He indirectly confirms it. Because your so
you acting like you can't understand what is being said
How bout we review it together SLOWLY so you don't get confused.
First tweet lets you know whats good
2nd tweet could be him saying xbox is better or worse. But saying worse would contradict his first tweet
3rd tweet confirms what is thought to be final is the same old specs
Is it 100% confirmation that the xbox is better than ps4? No its not
His podcast did confirm that xbox games currently look better than ps4 games
Have you heard a single dev say ps4 games are looking better than 720 games?
Cuz the system launches in a few months.. the games are almost done by now
They know what system has the advantage at this time. Do you?
Just like superdae said in tweet
#2 ... LaughsoHard
What do
YOU think he means by that