Tariq Nasheed on new Star Wars movie - "12 Years a Space Slave"

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May 4, 2012
Dudes gotta realize the marketing is what set people up to be disappointed. The Marketing was hinting as if Finn was going to be the new big dog Jedi, if he wasn't going to be that COOL, if Finn wasn't marketed how he was I doubt anyone would have even tripped about how he was portrayed in this first movie especially if he is allegedly going to earn his position as being the "new Han", but hell one can make the argument that Poe is going to be the new Han as in a peoples favorite that isn't the "savior" of the story.

This was low key on some Mad Max steeze, when you have Finn/Mad Max as the low key face of marketing then you watch the flick and someone else is the actual focal hero.

Like maybe I just dont know, but what Star Wars marketing of the past displays NON JEDIs with light sabers on the posters?

Look at every old school Star Wars poster, Han Solo is not welding a Light saber, so it is almost implied that holding a light saber in promo posters and commercials = Finn is a Jedi whether it be he is the main Jedi or a supporting Jedi.





these are all the posters (I know of at least) for the Star Wars flicks that are not only Luke, lol notice every person with a Ligh Saber is a Jedi in every single one.
were no jedis in the Star Wars except for Kylo and I'm not sure how far he got into training before turning over


The Working Class Hero
Nov 30, 2014
Somewhere in Chicago
So dude had no discernable skills or abilities yet still made the whole thing happening by saving Rey (she wouldn't have gotten off Jakku without him), saving Poe, getting the shields down (which led to the base's destruction), fighting Kylo Ren when Rey was knocked out, and actually hurting him with no skill, only heart. You say the 'if he was white' argument has no weight but the ONLY reason you have beef with the character is BECAUSE he's black. The character himself is by nature unskilled, inexperienced and generally completely unprepared for everything he's dealing with. He said that mission was his very first so give me a good reason why he should've been winning all these fights? As I've mentioned multiple times the 'accomplished nothing' thing is a narrative you're pushing that has no weight at all because I keep mentioning the things he accomplished that were all vital to the plot. He had multiple moments of bravery and heroism but you're basically saying 'nah they weren't good enough'. And that's fine. But you're trying to create a narrative that doesn't exist cause you wanted the brotha to be the next Luke

You're making too much sense. Most people here are gleefully ignorant and concepts surrounding plot or character development in fiction has gone over most of their heads.


All Star
Jun 18, 2015
So dude had no discernable skills or abilities yet still made the whole thing happening by saving Rey (she wouldn't have gotten off Jakku without him), saving Poe, getting the shields down (which led to the base's destruction), fighting Kylo Ren when Rey was knocked out, and actually hurting him with no skill, only heart. You say the 'if he was white' argument has no weight but the ONLY reason you have beef with the character is BECAUSE he's black. The character himself is by nature unskilled, inexperienced and generally completely unprepared for everything he's dealing with. He said that mission was his very first so give me a good reason why he should've been winning all these fights? As I've mentioned multiple times the 'accomplished nothing' thing is a narrative you're pushing that has no weight at all because I keep mentioning the things he accomplished that were all vital to the plot. He had multiple moments of bravery and heroism but you're basically saying 'nah they weren't good enough'. And that's fine. But you're trying to create a narrative that doesn't exist cause you wanted the brotha to be the next Luke

I don't think you understood his point. Jar-Jar Binks had some "heroic" moments, but the character as a whole isn't all that central to the plot other than being one that is in areas to aid the more central characters like Rey or Poe or Han.

In any-case, it wouldn't matter if he were white because like someone mentioned, there are thousands of other films with white leads that are treated as people touched by God himself. And Rey is being treated in that same light. How is someone going to know how to utilize the force to such a degree after learning about it only a few hours ago? :martin:

In any-case the movie is a movie. It was intended for whites which is okay with me. But let's not act like Finn was anything more than a damn side-kick Tonto (portrayed worse in fact) to a white girl who kicked his ass. :mjlol:

But here is how people really see Finn:

a Fool
Kind of stupid
No useful assets
Coward (he lies a lot out of fear which is a form of cowardice)

I bet 87% of people would describe Finn using 5 of those attributes I saw.

At least we progressed Black folk.

We aren't saved by the white man, now we are saved by the white woman. :skip:
Sep 7, 2015
Typical slave mindset, If Tariq Nasheed can create a popular movie like Star Wars and give black actors a opportunity, then he should do it instead of bytching about white people doing this or that. White people aren't obligated to give you shyt, they could have put a white actor and the movie would have been an mega success like they did in the past. Just the fact they give a chance to a black actor that nobody knew before is a good thing. Tariq Nasheed can criticize but he can't give John Boyega the opportunity that hollywood gave him, now he'll probably have many opportunities in the upcoming movies. Black actors have more opportunities than before in Hollywood, now it's up to them to take the lead and become producers, and give other blacks opportunity.


May 1, 2012
And that shows how stupid the opinion is. Since Han Solo is white he is one of the most beloved characters from a legendary franchise and is his character arc is spoken of as one of the best in the series. Make the same character black and he is a useless c00n/slave. And these people wonder why their opinions are marginalized.

Keep spouting off nonsense like this and making every damn thing into a race issue and nobody will listen to you when something actually does need to be addressed.
You've got to understand bruh, EVERYTHING regarding interacting with white people is about race. That's not even about the movie, that's a jewel about life in general. Black people cant afford to ever dismiss the racial context of any dealings with whites. You sound like one of these "race card" accusers.


All Star
Jun 18, 2015
Typical slave mindset, If Tariq Nasheed can create a popular movie like Star Wars and give black actors a opportunity, then he should do it instead of bytching about white people doing this or that. White people aren't obligated to give you shyt, they could have put a white actor and the movie would have been an mega success like they did in the past. Just the fact they give a chance to a black actor that nobody knew before is a good thing. Tariq Nasheed can criticize but he can't give John Boyega the opportunity that hollywood gave him, now he'll probably have many opportunities in the upcoming movies. Black actors have more opportunities than before in Hollywood, now it's up to them to take the lead and become producers, and give other blacks opportunity.


A Black guy criticizing a movie because of its portrayal of Black characters is, "having a slave mindset"? Where do we hear this type of rhetoric often? :patrice:
May 15, 2012
I don't know why people are up in arms over this shytty movie

star wars movies are terrible and don't even make any sense
only a true low life nerd can think these movies are good

tariq should be to cool to even watch star wars, or give a damn about it

I'm not watching movie because I don't want to waste my time on some shyt that has zero value

star wars fans are like eminem fans like a cult, there's nothing good about these movies, they don't even know why they like them

when I was a kid watched the darth maul fight and thought it was cool, look at that shyt now and it looks ridiculous like ALL THE FIGHTS in story wars

there's better action in power rangers lmao

the goofy laser sound effects lol, shyt could get by in the 80's is 2015 all that shyt is wack and corny

fukking droids like straight up toys not machines lmao, special effects aren't even good or ground breaking anymore

hollywood has reached is peak, stop supporting this shyt, that's all you got do, they surviving off of marketing and branding

star wars is only successful because of branding, just like that piece of shyt jurassic park franchise that is basically the same movie over and over again

stop dikk riding the white man's industry it was never for us

all movies and TV does is POISON YOUR MIND

to be honest movies are for people who like imagination, but now the people who make have zero imagination as well

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Typical slave mindset, If Tariq Nasheed can create a popular movie like Star Wars and give black actors a opportunity, then he should do it instead of bytching about white people doing this or that. White people aren't obligated to give you shyt, they could have put a white actor and the movie would have been an mega success like they did in the past. Just the fact they give a chance to a black actor that nobody knew before is a good thing. Tariq Nasheed can criticize but he can't give John Boyega the opportunity that hollywood gave him, now he'll probably have many opportunities in the upcoming movies. Black actors have more opportunities than before in Hollywood, now it's up to them to take the lead and become producers, and give other blacks opportunity.


Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
same typical useless scarred negroe
he's not a jedi? :mjcry:
Y'all thought these cacs were gonna really make this bruh the hero?

At this point if we want a film with a black lead kicking ass and taking names, we pretty much have to write it and finance it ourselves. This is what many black actors/actresses/directors/producers/writers should of done years ago...decades ago.

I think this may be my next goal within the next couple of years. Hollywood been getting black people's hopes up and shuttig them down for too long...this was the last straw. Reading through the first page of this thread was really sad man...