So Superdae confirmed that the xbox 720 is MORE powerful than ps4

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Xbox1 won't have any games in 1080p

PS4 will

The PS4 is the system that doesn't have any games 1080p/60ps besides a couple of multiplats that are identical to the XB1 version. Welcome to 3months ago bruh :handshake:
None especially not nba 2k14 or kinect sports rivals.
Any 1st party titles?
Really bruh?

And if we can stop acting like fanboys when we learn things about these systems, it should be noted that the PS4 is made in a way that is easy for devs to make ports unlike the previous ways sony made there systems. While the XB1 is going in a new direction, instead of trying to have this powerful system to create great looking games, they feel they can achieve the same results if everything was balanced. Thats why they talked about BALANCE in the past, and FANBOYS took that as them saying power was an afterthought.

Esram, Tiled Resources, overall balance will make it so XB1 games will look and run smoother than PS4 games once all of that is figured out by developers.

Fanboy reaction was then "Well, PS4 has tiled resources too :to:" but it doesn't
HUMA ain't it either, and HUMA isn't going down now or anytime soon. Thats sony hail mary play to stay afloat AFTER the tiled resources storm hits :blessed:
Well known, it will take about 6mnths to get down the XB1. They said in 6mnths there will be no lower resolution games on XB1 compared to PS4.

Fanboys have chosen to ignore this info, I'd be a fukkin moron if I was just making this shyt up.
Good day


Dec 24, 2016
Yes, very recently M$ sent some goons to shut SuperDae up (actually sent feds to his house)
Now after the story gets out there, its clear that xbox has something secret going on and they didn't want the competition to know about it apparently :blessed:
So what was said exactly? Well, its all via tweets.
Then after the raid, they said he hasn't tweeted since. But here they are...

(Make sure you read the top which is what he is replying to!!!)


Then later via Neofag, the locals over there was doing the same bullshyt you see over here, acting like these specs are official for Durango (these specs leaked 2yrs ago, but that doesn't mean they weren't old themselves. So the specs we see today could be as much as 3yrs old :heh:
SuperDae indirectly confirms this by this tweet which was in response to a neofager saying Orbis was better...


Now whats significant about that tweet is on his podcast SuperDae said this...

Doesn't mean anything as of this second. Hold on, there's more.
Kotaku then puts out a story which they claim is from an interview they did with SuperDae. In that story, it revealed what is supposedly the final Durango Specs (which are still the same specs from 2yrs ago)
Neofag goes 3cept, and SuperDae puts this tweet out...


After this happens, sony has its reveal and they beef up the RAM to 8gb
SuperDae's house gets raided the very next day :yeshrug:

Now you can take this story in any number of ways. But what can't be denied is this...

Sony added an extra 4gb of GDDR5 RAM to the PS4 seemingly out of the blue
If all rumors are true, they don't need to do that since they have the advanced memory configuration. So why add even more?
And was it LOOSE or MEECH who made that PS4 for dummies thread which speaks on why the addition doesn't make a whole lot of sense :hula:
There's something going on behind the scenes obviously, sony found out something that made them change all of a sudden

Now Sony fanboys, because of this. You got 8gb of RAM (Yaaaaaaay)
But just realize you got that for a reason. A reason that will be revealed in a little over a month :win:

Now are you gonna take SuperDae's word who is the dude leaking all the documents on both systems. Or the fanboys we all know damn well don't know shyt about how these systems work?

Launch ps4 had more power than launch xbone tho.

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
The PS4 is the system that doesn't have any games 1080p/60ps besides a couple of multiplats that are identical to the XB1 version. Welcome to 3months ago bruh :handshake:


Really bruh?



And if we can stop acting like fanboys when we learn things about these systems, it should be noted that the PS4 is made in a way that is easy for devs to make ports unlike the previous ways sony made there systems. While the XB1 is going in a new direction, instead of trying to have this powerful system to create great looking games, they feel they can achieve the same results if everything was balanced. Thats why they talked about BALANCE in the past, and FANBOYS took that as them saying power was an afterthought.

Esram, Tiled Resources, overall balance will make it so XB1 games will look and run smoother than PS4 games once all of that is figured out by developers.

Fanboy reaction was then "Well, PS4 has tiled resources too :to:" but it doesn't
HUMA ain't it either, and HUMA isn't going down now or anytime soon. Thats sony hail mary play to stay afloat AFTER the tiled resources storm hits :blessed:
Well known, it will take about 6mnths to get down the XB1. They said in 6mnths there will be no lower resolution games on XB1 compared to PS4.

Fanboys have chosen to ignore this info, I'd be a fukkin moron if I was just making this shyt up.
Good day