I know who SuperDae is... Now how bout you highlight the part where he "confirms" 720 is more powerful than the 4
Why don't you re-read those good tweets. Maybe you thought he was talking about a PC instead of the next xbox?
That's the point court took a statement and spinned it
What did I spin exactly
I would like for you to say EXACTLY what I spun. You guys love making blanket statements that cover literally NOTHING.
Are you implying I made up the "reasons" he made those tweets?
Maybe you should calm down, and take a nice big ol glass of
If you been paying attention, then yes. But if you just hopped into this discussion for the first time.. you know, like if you don't really follow this shyt?
Then the tweets wouldn't mean as much to you. Thats why its not well known info
But everything this thread is made of is REAL, not false speculation.
The ONLY reason the ps4 is considered more powerful right now is because of fanboys speculating on leaked specs which are not even finalized.
Not as much on here, but on neogaf you see so many posters talking about "Oh man, its too late in the game for M$ to change any specs.. .ps4 ftw!!!"
Xbox specs are not final, and superdae confirmed that. Confirmed that 720 games look better in his podcast. So yeah, he did confirm it indirectly.
Sony is trying to counter, and M$ is sick of dude running his mouth.
Nice sony logo you got up there. No xbox one eh? Explains alot...
Those tweets are from Feb 5th (before the 8GB GDDR5 megaton)....this nikka is the KING of posting old shyt and when did he say "confirmed"
Court gon Court...
Don't worry about Rekka yall, he's kinda slow
Rekka, in the first post I say he hasn't tweeted since he got raided which was on 2/21/13. His tweets was hinting at the leaked xbox specs being outdated. Sony has its show, and they last second add more RAM which if the old specs were actually finalized? Then the added 4GB of RAM wouldn't be necessary. Somebody let it slip, and the only person on record saying as much is none other than SuperDae (Tru Story)
Hence why the raid happened. The raid is supposedly over the Ebay Durango sale right.
But then this raid would of happened like 6months ago if that was the REAL reason
Common sense isn't the go to move for you guys is it