Serena Williams on the Steubenville Rape case: "I'm not blaming the girl, but..."

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012
was serena being interviewed when she said this or was it said in confidence? i get the feeling a trap was set and she ain even kno it.

i'd cautiously give her the benefit of a doubt that she wouldn't say something so stupid on the record, but you never know.



American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
That's one of the main reasons why Serena is one of my favorite athletes ever. Says and does whatever she feels is true to herself and just doesn't give a fukk what these CACs have to say.

I love it. They'll shyt on her and she'll win yet another championship and they'll be forced to suck it up and bow the fukk down to an all time great.

Hope she mows through everybody at Wimbledon.


Feb 15, 2013


Man, shut the fukk up with this rape culture BS.


you're an idiot if you think this isn't the reality we live in. this is the real world, not utopia. if you have females that you care about in your life you talk to them about this type of stuff. encourage them to be vigilant and teach them how to protect themselves or avoid putting themselves in dangerous situations. you can't expect other people to do the right thing.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
More women need to think like this. The world is full of wolves and if you give them any chance to attack the will.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
More women need to think like this. The world is full of wolves and if you give them any chance to attack the will.
They won't because there are too many emotional dikkheads that will not tell chicks the hard truth for some reason. shyt simple you don't deserve to get raped just like you don't deserved to get robbed but if a nikka here started a thread that said "Yo I was robbed at the Mac machine at 3am in the hood" everybody would look at this nikka and wonder how dumb can you be. He don't deserved to get robbed but he definitely didnt put himself in the best postion and don't see why these sucker nikkas don't understand that.


All Star
May 6, 2012
I don't know why you male feminist have such an issue with being responsible for the environment you put yourself in.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Rapists are trash, bottom line, and those dudes that did it will get theirs, especially since prison isn't too kind to rapists. It's not the woman's fault that she got raped. That's why it's important to drill into the heads of young women that we don't live in a perfect utopia. You shouldn't blame the victims, which is why it is so important to give the youth proper knowledge so they can minimize their risks of becoming a victim in the first place.

It's the parents responsibility to give their children the knowledge to avoid precarious environments. That's why you HAVE to tell young women the truth and let them know that they have to be very careful with themselves. Parents have to stress to their children the importance of not drinking at the age they are at... and they have to emphasize telling young women to avoid drinking around groups of guys, especially ones that they don't know well.

As a man, you KNOW the last thing you would want as a father is your girl getting drunk around a group of athletes or just any group of dudes, especially since so many young guys got that, "I'm trynna smash something tonight" mentality. Big group of guys that a woman doesn't know and they are offering liquor, you have to tell your daughter, NEVER accept drinks in that situation, and in fact, remove yourself from that situation altogether.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
They won't because there are too many emotional dikkheads that will not tell chicks the hard truth for some reason. shyt simple you don't deserve to get raped just like you don't deserved to get robbed but if a nikka here started a thread that said "Yo I was robbed at the Mac machine at 3am in the hood" everybody would look at this nikka and wonder how dumb can you be. He don't deserved to get robbed but he definitely didnt put himself in the best postion and don't see why these sucker nikkas don't understand that.

STFU. Goddamn. I swear, you idiots are just trying so hard to disguise your heartless misogyny and sociopath leanings, with this b.s sense of pragmatism and "real talk". You and all the rest of the a$$holes who are co-singing serena, dont know the first thing about what it means to be a human being.

What exactly is the "hard truth"? That she shouldnt have went to the party, which didnt put her "in the best position"? Well no sht, sherlock. Way to be captain obvious. You can say that about any victim at any time. Nobody is perfect like you obviously are, we all make slight misjudgments, and/or let are guards down. Its called living life. Living doesnt come with a manual that predicts the future and eliminates all vulnerability.

Unless she walked into the party and ignored a huge neon sign that said "you will be raped, we guarantee it", what exactly is your point? Her biggest crime may have been that she drank too much, but all signs point to her being drugged, but who cares about the details when we can attack the victim who has already been horribly victimized. How was she acting as reckless as someone going to the hood at 3 in the morn? She was at a party with her friends that she thought she could trust.

You dont think she realizes she made an error in judgment? You dont think she feels horrible about that night? You dont think her parents are regretful? Instead of attacking the people who deserve to be attacked: the a$$holes who purposefully drugged, raped, pissed, and nutted on her, while taping it and passing the videos to their friends, you'd rather jump all over the girl for her "mistake".

And we wonder why most girls are terrified to report sexual assaults. It never fails that there will always be dyckheads like you who will assault and question the victim's character and decision making, and not the people who violated them.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Rapists are trash, bottom line, and those dudes that did it will get theirs, especially since prison isn't too kind to rapists. It's not the woman's fault that she got raped. That's why it's important to drill into the heads of young women that we don't live in a perfect utopia. You shouldn't blame the victims, which is why it is so important to give the youth proper knowledge so they can minimize their risks of becoming a victim in the first place.

It's the parents responsibility to give their children the knowledge to avoid precarious environments. That's why you HAVE to tell young women the truth and let them know that they have to be very careful with themselves. Parents have to stress to their children the importance of not drinking at the age they are at... and they have to emphasize telling young women to avoid drinking around groups of guys, especially ones that they don't know well.

As a man, you KNOW the last thing you would want as a father is your girl getting drunk around a group of athletes or just any group of dudes, especially since so many young guys got that, "I'm trynna smash something tonight" mentality. Big group of guys that a woman doesn't know and they are offering liquor, you have to tell your daughter, NEVER accept drinks in that situation, and in fact, remove yourself from that situation altogether.
Bold is true but in this no accountability culture even the true stuff you put is saw as victim blaming. It's so sad cause it leads to people thinking they John Gotti and are above being told anything cause of all the co signers.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
STFU. Goddamn. I swear, you idiots are just trying so hard to disguise your heartless misogyny and sociopath leanings, with this b.s sense of pragmatism and "real talk". You and all the rest of the a$$holes who are co-singing serena, dont know the first thing about what it means to be a human being.

What exactly is the "hard truth"? That she shouldnt have went to the party, which didnt put her "in the best position"? Well no sht, sherlock. Way to be captain obvious. You can say that about any victim at any time. Nobody is perfect like you obviously are, we all make slight misjudgments, and/or let are guards down. Its called living life. Living doesnt come with a manual that predicts the future and eliminates all vulnerability.

Unless she walked into a party and ignored a huge neon sign that said "you will be raped, we guarantee it", what exactly is your point? Her biggest crime may have been that she drank too much, but all signs point to her being drugged, but who cares because about the details when we can attack the victim, who has already been horribly victimized. How was she acting as reckless as someone going to the hood at 3 in the morn? She was at a party with her friends that she thought she could trust.

You dont think she realizes she made an error in judgment? You dont think she feels horrible about that night? You dont think her parents are regretful? Instead of attacking the people who deserve to be attacked: the a$$holes who purposefully drugged, raped, pissed, and nutted on her, while taping it and passing the videos to their friends, you'd rather jump all over the girl for her "mistake".

And we wonder why most girls are terrified to report sexual assaults. It never fails that there will always be dyckheads like you who will assault and question the victim's character and decision making, and not the people who violated them.
Nope p*ssy I won't shut up just cause you disagree with me. You spit that dumb shyt every fukking day for the most part. I'm not nothing but myself clown check that thread about racism being over I'm not for the lack of accountability period I don't give a fukk who it is man or woman. So again dikkhead how can I be mysogynistic when I say the same shyt regardless of gender? We on a fukking messageboard fukk boy discussing this not all talking to her face saying the same thing. So the shyt you saying makes no sense either if you wanna try to go by your stank stupid logic. I never victim blame but if underage drinking (which is illegal by the way), not paying attention to your drink (which I and everybody else should do regardless), and drinking to excess, and saying them arent wise choices on a fukking messageboard captain save hoe fukk clown are victim blaming fukk it you got me. There you go happy? Still say make better decisions and if I was so against women I should be happy she got raped right using your logic. Stop trying to use chick gang mentality tricks in here buddy it's mainly guys on this site not chicks they can't save you. Take them tactics to LSA or some other mainly chick site where they will co sign that. Point blank bad things can happen to anybody but why not try to lower the risk of them happening and if that's victim blaming yep I did that. I feel that way about anybody though so if your going to say some thing about me champ at least get the shyt right idiot.