Study in online dating finds black women RESPOND TO WHITE MEN MORE THAN THEIR MEN!

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own. spelled it out alot nicer than i could have typed it, but you are spot on. You treat your women a certain way don't be shocked when other groups of men treat them the same way. The only men who are surprised are the men who view women as superior to men and feel like women 'lead' and men follow, which is how the majority of black men operate. When black men say 'she allowed me' or 'she let me'/'she wont let me' he is admitting to following a womans lead which will always deem him to failure.
Other groups treat their women far worse actually. White men have terrorized their own women for centuries. The very basis of feminism is based in opposing attacks on women that white men perpetrated and the conditions they were subjected to. They were the ones that burned their women at the stake under the pretense of being witches. They were the ones that refused to give them the right to vote for the longest time. They were the ones that established the pay wage gap. They are the ones that go out of their way to literally let their own off with slaps on the wrist when they rape women or children at times and so on and why many people, including women, complain about that shyt to this day.

It is very telling that instead checking your own group of women for throwing their box at men that have no problem calling black women negresses, sheboons and far worse, have had laws the made it legal to sterilize black women, pass laws to take away their vote, pass laws making it harder for them to live, created a whole apparatus and system designed to deny black people basic human decency in a myriad of forms, you're trying to twist shyt into being black men's fault and think anyone looking at this won't look at black women and think there is something seriously off about them, regardless of what race they are.

That said, a majority of black men do not operate under some "women lead" mindset. If you went to Africa and said that, they'd laugh you off the continent. There are some in this part of the world but at the same time, those ones are, of course, backed by the very same women that are now trying to act like it is a bad thing.

It really does feel like one is dealing with narcissists at times. Thinking of things in terms like that makes a lot of this craziness make sense in fact.

Dynamite James

The Main attraction
Apr 25, 2018
You know
Yeah and if you're attractive you'll get what you want regardless.

shyt like this makes makes these white dudes think they win by default in all cases. That they are gonna be more desireable than any black dude lol
Your whole “point” makes no sense breh :mjlol:Are you the man in the picture you posted? Irrelevant post
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All Star
Oct 13, 2014
Most black men don't look like this breh. Most of us aren't light skin, chiseled, have a full hair line, and have eurocentric facial features all in one. And if we're being honest most above average looking men aren't online looking for women anyway.

The real issue that I think most brehs on here are starting to realize is that exceptionally good looks is more of a requirement for us when it isn't for these white dudes. Of course the average black chick is going to choose the above guy over an average dusty looking white dude. But an average looking white dude is more likely to get responses than an average looking black dude (hell, that same black dude can even be moderately handsome and clean too).

I do agree that taking care of our physical appearance is vital though. If you take excellent care of your health your physical appearance will improve as a byproduct anyway.

Preaaaaachh. Yeah I agree with the bolded.

Its irritating, but unfortunately us brehs have to know what time it is, and TRY to shyt on these dudes. We live in a white society so you gotta shyt on these people. Our genetic potential in my opinion, is higher when we try. Plus sometimes our style in the U.S. also tends to not be "universal" and which hurts us.

But what irritates me, is that it makes those average white dudes think they are on average more attractive as a race. Which isnt the case, its just social conditioning.

Trust me, they actually dont think theres a black dude they will just lose to on all accounts. They think we are usually a fetish. So my point is that it just comes down to looks in general. It will dismantle this

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I would keep in mind that this is just specific to online daters though… if I do a honest assessment of all the black women I know—I’d say that only half actually use online dating apps. I’ve never used them, so women like me aren’t included in this study.

You also have to remember that Brehs and Brehettes have always gotten ranked low by other group for online dating:


So there’s always been racism involved with online dating.

But I do think Brehs have also gotten a bad image over the last few years. when Kevin Samuels passed, numerous mainstream articles were painting him and his followers as the face of misogyny and incels. that and the controversy with passport bros, Fresh and fit, etc just didn’t help.

Also gotta keep in mind that the divestment movement and other content that supports it has made its way across social media. You also have way more women of other races chiming in and speaking negatively about y’all along with the divestors. Add the gender wars to it and It’s a lot of bad press.

Really both groups got a lot of bad press. We just don’t do a good job of even trying to promote our counterparts as desirable partners in public—it’s the opposite, both groups constantly shyt on each other. Brehettes say Brehs ain’t shyt and are conquered. Brehs say brehettes are undesirable and masculine.

Stop coddling them. Just look at this thread,these black men are the face of incels,misogony and maybe white supremacy. Looks like a KKK message board in here:scust:


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
Your whole “point” makes no sense breh :mjlol:Ate you the man in the picture you posted? Irrelevant post
Actually I do alright myself, I've modeled. Beat out white dudes for jobs, etc. (Even jobs with abercrombie and shyt when they were racist af) So im speaking from a certain level of experience, that white dudes werent really beating me out in real life like that with women or other things.

So my point is that it jist boils down to looks ultimately, you'll beat out who you look better than most of the time.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Check the data set and recompile to see if the outcomes hold. If they do, then the outcome needs to be accepted until more data is collected and compiled. You can't effectively argue against stats with feelings and anecdotal evidence. You need stats and sources of your own that are at least as recent as the stats you seek to disprove.

So right now what is displayed by this study is that where online dating and Black men intersect, brothers on that app are definitely more race loyal than Black women. It also demonstrates that the sisters who are on that dating app and responding to White men more than Black men but are complaining about Black men choosing other women over them are definitely projecting.


Nov 18, 2016
we had a thread like this before
nikkas ran @Cornershooter into a ban for speaking on the subject
nikkas in here scrambling with them defense shields for queen mother :russ:
Data and statistics telling you what it is
And y’all nikkas still coppin pleas:dead:
Keep going though little daddies:mjlol:
Copium at an all time high
And these hoes telling you the play
Silly rabbits:dead:

How do they compile the data and statistics?


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
That table he is referring to is from 2008.
This table:


This one is from 2009 but it’s still similar to the one done five years later… both ones had all low ratings from non black women. There’s always been racism toward black women and men on online dating. The biggest difference is that in these studies bw rated Brehs higher and didn’t prefer wm. That’s why I said shyt has changed.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
I don't get why dudes are surprised. The whole world is programmed and brainwashed to a certain degree due to what's displayed on TV, internet etc. Also women are far more likely TO BE recipients of the programming/brainwashing, assimilating to any society or power than men. That ain't no misogynistic 'men are better' shyt but just facts scientifically proven and seen throughout history. Hence why ads, companies, brands cater to women and why they're the biggest consumers in society. They are just far more of the 'monkey see monkey do', fit in gender. Hence why any and every power that won a war would kill off all the men on the losing side. The brethren still live on cause we can't be killed off as the original inhabitants of this world and cacs being the genetic mutations and essentially parasites that need us to survive so they played 4d chess in every avenue where they hold supreme monopoly to keep us down and lacking power, all by design.

Due to the effects of cac supremacy, a good chunk of women see crakkers figuratively as Jesus (who is literally shown as white even though he was described as copper skinned) and BM as the villians, pariahs of society once again due to programming and indoctrination. Men for the most part be the ones you see thinking outside the box, more of a leader mindset, rebellious or simply just critically thinking before making any decision or assertion. Hence, 98% of all inventions come from men. Point being crakkas whole plot was destabilizing the BM at every avenue as history shows that the woman will almost always assimilate to the current power in place after war.:yeshrug:

Perception is everything, go Google "rich man" click images and see who is the top 10 results, hell see the top 20 results. How does the man look? You should already have an idea what race Google will portray 9.9/10 times. To cut a long tirade short, crakka elites yield the power and influence globally. c00ns and wenches are the result of successful programming and self hatred perpetrated by cacs. However, we still need to hold some of our people accountable for being mentally weak. A trap can be set with the most alluring cheese to catch a rat, its up to the rat to discern the situation carefully and not fall for the trap that's there to end its life and avoid it.

There ain't no more physical slavery but crakkas done setup so many mental booby traps for our people and unfortunately a good chunk (especially our women) continue to fall for the okie doke every time. :francis:


Nov 29, 2019
This table:


This one is from 2009 but it’s still similar to the one done five years later… both ones had all low ratings from non black women. There’s always been racism toward black women and men on online dating. The biggest difference is that in these studies bw rated Brehs higher and didn’t prefer wm. That’s why I said shyt has changed.

A person may rate their in-group higher, but the true rating comes from who they reply to most. So I don't necessarily trust that stat.

It is analogous to what @Henri Christophe has been pushing: certain BW will talk that pro-Black stuff but secretly have sex with Chad, Brad, and Zander.