Tariq Nasheed on new Star Wars movie - "12 Years a Space Slave"


Dec 24, 2014
So what I got out of this thread is dude is a garbage man who's constantly getting smacked around and is just a supporting character even though the trailers made it look like he was gonna be the protagonist. And he doesn't even become a "jedi" (whatever the fukk that means anyway)?
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
So what I got out of this thread is dude is a garbage man who's constantly getting smacked around and is just a supporting character even though the trailers made it look like he was gonna be the protagonist? And he doesn't even become a jedi (whatever the fukk that means anyway)?


You literally have to SEE the movie to experience how badly they nerfed the character. shyt was revolting

Verbal Kint

May 13, 2015
TC, Ap

Now we're in and they've captured Phasma, and Finn gets his Kevin Hart on and hams it up for a couple minutes, while the cool Han Solo has to tell him to dial it down. A dangerous mission in the enemies base me you've got time to clown? fukking ridiculous, but still this is Finn's moment right? His chance to rescue Rey and set it right, after all she did save him from the Alien earlier on right?

Nope, the ever resourceful Rey with her new found Jedi Powers has already escaped. Girl Power style!

Finn and Rey watch Han die by Kylo's hand. A very good and touching sequence I might add.

They flee into the snow. Kylo pursues them

And now the moment of truth. Finn's LAST chance at a truly heroic moment. No more running, no more hiding. The girl you've been jonesing for is knocked out, Kylo just called you a filthy traitor.

Your eyes steel

You grasp the lightsaber with determined vigor

You prepare to take Kylo Ren head on. This is your "destiny awakens" moment.

You lose.

Not ONLY do you lose, but your put in a coma.

This ends your chapter in The Force Awakens...

Poe Dameronn gets to heroically destroy the Star Killer

Rey wakes up, grabs the lightsaber, and having learned she has the force all of 24 hours, proceeds to kick Ren's Ass like she's Xena the Warror Princess.

Hell even BB8 gets to complete his mission and show the way to Luke Skywalker.

You Finn are in a coma.

No heroic moment, no redemption, no future arc for your character.]

The Black Male "Lead" ladies and gentleman:snoop:

He gets not ONE truly heroic moment in the ENTIRE GODDAMN FILM


Leia got saved less throughout the entire OG trilogy

The FIRST human character in Star Wars cinema to wield a lightsaber and not be force sensitive

A liar, Coward, wise-cracking side kick. He literally spends the rest of the film after Han shows up as Either a victim or Rey's courier.

Rey is the chosen one, the new Jedi apprentice. Poe is the hotshot pilot, the best in the Resistance.

Finn...is in a Coma...

It's extremely insulting to say, that after Han shows up, you could've replaced Finn with Jar Jar Binks and gotten the same damn results. Finn's character was NOT treated with respect or dignity. They stripped him of what it looked like they were trying to give him in the beginning, the ability to exist as his own character. He's there to tell jokes (and be the but of them) voice reluctance and fear, and get saved to show how badass the OTHER characters are.

And you can already miss me with the "bu bu but...he'll GROW in episode 8!". Luke, Han, and Leia could ALL grow in episode 5 without being completely demoralized in ANH. Luke got his hero moment, so did Han and Leia, all were PROVEN that he possess heroic qualities. Finn was never allowed to PROVE my heroic qualities. Everything he attempted was accomplished by someone else....

The movie itself was a 7/10. Finn was a 4/10 and I'm giving him the 4 based on the promise he showed in the beginning, and BOYEGA's clear talent as an actor. He REALLY did his best with what he was given, he deserved better.

Black Characters deserve better.

I will not be looking forward to Episode 8. Unless they do an EXTREME makeover of Finn's character I won't be watching future installments. Disney took a great opportunity to make a black hero and flushed it in favor of the same stereotypes we've been told over and over that Hollywood is looking to change.

These are stories by white people FOR white people. The character of Finn is our nikka Wake Up Call that it will remain so for the foreseeable future.

I should've known better.

Props for the long write up. I respect the opinion. I also think its reaching. Put it this way: If Fin was played by a white actor none of the plot issues you point out would've been an issue. You viewed all of it from the lens of hoping the black character would be the hero. Its like when I watch a college or pro game where someone from back home or that I knew is playing. I'm watching the game hoping he's going to do well so his team could win but I'm like 'yea but they shouldve got my man more shots'. I also don't buy into the idea that the writers purposefully made the black character weak (and don't agree that he's weak at all). I just don't see it and I'm definitely aware of how Hollywood portrays blacks and does so on purpose. Like I said we forget that Han Solo was a selfish jerk for the entire first movie. Not to mention if we're looking at Fin the character, all these moments in the movie are his first genuine interactions with real people. Characterizing him as a liar is a bit unfair, especially since he did actually tell her the truth fairly quickly instead of one of those cliche moments where someone else dimed on him or she found out on her own. He owned up and admitted the truth which almost NEVER happens in those situations in movies. Entire movies are built around the 'guy tells a white lie and has to cover it up' premise. Ultimately that lie didn't have anything to do with the plot, just the relationship between him and the girl he was trying to impress. Yea he did lie again about the base and that was dumb no doubt but in the same vein as Han making things up as he went

Verbal Kint

May 13, 2015
TC, Ap
:what: Breh, if you liked him, good. Let it go. I for one don't agree and I paid my money to see it just like you.

Ain't doing no back and forth with you over a movie ain't neither one of us gonna get a dime over.

You enjoyed it, I DID NOT. I respect that, breh but please let's keep it movin'.:camby:
Son I'm not talking about whether anyone should like the movie or not, I'm discussing your point about the marketing and portrayal as somehow 'wrong'. If you can't back your point then don't make it:francis:


May 13, 2012
And that shows how stupid the opinion is. Since Han Solo is white he is one of the most beloved characters from a legendary franchise and is his character arc is spoken of as one of the best in the series. Make the same character black and he is a useless c00n/slave. And these people wonder why their opinions are marginalized.

Keep spouting off nonsense like this and making every damn thing into a race issue and nobody will listen to you when something actually does need to be addressed.

Dudes are just being ridiculous. :yeshrug: It's kinda of funny since this the same franchise that created Mace Windu.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
If Finn wasn't black there would be no problems. If they didn't try to pull the okie doke on who was the force users then it would feel like less of a jab to black people.

Still for as questionable as it comes across to most black people the character itself is the only reason anything in the movie that is positive that happen...happened. He's low key the most important person in the movie by far.

I'm still shocked that black people thought he was going to be the main force user character in the movie. .:mjlol:


All Star
Feb 8, 2015
Native of the NYC, getting fed in the Big D!
Son I'm not talking about whether anyone should like the movie or not, I'm discussing your point about the marketing and portrayal as somehow 'wrong'. If you can't back your point then don't make it:francis:
Slow ya roll; I ain't your goddamn son. :birdman:You just can't let this go? Really, breh? Let's just agree to disagree and kill this noise.

Cmon now, mane get out ya feels and curb that moisture :martin:


Sep 2, 2014
It's weird. They see fictional media always in terms of sex, submission and domination. Anything short of bending that white woman over and raw dogging her in the film while punching the white boy meant he wasn't a real nikka.

It's all projection. Let's forget about how comedians like Gary Owens and Tom Arnold play the asexual bumbling white fool in every black film though :sas2:

Really dominant and successful men in real life, don't worry this much about perception of fictional characters. Real life > fiction

you're an idiot if you dont think there are serious global implications in regards to how blacks are portrayed in film.
in fact, hollywood has historically used film to cast negative perceptions of black people...

"Minstrel shows lampooned black people as dim-witted,[1] lazy,[1] buffoonish,[1][2] superstitious, happy-go-lucky,[1] and musical. The minstrel show began with brief burlesques and comic entr'actes in the early 1830s and emerged as a full-fledged form in the next decade. By 1848, blackface minstrel shows were the national artform, translating formal art such as opera into popular terms for a general audience.[3]"

The Birth of A Nation

The film was a commercial success, though it was highly controversial owing to its portrayal of black men (some played by white actors in blackface) as unintelligent and sexually aggressive towards white women, and the portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan (whose original founding is dramatized) as a heroic force.[5][6]