Study in online dating finds black women RESPOND TO WHITE MEN MORE THAN THEIR MEN!

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Yep it’s not an honest convo.

I don’t struggle with women either but the truth is I worked hard as heck on myself to be where I’m at in life.

But it’s also like brehs have to be exceptional to get cooperation from black women. Meanwhile I know damn well nonbm don’t have be nearly as well off as I am. And probably aren’t nearly as good as a partner as I was, And they get full cooperation immediately .

I get tired of having to proof to women that I’m a decent dude.

That’s the privilege wm have in regard to dating. Even to bw, they’re a million more times skeptical of us, and we have to pay the black tax, of over delivering to get half as much respect.

Like I’ve been in combative relationships where women were constantly looking for signs of me unfaithful, arggumentive for no reason or just testing me in general.

And I did nothing but treated them with respect. All because they’re carrying trauma from a previous relationship or situation then assigning that misplaced anger to me.

When like I mentioned I’ve always been respectful and handled my business as a man with women I had serious relationships with. This includes planning dates, being transparent in communication and being there in times of need.

Even when I had amicable splits with ex’s they couldn’t even twist their words to utter anything negative about me and how I treated them, but the funny this it’s like they wanted too. They just couldn’t think of anything I did. They weren’t used to ending a relationship that didn’t close on terms without cussing some one out.

But its like damn I have constantly run into women with unresolved trauma from a previous ex’s and they putting their issues on me.

It’s stressful and I’m tired of that why I take breaks from dating and even dealing with. And you know my networth keeps climbing and my career keeps taking off.

It’s kind of why I play down a lot of my current success in life, because I know show people what I want them to see. I’d rather catch them judging me in a superficial element then know I’m doing more than aight.


Black tax on the dating scene.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
@HarlemHottie you reacting to all these mf posts.. what’s ya perspective?

I know you married, but from at least what you’ve seen from your peers and shift in ideology throughout ya lifespan (I know you old asl) — what is the underlying message that can be taken from this data, even if it’s from dating apps?

How you gon ether me then ask for my opinion? :pachaha:

I think these bw are setting themselves up for disappointment. Many moons ago :comeon:, i was sought after by high value wm (2), defined as men who stood to inherit millions. I was basically Lark Vorhees in How High, similar look, similar major and everything. I chose a bm (who stood to inherit maybe a single m) bc, despite the bullshyt, i knew that I'd have a better overall life experience.

These girls dont know what theyre signing up for. Ive known black girls who got smutted out by them frat boys, life ruined, edges gone. :wow: (True story, one was this complicated mix who got 'raped' at a frat house and went back. The other was WI, went to an exclusive girls school in the city, got smutted out to the point white boys was selling weed out her room. Shes the one who lost her edges. :francis:) Plus, the majority not even gon get it. Those who do will regret it. Wm are... weird in relationships, so i hear. This weirdness is also why ww marry bm, yall be normal.

Black woman within the sound of my text, dont think these white boys safe. They anally rape you as punishment.*

* I'm claiming this warning as my good deed for the day, yall be safe out here. :pachaha:


Dec 8, 2015
First, dating app "studies" are dumb and there is probably little to no merit in them.

But ya'll always talk shyt about BW and blame them for everything under the sun. I guess they heard you. Now you're surprised when they ain’t checking for you like that?

No merit in what? A study's merit is based on it's methodology. Also, no one is surprised. The exact opposite is happening in this thread. It's a bunch of "I told you so's" going on. I think the idea is that this isn't some new found phenomenon it's just proof for what a lot dudes in here claim they've BEEN saying.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Was anything productive achieved here? I'm being serious.

Honestly for me it was more so therapeutic because it made me reevaluate some of my past dealings with women.

Remember cats don’t have a space vent otherwise.

It’s one of those things where you know shyt is ducked up but you can’t quite put a finger on it, in regards to why something seems off.

Like this thread dialogue help me unpack how even in the dating scene black people are off putting towards each other like.

For example, a black person may walk by another black person and mean mug them/ treat them with skepticism, meanwhile that same person will turn within two seconds and be friendly and non threatening as duck to a white person.

And that shyt plays out in the dating scene as well.

It’s a black tax. It’s also leads to stress which is killing us.

Great post.

On one hand, I get why cats post studies like this, and other "black pill" data, because they want brothers to be aware of certain truths, but focusing on this stuff is not empowering at all. Dudes are in here celebrating this study because they feel like it vindicates black men in regards to certain talking black women have been promoting for decades. But at the end of the day, if we take this study at face value and say it's true, how does that help black men? Read that thread at LSA. Most of them are like "And what?" You can't shame them with the same sort of tactics they used against us. Women don't feel like they have the same kind of obligations that they might demand of men.

And further, as a man, so much of your social success, or even just mental health, depends on you being on your own dikk. Hyper-focusing on negative shyt like this is not healthy.
I feel you on this, that’s why I’m been on monk mode and focused on that paper grind.

Money ain’t everything.

But having it is better than not. It’s provides more leverage and the ability to dedicate how you can allot your time.

Also it’s a reminder that I always tell brehs your dealing with women are conditional. The only woman who’ll love you unconditionally is your mom. Women keep showing this be true time and time again

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Was anything productive achieved here? I'm being serious.
Personally I'm starting to understand the black red pill manosphere more. I dont agree with everything but there is some truth when it comes to their worldview. At the end of the day I hope studies like this motivates black men to give less fukks about a lot of the talking points these black women spout online and see it for what a lot of it is - projection.

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
the amount of propaganda and brainwashing drummed into you from birth is insane as a black person. So it’s not surprising many c00n it up or start to hate themselves.

no parents are lazy.

other groups dont allow their children to go out into the wilderness with THIS much lack of self-awareness and lack of pride.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
they tried to trick me with this bs!! im injecting this thread into my deadlifts today. im not the problem. im just in terrible environments generally speaking lol.

the social hurdles we as black men face are understated. even if people find us attractive the further expectations attached to our collective image still haunt us

Hypersexualized thugs with street connects while making high 6 figures in the boardroom, while having a mouthpiece that put professional pimps to shame with LeBron James level of professional athleticism. :why:

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
I hope studies like this motivates black men to give less fukks about a lot of the talking points these black women spout online

I made a thread the other day where this chick tried to say "black women are the most race loyal"

she recieved so much pushback & backlash from black men - she deleted the tweet in 19 hours.

I said how theres a "shift" in consciousness among black men..... alot of young nikkas view them as fast talking con-men hahahahaha

I didnt expect the scientific data to drop so fast tho 🤣