraps with this movie, it was clear bait and switch to me. The movie had much more of a girl power feel to it than a "white supremacy" one.

Also that picture doesn't lie, as the story isn't over and I feel like fin might end up actually being a force user....maybe. Even still if he doesn't instead of being a brain washed killer (that started off in janitorial apparently) He decided that what they were doing was wrong and he wanted out instead of just going with the flow. He left because it was wrong and ran because he was scared. His destiny still awaits and has been awakened, he isn't just a generic storm trooper...

If not for him Rey would still be on the planet and or dead
He saved Rey from being blasted out the sky.
The death star part 2 would have destroyed the resistant
Ren would have killed Rey off after the force push at the start of the fight.

Also I have to remind myself that this is only the start of a trilogy otherwise I would probably rate it a bit lower as nothing much got answered by the end of the movie... Alot of stuff is in place and like the 1st order and stuff and I have no clue where they came from or how they got so powerful.

I think the biggest problem I had with fin as it probably should have been a role for a white person UNLESS going forward he kind of takes more of a dominate role.

Everyone (from the new class) in this movie is pretty scrubby outside of Rey, but they are all are just starting.


Aug 15, 2014
@horse.kills i dont even think that's a real spoiler...i was just taking her word for it :mjcry:


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
At T-Dogg 2.0...:dead: I'm just saying........ Alex Jones said the same thing the last couple weeks on his show. He said he didn't look masculine, but said Samuel. L. Jackson was more masculine. This is without seeing the movie. Granted the characters are very different. Again I don't agree with everything he says, but he repeating Tariq almost word for word.

With that said Tariq and Jones will find a reason to criticize and make you think and that's part of their method. I'm going try and watch before Xmas.
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