So Superdae confirmed that the xbox 720 is MORE powerful than ps4


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
I dont stan the 49ers. I follow them very closely but I dont tend to irrationally defend dumb things they do as a franchise and a team. Ill call them out for that.
I dont call 49er players who arent good top 10 at their position like you do :heh:

stans dont say anything bad about what they stan. I bet in a 2301909 page novels you wrote on console wars youve never said anything bad about xbox :laugh:
So you wasn't stanning Carlos Rogers last year :stopitslime:
Like you wasn't stanning Alex Smith last year as well, acting like he was destined to be great.
He's destined to be out the league by 2015 is what he is...
Ive been wondering all this time why the TS has been referencing Superdae's podcast but failed to post a link up... Maybe because this was all he said in the podcast comparing Orbis and durangi

Podcast Exclusive Interview with SuperDAE: The Man Who Found The Next Xbox On Gamertag Radio | N4G

So obviously if you're using two products and one product is more complete than the other product your preference would be the one that's most complete...

TS spinned this into saying the 720 will be superior to PS4
Wait a minute, so NOW your admitting he had access to ps4 development and would know what he's talking about
Or do you wanna go back to your previous angle of he *****'d the sony servers to get the outdated info :popcorn:

So now that its Durango Dev kits longer. I got that, apparently that is news to you :snoop:
But anyways, he likes Durango games better right now. And when sony fanboys on neogaf were saying how PS4 is more powerful than xbox he goes out his way to tweet "you have no idea" but he doesn't mean anything by it?

Please answer this very question, what do you think he was implying by that tweet :wtb:


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Ok, I just peep'd the link you posted and first off. Thats not even the same podcast :deadmanny:
This nikka just found any ol' podcast with Superdae and was like "Eureka!!! :blessed:"
This podcast is from 3days ago
But here's where he fukked up. He probably thought I wouldn't listen.
At the 9:40 mark He says Durango is better than Orbis. And that he can't go into details about it!!! BJ conveniently left that part out of his quote :ufdup:
Thanks for the link. You must be a M$ plant just helping me along here :salute:
Podcast Exclusive Interview with SuperDAE: The Man Who Found The Next Xbox On Gamertag Radio | N4G



May 8, 2012


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Breh the way you stan the fukking XBOX you'd think they be cutting you checks. shyt is pathetic.
Random dudes who never post here, enter to call me a stan :leon:
We just discussing videogames here doggy. If you have a problem with that go fukk your mother :yeshrug:

Now very politely, I just have to make it very clear because this isn't very well known info because of stannery.

I'm not making up anything. I'm reading between the lines.
If you don't posses the intelligence to do things like that accurately? Then cry in a corner about it, don't limit people who are smarter than you to your limited ways of thinking. NOW, while discussing this info I would once again like to thank @Black Jesus for leading us to the promised land :blessed:
IN the link he posted, SuperDae says Durango is better than Orbis @ the 9:40 mark
BJ starts his quote at the tail end of what SuperDae said. BJ wrote...
"I cant really go into detail with it
But what he left out was SuperDae saying "Durango is better than Orbis"
Then it was asked "how so" and SuperDae then says ""I cant really go into detail with it"

So as of right now, only one developer who has no bias. Even says he hates Microsoft in the podcast!!! That Durango is better.
So as the thread title says, SuperDae confirms 720 is more powerful than Orbis :win:

Now if this info is too much for you, why you in this thread :umad:
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May 21, 2012
from the home of coca-cola, i'm not referring to s
Random dudes who never post here, enter to call me a stan :leon:
We just discussing videog here doggy. If you have a problem with that go fukk your mother :yeshrug:

Now very politely, I just have to make it very clear because this isn't very well known info because of stannery.

I'm not making up anything. I'm reading between the lines.
If you don't posses the intelligence to do things like that accurately? Then cry in a corner about it, don't limit people who are smarter than you to your limited ways of thinking. NOW, while discussing this info I would once again like to thank @Black Jesus for leading us to the promised land :blessed:
IN the link he posted, SuperDae says Durango is better than Orbis @ the 9:40 mark
BJ starts his quote at the tail end of what SuperDae said. BJ wrote...

But what he left out was SuperDae saying "Durango is better than Orbis"
Then it was asked "how so" and SuperDae then says ""I cant really go into detail with it"

So as of right now, only one developer who has no bias. Even says he hates Microsoft in the podcast!!! That Durango is better.
So as the thread title says, SuperDae confirms 720 is more powerful than Orbis :win:

Now if this info is too much for you, why you in this thread :umad:

You're welcome... I posted the link because I knew you wouldn't... Because you know when people actually listen to the podcast they could easily see how you've spinned everything...

You are the King of spinning information... I always knew you were full of shyt... but I never knew it was to this extent...

1st lets make one thing clear... Superdae is not a developer nor a programmer... Hes not qualified to confirm a damn thing when it comes to compairing 720 and Ps4... He can give his opinion, hack, and leak information... Notice how numerous times he says "I cant go into detail" yea because he literally can't

2nd.. There's absolutely no proof he had his hands on a PS4 dev kit... nor does he ever describe any games or his experience on Orbis... When asked why he prefered Durango to Orbis his reponse is this..

From experiencing the systems, games have been developed on Durango for longer than on Orbis because Durango came out first with developers so they had more time to find the things and fix everything. I like the games on Durango. They were just smooth, nice to play, some problems."

Now this was Superdae response when asked why he he said he thought Durango(720 dev kit) was better than Orbis (ps4 dev kit) which is understandable why one would prefer a Durango game to an Orbis game since Durango was with the game developers longer obviously being less buggy.. an unbiased opinion.........right???.. which brings me into my next point...

Superdae was far from being unbiased. .. He wanted a job with Microsoft as a network engineer.. he talks about it in his Kotaku interview...
Dylan (Superdae) told me that he liked Microsoft....He thout they were a cool company... He liked Durango.. It was better than Orbis, he thought
.. Yall should check it out its a good read...
The Incredible Rise and Fall of a Hacker Who Found the Secrets of the Next Xbox and PlayStation—And Maybe More

After Superdae hacked into Microsoft and got the Durango dev kit, he put it on ebay... Immediately Microsoft contacted him... this was his opportunity to let Microsoft know about all the holes in their system.

The apparent Microsoft person goes on to ask about vulnerabilities supposedly cited by Dylan(Superdae) or his associate, one of which involves the notion of a hacker being able to glean an Xbox user's "account" info only by knowing their Gamertag.

Dylan's(Superdae's) fellow hacker replies in detail about issues with the security of content on the Xbox Live Marketplace—the Xbox 360's online store—but doesn't elaborate on the Gamertag issue. The e-mail ends with a request for the Microsoft person to maybe put in a good word for them. "I don't mean to ask anything of you, and if I denied, I'll still be more than willing to help," Dylan's apparent hacker friend writes, "but do you think it would be possible that me and Dylan, if proved to be useful, could possibly list someone we've spoken to on your end as a reference for resumes or something of the sort?"

Wait? What?:merchant:
What you mean a hacker getting into Live users accounts just by knowing their gamertags?? Say it aint so.. :skip:

Superdae also talks about Microsofts reactions to these security issues

"They don't fix security issues," he told me, complaining that he felt like the Microsoft people wanted him to do their work for them. "There's issues where I can log into a powerboard into Microsoft and can switch off 1,000 servers..." He was telling me this last Saturday and I tried to get him to slow down.

Turn off servers? Really? He started typing, said that the trick was to sniff around and look for a certain range of Microsoft IP addresses, load them up, wind up at some server login prompts, type in the default passwords for those servers and... this is what he showed me he found, his mouse hovering over a deactivation option:

Some Superior network aye Meach :heh:

If anyone is wondering why the TS never posted any links to any podcasts or interviews... This is the reason above... He didn't want the coli to see how Superdave never confirms anything being more powerful than anything. He also didn't want the coli to see how bad Superdae was bashing Microsofs network infastructure and security...

After Superdaes contacts with Microsoft they sent a rep and that dude probably thought it was a job interview.. he tweeted this


To make a long story short.. I posted all this to show first and foremost Superdae initial bias towards Microsoft. .. To show the fact that all he said was he likes durango more than orbis... And most importantly, his reasons why he claimed to prefer the Durango over the Orbis.. And that absolutely No where in the interviews/podcasts does he "confirm" a cotdamn thing.. Sorry TS, you lose

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Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
You're welcome... I posted the link because I knew you wouldn't... Because you know when people actually listen to the podcast they could easily see how you've spinned everything...

You are the King of spinning information... I always knew you were full of shyt... but I never knew it was to this extent...

1st lets make one thing clear... Superdae is not a developer nor a programmer... Hes not qualified to confirm a damn thing when it comes to compairing 720 and Ps4... He can give his opinion, hack, and leak information... Notice how numerous times he says "I cant go into detail" yea because he literally can't

2nd.. There's absolutely no proof he had his hands on a PS4 dev kit... nor does he ever describe any games or his experience on Orbis... When asked why he prefered Durango to Orbis his reponse is this..

Now this was Superdae response when asked why he he said he thought Durango(720 dev kit) was better than Orbis (ps4 dev kit) which is understandable why one would prefer a Durango game to an Orbis game since Durango was with the game developers longer obviously being less buggy.. an unbiased opinion.........right???.. which brings me into my next point...

Superdae was far from being unbiased. .. He wanted a job with Microsoft as a network engineer.. he talks about it in his Kotaku interview... .. Yall should check it out its a good read...
The Incredible Rise and Fall of a Hacker Who Found the Secrets of the Next Xbox and PlayStation—And Maybe More

After Superdae hacked into Microsoft and got the Durango dev kit, he put it on ebay... Immediately Microsoft contacted him... this was his opportunity to let Microsoft know about all the holes in their system.

Wait? What?:merchant:
What you mean a hacker getting into Live users accounts just by knowing their gamertags?? Say it aint so.. :skip:

Superdae also talks about Microsofts reactions to these security issues

Some Superior network aye Meach :heh:

If anyone is wondering why the TS never posted any links to any podcasts or interviews... This is the reason above... He didn't want the coli to see how Superdave never confirms anything being more powerful than anything. He also didn't want the coli to see how bad Superdae was bashing Microsofs network infastructure and security...

After Superdaes contacts with Microsoft they sent a rep and that dude probably thought it was a job interview.. he tweeted this


To make a long story short.. I posted all this to show first and foremost Superdae initial bias towards Microsoft. .. To show the fact that all he said was he likes durango more than orbis... And most importantly, his reasons why he claimed to prefer the Durango over the Orbis.. And that absolutely No where in the interviews/podcasts does he "confirm" a cotdamn thing.. Sorry TS, you lose

Yeah, I didn't want anybody to know how easy it was for superdae to hack into Microsoft servers (which isn't XBL but BJ seems to think so :snoop: )
As for SuperDae's "qualifications" it's clear you don't know wtf you are talking about. Your just a dumbass fanboy acting like you are qualified to change a light bulb, let alone speak on system specs :rudy:

But long story short, your podcast has Superdae saying Durango >>> Orbis, THEN THEY TALK ABOUT THE GAMES AND HOW HE LIKES DURANGO GAMES BETTER THAN ORBIS GAMES.
You are trying to make it seem like he was talking about the games when he clearly wasn't. 9:40 mark. The podcast you posted is from Godfrey who is a member of this community retard. You could ask him yourself :leon:
Most of us here know him, you don't obviously but that's not even important.
How is he comparing games unless he seen them?
Why does it matter if he likes one over the other, according to you he ain't seen either so he's lying, possibly about everything. Your dumbass words, not mine. I'm just trying to keep up with your sniffling :stopitslime:

And in that podcast you posted, he doesn't like Microsoft anymore. They asked him does he have anything to say to Microsoft and he says "yeah, leave Microsoft"
They just took over twenty thousand dollars worth of equipment and he said he had projects on his PC's he'll never get back. Is clearly sour over the raid.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
I knew M$ wouldnt let me down :salute:

I encourage everybody to peep the podcast black Jesus posted. It's long but interesting. If you don't have time, then skip to about the 9:20 mark and listen for a full minute and you will here him say exactly what I'm saying. You'll also see where black Jesus tries to block out the "Durango better than Orbis" comment :laugh:

As of today, we leading in the console wars :dj2:


May 21, 2012
from the home of coca-cola, i'm not referring to s
Yeah, I didn't want anybody to know how easy it was is for superdae to hack into Microsoft servers (which isn't Xbox Live but BJ seems to think so :snoop: )

The apparent Microsoft person goes on to ask about vulnerabilities suposedly cited by Dylan(Superdae) or his associate,Durango which involves the notion of a hacker being able to glean an*Xbox*user's "account" info only by knowing their Gamertag.
Reading is fundamental

As for SuperDae's "qualifications" it's clear you don't know wtf you are talking about. Your just a dumbass fanboy acting like you are qualified to change a light bulb, let alone speak on system specs :rudy:

SuperDae never compared specs in his interview or talked about power or graphics and hes no more qualified than you or me to do such a thing.. He said Durango was better than Orbis specifically because of the games he claims to have played which were more polished and glitch free since devs had way more time with Durango... Mind you we're talking about the dev kits not the actual consoles...

But long story short, your podcast has Superdae saying Durango >>> Orbis, THEN THEY TALK ABOUT THE GAMES AND HOW HE LIKES DURANGO GAMES BETTER THAN ORBIS GAMES.
You are trying to make it seem like he was talking about the games when he clearly wasn't. 9:40 mark. :

At the 9:55 they asked Superdae why he preferred Durango over Orbis.. His response was not "because Durango is more powerful" or "Durango has better graphics" it was "I cant really go into detail..from my experience with the systems... games have been built on durango longer than they been on orbis because they had durango kits longer..I liked the games on Durango"

Im not trying to make it seem like anything dude... you've somehow in your mind spinned "I like the games on Durango" to "Superdae confirms xbox 720 is more powerful than ps4" brilliant :heh:


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States

Reading is fundamental

SuperDae never compared specs in his interview or talked about power or graphics and hes no more qualified than you or me to do such a thing.. He said Durango was better than Orbis specifically because of the games he claims to have played which were more polished and glitch free since devs had way more time with Durango... Mind you we're talking about the dev kits not the actual consoles...

At the 9:55 they asked Superdae why he preferred Durango over Orbis.. His response was not "because Durango is more powerful" or "Durango has better graphics" it was "I cant really go into detail..from my experience with the systems... games have been built on durango longer than they been on orbis because they had durango kits longer..I liked the games on Durango"

Im not trying to make it seem like anything dude... you've somehow in your mind spinned "I like the games on Durango" to "Superdae confirms xbox 720 is more powerful than ps4" brilliant :heh:
Reading is fundamental, but comprehending it? Not so much
He was talking about stealing info from M$ servers using gamertags :snoop:
Says nothing about XBL, and why would XBL have Durango info :mindblown: at your stupidity. You see how I have my gamertag near my name?
If you click on it, it shows a lot of info. I have learned some posters first n last name via that. That's the angle superdae was using to get enough info to hack further. All he needed was a gamertag. But hey, once again you try and fail
Imma start calling you plankton :gladbron:

As for the podcast. He did talk about the games being better after he says Durango is better :stopitslime:
You ignoring that or trying to get ppl to start listening after he says it is pathetic/comical. The convo was about how neofagers was saying Orbis >>> Durango. He then says Durango is better. They ask him how, he says he can't go into details.... Then he adds that the games look better because they had dev kits longer. That doesn't eliminate the previous Durango is better comment no matter how much you cry here. Anyone can see for themselves
Just like anyone can see how desperate you are in this thread :skip:
How do you know how qualified SuperDae is? The entire industry pays attention to him, but according to you he's ignorant. And how would he know what games are better if he doesn't have access to the games to form that opinion?
Your saying two different things hoping something sticks :facepalm:
On one side he knows nothing and hasn't seen nothin, then you argue about durango dev kits.. Why waste your time on that if you truly believe he hasn't seen either?


up in here

May 9, 2012
if this is true, how did you hear about it, i shyt on nikkaz, this is the first i heard of 720 being more powerful. you go to the blog and hear the guy talking, you assume its better, but it either is or it isn't. you gotta know. i aint got time for these frivolous threads. if its gonna be true make sure its true, and being true is being one hunnid at all times. ima keep it real, i like to sit with shyt that makes sense to me, and alotta times the games dont, but the hustle always do. i used to eat mayonnaise sandwiches when we came up and we aint got time to play games, nikkaz die where im from. SWATS down on the roof, they shoot 223 bullets, I dont know how to play with nikkaz, i dont know how to read frivolous threads. but i respect you being a hustler, cause you sittin here, but you gotta hustle. im just telling you. and the brand gotta be hustle, and nikkaz gotta be concrete and know whats crackin. and thats true. trilla


May 21, 2012
from the home of coca-cola, i'm not referring to s
Reading is fundamental, but comprehending it? Not so much
He was talking about stealing info from M$ servers using gamertags :snoop:
Says nothing about XBL, and why would XBL have Durango info :mindblown: at your stupidity.

This nikka has mastered the art of spinning information:pachaha:
but yet again:ufdup:

The apparent Microsoft person goes on to ask about vulnerabilities supposedly cited by Dylan or his associate, one of which involves the notion of a hacker being able to glean an Xbox user's "account" info only by knowing their Gamertag.
The Incredible Rise and Fall of a Hacker Who Found the Secrets of the Next Xbox and PlayStation—And Maybe More

Xbox user account info.... Can you read my nikka? :what::damn: seriously wtf

As for the podcast. He did talk about the games being better after he says Durango is better :stopitslime:
You ignoring that or trying to get ppl to start listening after he says it is pathetic/comical. The convo was about how neofagers was saying Orbis >>> Durango. He then says Durango is better. They ask him how, he says he can't go into details.... Then he adds that the games look better because they had dev kits longer. That doesn't eliminate the previous Durango is better comment no matter how much you cry here. Anyone can see for themselves
at this point you gotta be just trolling.. So we're supposed to ignore his explanation of why he said that Durango was better... that when asked why he said that, his first response was that he couldn't go into detail and his better experience with the games on Durango since they were more complete was the reason why??

All everyone is looking for, is this confirmation that 720 is more powerful than the ps4... you've failed to provide that breh.. it damn sure aint at 9:40 of the podcast I posted. where is it?? the confirmation dont exist

Just like anyone can see how desperate you are in this thread :skip:
How do you know how qualified SuperDae is? The entire industry pays attention to him, but according to you he's ignorant. And how would he know what games are better if he doesn't have access to the games to form that opinion?

I'm desperate? but you're making lies up about what I said...

I never said Superdae was ignorant.. I said he's not a game developer... I never said he didn't have access to Durango.. i said there's no proof he personally had his hands on Orbis because we've gotten no info when it comes to his experience with Orbis.. He leaked some spec info, and thats bout it.

your thread failed man just give it up