Cloutius Maximus
with the aid of the Funk...
One aspect that doesn't get brought up which effects millennials/gen-z is the internet era & it's unprecedented access to information has led to a kind of Hyper-Awareness. People have never been more aware of where they currently fit in the social/racial hierarchy, the very existence of a social/racial hierarchy, and how it effects every aspect of our lives.
As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. All this access to information is a double-edged sword. Yes it can empower people and change their lives for the better but it can also make people neurotic, bitter, radicalized, jealous, overly cynical and paranoid. You see it all over the internet & social media. Even I have to try not to get caught up in it. This shyt is destroying the minds of young skinny blonde white women, imagine what this does to young black women? Or shyt a woman of any ethnic group that doesn't have a good father who educated her properly & a good head on her shoulders (you need BOTH these days)
You didn't see people talking about concepts like "soft power" 20 years ago (outside of political scientists and sociologists). Seems people where just doing them and focusing on what is in front of them, not constantly comparing themselves to everyone around them not just in their town or city but around the whole fukking world. Black men barely have shyt but we got "soft power" due to our influence on music and fashion and slang and you got people who want to take that from us just so they can get some more sexual access. shyt is crazy
As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. All this access to information is a double-edged sword. Yes it can empower people and change their lives for the better but it can also make people neurotic, bitter, radicalized, jealous, overly cynical and paranoid. You see it all over the internet & social media. Even I have to try not to get caught up in it. This shyt is destroying the minds of young skinny blonde white women, imagine what this does to young black women? Or shyt a woman of any ethnic group that doesn't have a good father who educated her properly & a good head on her shoulders (you need BOTH these days)
You didn't see people talking about concepts like "soft power" 20 years ago (outside of political scientists and sociologists). Seems people where just doing them and focusing on what is in front of them, not constantly comparing themselves to everyone around them not just in their town or city but around the whole fukking world. Black men barely have shyt but we got "soft power" due to our influence on music and fashion and slang and you got people who want to take that from us just so they can get some more sexual access. shyt is crazy