Serena Williams on the Steubenville Rape case: "I'm not blaming the girl, but..."


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza

Threads like this show how socially unadjusted 99% of you are and show why you shouldn't be taken seriously on topics pertaining to or relating to people/human interaction because you have not lived anything close to life as normal people do.

So none of y'all ever went to a party in high school?

None of y'all ever drank with your homies and some girls at parties?

I'm guessing not, since you find the idea of a teenager (male or female) being at a damn party and having a drink unfathomable and something ultimately dooming/ill-fated.

Like, wtf. Y'all sound like some real social herbs not knowing that your average teenagers attends parties with people from their high school :skip:

You all apparently live in little bubbles of seclusion and don't care to involve yourselves with the matters of regular human beings, but for people who do, you make no sense.

Why should a teenage girl ever have to fear/second guess going to a party with her peers? You all don't find it strange that that's what you're insinuating by saying she knew what she was getting into or whatever?

Going to a party is regular social behavior believe it or not. Rape and sexual humiliation aren't, contrary to what you all may want or believe in your little bleeding misogynistic hearts. Yes, underage drinking is wrong/illiegal, but so is jaywalking, but crossing that damn intersection when it's not your turn is still regular behavior for everyone and if a car hits you they will always be in the wrong and you jaywalking doesn't give a driver free reign to kill you

Black, white, male, females, etc. kids deserve the ability to behave as normal teenagers would and do without worrying the debauchery of the perverts and sexual deviants you backhandedly stick up for.

According to rapists, every woman they rape deserves it. Ain't no damn moral code to rape and there ain't no moral code to a rapist. A woman could be fully clothed, walking home and still get raped. It happens. What does that tell you about the act and about the mindset of someone who is committing said atrocity?

Keep making lee-way for these perverts. See how long your daughters, sisters, cousins, moms, wives, etc. last in this world, idiots.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012

Threads like this show how socially unadjusted 99% of you are and show why you shouldn't be taken seriously on topics pertaining to or relating to people/human interaction because you have not lived anything close to life as normal people do.

So none of y'all ever went to a party in high school?

None of y'all ever drank with your homies and some girls at parties?

I'm guessing not, since you find the idea of a teenager (male or female) being at a damn party and having a drink unfathomable and something ultimately dooming/ill-fated.

Like, wtf. Y'all sound like some real social herbs not knowing that your average teenagers attends parties with people from their high school :skip:

You all apparently live in little bubbles of seclusion and don't care to involve yourselves with the matters of regular human beings, but for people who do, you make no sense.

Why should a teenage girl ever have to fear/second guess going to a party with her peers? You all don't find it strange that that's what you're insinuating by saying she knew what she was getting into or whatever?

Going to a party is regular social behavior believe it or not. Rape and sexual humiliation aren't, contrary to what you all may want or believe in your little bleeding misogynistic hearts. Yes, underage drinking is wrong/illiegal, but so is jaywalking, but crossing that damn intersection when it's not your turn is still regular behavior for everyone and if a car hits you they will always be in the wrong and you jaywalking doesn't give a driver free reign to kill you

Black, white, male, females, etc. kids deserve the ability to behave as normal teenagers would and do without worrying the debauchery of the perverts and sexual deviants you backhandedly stick up for.

According to rapists, every woman they rape deserves it. Ain't no damn moral code to rape and there ain't no moral code to a rapist. A woman could be fully clothed, walking home and still get raped. It happens. What does that tell you about the act and about the mindset of someone who is committing said atrocity?

Keep making lee-way for these perverts. See how long your daughters, sisters, cousins, moms, wives, etc. last in this world, idiots.

+pos rep. Nailed it.


May 1, 2012
The girl probably wasnt gonna tell until they humiliated her. Then they left her no choice.


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012

Threads like this show how socially unadjusted 99% of you are and show why you shouldn't be taken seriously on topics pertaining to or relating to people/human interaction because you have not lived anything close to life as normal people do.

So none of y'all ever went to a party in high school?

None of y'all ever drank with your homies and some girls at parties?

I'm guessing not, since you find the idea of a teenager (male or female) being at a damn party and having a drink unfathomable and something ultimately dooming/ill-fated.

Like, wtf. Y'all sound like some real social herbs not knowing that your average teenagers attends parties with people from their high school :skip:

You all apparently live in little bubbles of seclusion and don't care to involve yourselves with the matters of regular human beings, but for people who do, you make no sense.

Why should a teenage girl ever have to fear/second guess going to a party with her peers? You all don't find it strange that that's what you're insinuating by saying she knew what she was getting into or whatever?

Going to a party is regular social behavior believe it or not. Rape and sexual humiliation aren't, contrary to what you all may want or believe in your little bleeding misogynistic hearts.

Black, white, male, females, etc. kids deserve the ability to behave as normal teenagers would and do without worrying the debauchery of the perverts and sexual deviants you backhandedly stick up for.

According to rapists, every woman they rape deserves it. Ain't no damn moral code to rape and there ain't no moral code to a rapist. A woman could be fully clothed, walking home and still get raped. It happens. What does that tell you about the act and about the mindset of someone who is committing said atrocity?

Keep making lee-way for these perverts. See how long your daughters, sisters, cousins, moms, wives, etc. last in this world, idiots.

I'm sorry breh, but if your daughter gets black-out drunk around a group of of high school football players...YOU TOOK AN L AS A FATHER. It's not a one way street. If i have a son, I'm tellin him to respect women and not abuse them when they're drunk, etc. If i have a daughter, I'm tellin her to be cautious around these horny bruhs and stay out of dark alley-ways etc.

if a dude gets on facebook like "bruhs...i left my keys in my benz when i ran to the corner store...when i came back...IT WAS GONE :to:" no one's gonna come back like "omg we have to do something about the burglary culture in this country" :skip: they're gonna think you shouldn't have put yourself in that situation.

you dudes want it to be one way...but it's the other way.


May 2, 2012
I'm sorry breh, but if your daughter gets black-out drunk around a group of of high school football players...YOU TOOK AN L AS A FATHER. It's not a one way street. If i have a son, I'm tellin him to respect women and not abuse them when they're drunk, etc. If i have a daughter, I'm tellin her to be cautious around these horny bruhs and stay out of dark alley-ways etc.

if a dude gets on facebook like "bruhs...i left my keys in my benz when i ran to the corner store...when i came back...IT WAS GONE :to:" no one's gonna come back like "omg we have to do something about the burglary culture in this country" :skip: they're gonna think you shouldn't have put yourself in that situation.

you dudes want it to be one way...but it's the other way.

You nikkas are fukking idiots. You did not just compare some dumbass getting his car stolen TO A WOMAN BEING RAPED AND HER BODY BEING VIOLATED.

Do you nikkas even REALIZE the blatant misogyny you exude? :mindblown:


May 2, 2012
I hope none of you pieces of shyt cosigning this dumb bytch Serena have daughters, and if you do, God help them.

"Dad, I'm really scared. I just got raped. :sad:"

"bytches get raped every day, b. Told you not to wear that skirt. :yeshrug:"


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I'm sorry breh, but if your daughter gets black-out drunk around a group of of high school football players...YOU TOOK AN L AS A FATHER. It's not a one way street. If i have a son, I'm tellin him to respect women and not abuse them when they're drunk, etc. If i have a daughter, I'm tellin her to be cautious around these horny bruhs and stay out of dark alley-ways etc.

if a dude gets on facebook like "bruhs...i left my keys in my benz when i ran to the corner store...when i came back...IT WAS GONE :to:" no one's gonna come back like "omg we have to do something about the burglary culture in this country" :skip: they're gonna think you shouldn't have put yourself in that situation.

you dudes want it to be one way...but it's the other way.

So since you're stickin' up for this fukkery, you're down for your (probable future) daughter being slipped date rape drugs correct? If your daughter has a drink, she deserves to be raped correct?

These lil savages comin' up are gonna have fun with y'all bloodlines, especially since you ain't gonna be the type of nikka to do shyt about it and you're down for it. :myman:

I know a dude named Rick Ross who wants to invite your female loved ones to a couple of his parties. :mjpls:

I hope none of you pieces of shyt cosigning this dumb bytch Serena have daughters, and if you do, God help them.

"Dad, I'm really scared. I just got raped. :sad:"

"bytches get raped every day, b. Told you not to wear that skirt. :yeshrug:"

Bro, the way people excuse deviant behavior on here is hilarious. The "...if so and so had acted this way... that wouldn't have happened" defense is just a free pass for crime and a cop out for people with low moral standing when faced with the option of choosing between good or bad acts.

"If he had never had money... he wouldn't have been robbed! His fault"

"If she had never been walking down the street by herself, she would have never been raped. Her fault"

"If the owner of the store had a gun ready to shoot, he would have never been robbed. His fault".

"If he wouldnt have left the keys in the ignition I would have never hopped into something that wasn't mine n the first place. His fault"

When did crime and the committing of such become a pass for opportunistic "get out of jail free"/"it's the victim's fault" cards. Unprotecting victims just because there are chances for opportunistic criminals options is a dark path.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
I'm sorry breh, but if your daughter gets black-out drunk around a group of of high school football players...YOU TOOK AN L AS A FATHER. It's not a one way street. If i have a son, I'm tellin him to respect women and not abuse them when they're drunk, etc. If i have a daughter, I'm tellin her to be cautious around these horny bruhs and stay out of dark alley-ways etc.

if a dude gets on facebook like "bruhs...i left my keys in my benz when i ran to the corner store...when i came back...IT WAS GONE :to:" no one's gonna come back like "omg we have to do something about the burglary culture in this country" :skip: they're gonna think you shouldn't have put yourself in that situation.

you dudes want it to be one way...but it's the other way.

The problem with this analogy is twofold. For one its disgusting to equate property theft with rape. Two, the analogy is ridiculous; the girl was not acting in the absent-minded way that your comparison is trying to suggest.

Leaving your car keys in the car and walking away is airheaded and careless, and opens yourself up to any would be robber on the streets. Having your car stolen would be an unfortunate, but reasonable consequence of your actions.

But the girl who was raped was not passed out in some alley way, leaving her exposed to any sick, crazy pervert who happened to walk by. The girl was inside at a party, in a controlled environment with her peers and friends, and people whom she felt she could trust. Being gang raped in that environment is NOT an unintended consequence of her attending the function, and getting drunk (its likely she was drugged).

So the better analogy would be if you attended a party with your boys and peers, and out of the blue they attacked you, beat you, and jacked you for your sht. No sane, rational person would blame you for "putting yourself in that situation", and say "you didnt show any personal responsibility," etc. They would blame the sick fcks for turning on you and violating your trust in such a vicious way. Now does it make sense?


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012

Threads like this show how socially unadjusted 99% of you are and show why you shouldn't be taken seriously on topics pertaining to or relating to people/human interaction because you have not lived anything close to life as normal people do.

So none of y'all ever went to a party in high school?

None of y'all ever drank with your homies and some girls at parties?

I'm guessing not, since you find the idea of a teenager (male or female) being at a damn party and having a drink unfathomable and something ultimately dooming/ill-fated.

Like, wtf. Y'all sound like some real social herbs not knowing that your average teenagers attends parties with people from their high school :skip:

You all apparently live in little bubbles of seclusion and don't care to involve yourselves with the matters of regular human beings, but for people who do, you make no sense.

Why should a teenage girl ever have to fear/second guess going to a party with her peers? You all don't find it strange that that's what you're insinuating by saying she knew what she was getting into or whatever?

Going to a party is regular social behavior believe it or not. Rape and sexual humiliation aren't, contrary to what you all may want or believe in your little bleeding misogynistic hearts. Yes, underage drinking is wrong/illiegal, but so is jaywalking, but crossing that damn intersection when it's not your turn is still regular behavior for everyone and if a car hits you they will always be in the wrong and you jaywalking doesn't give a driver free reign to kill you

Black, white, male, females, etc. kids deserve the ability to behave as normal teenagers would and do without worrying the debauchery of the perverts and sexual deviants you backhandedly stick up for.

According to rapists, every woman they rape deserves it. Ain't no damn moral code to rape and there ain't no moral code to a rapist. A woman could be fully clothed, walking home and still get raped. It happens. What does that tell you about the act and about the mindset of someone who is committing said atrocity?

Keep making lee-way for these perverts. See how long your daughters, sisters, cousins, moms, wives, etc. last in this world, idiots.

Some of you dudes need to go to the Olympic trials for the Long conclusions.

"She could've been more careful" is simply a statement of fact - it does not mean "she deserved to get raped"...those two statements are not the same.

Nobody is sticking up for perverts and rapists. Nobody. Y'all can kill that noise.

I agree - kids should have the ability to live "regular" lives without worrying about this kind of thing - they should. But these are crazy times, and kids need to know that these people are out there, and close to them!

Yeah, I did go to parties in HS...but I didn't party with folks that had the rep these kids in Steubenville had. We know who was doin' the most in high school. The chit they do isn't "normal", even if it is more "regular" or "common" today.

In the meantime, my mom, sisters, cousins, etc. have fared well so far, ironically, they come from the same 'hood as Serena Williams. There may be a lot of young girls who look up to Serena Williams, and if what she says motivates them to be more vigilant or aware (whether they agree or not), then let it be.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
I hope none of you pieces of shyt cosigning this dumb bytch Serena have daughters, and if you do, God help them.

"Dad, I'm really scared. I just got raped. :sad:"

"bytches get raped every day, b. Told you not to wear that skirt. :yeshrug:"

You are in for a world of sadness if you don't teach your daugter about personal responsibility .

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
The problem with this analogy is twofold. For one its disgusting to equate property theft with rape. Two, the analogy is ridiculous; the girl was not acting in the absent-minded way that your comparison is trying to suggest.

Leaving your car keys in the car and walking away is airheaded and careless, and opens yourself up to any would be robber on the streets. Having your car stolen would be an unfortunate, but reasonable consequence of your actions.

But the girl who was raped was not passed out in some alley way, leaving her exposed to any sick, crazy pervert who happened to walk by. The girl was inside at a party, in a controlled environment with her peers and friends, and people whom she felt she could trust. Being gang raped in that environment is NOT an unintended consequence of her attending the function, and getting drunk (its likely she was drugged).

So the better analogy would be if you attended a party with your boys and peers, and out of the blue they attacked you, beat you, and jacked you for your sht. No sane, rational person would blame you for "putting yourself in that situation". They would blame the sick fcks for turning on you and violating your trust in such a vicious way. Now does it make sense?

A young woman should always be cautious around drunk teenage males. No matter how much she thinks she knows them. More women are raped by guys they know then some random pervert in the bushes.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
more like if my daughter gets raped, I would have to restrain myself from putting bullets into a couple of young lowlives' domes or smashing their heads in with a baseball bat... which is why you, as a parent, do your best to give your daughter the knowledge so her chances of being around these types of people are MINIMIZED for her sake, for your sake and for the sake of those dudes who would engage in such scumbaggery.

Knowing the way a lot of these young dudes with that wolf mentality think, what is wrong with steering a young daughter AWAY from these cats? Knowing a group of negroes gathering together and sitting around talking about, "Ay mane, it's boring, somebody call some hoes over. Let's run a train on these hoes," how is it misogynist telling your daughter to avoid venues where these kind of dudes would likely be at?
Knowing how alcohol affects judgment and knowing the limited judgment capabilities of a teenager, prohibiting them from drinking alcohol while they are still living in your household and are underaged is 'misogynist behavior'?

In life, you can never completely avoid danger, but you can MINIMIZE RISKS. I'm not willingly going to allow my underaged daughter dress up in provocative clothing to go into the lion dens aka unsupervised environments full of young dudes who are trying to get alcohol in her system so they can have her way with her. She can hang with her friends, but they better be friends I know, whose parents I also know and have been able to get a fairly decent understanding of what they allow to go on in their household.

Let's be real. You can get shot anywhere, but don't you think a young man would vastly increase his risks if he was dressed in gang-affiliated outfits standing amongst gang-affiliated cats? Is not letting your son walk out the house in an all red outfit with a red rag hanging out of his pocket to stand in the midst of a group of other young men who are dressed the same 'gangsta shaming'? If your son gets shot in that environment, nobody would be wishing death upon him, but you would have a lot of people say "it's unfortunate, but that lifestyle caught up with him." In utopia, people should be able to go anywhere without bad things happening to them, but this is REAL LIFE. Your daughter goes out wearing provocative outfits, and yes, it will inflame lusts in men to a higher degree than a woman wearing a more conservative long skirt. Yes, allowing your daughter to get black out drunk especially in environments full of men who have the mentality of 'smashing some hoes' creates a higher risk of her getting raped than does prohibiting her from drinking alcohol and only allowing her to be in supervised environments with other girls who you've taken the time to thoroughly know them and their parents.

A man can get robbed anywhere, but where would he be more likely to get robbed? Walking through a seedy neighborhood in the dark jeweled up or walking around in a neighborhood he is thoroughly familiar with and has a low crime rate?

Obviously a lot of kids are going to try and experiment with different things when they are young, but as a parent, you KNOW where certain things lead and you don't give them a cosign on their behavior. As a parent, you give them GUIDANCE and knowledge so they can minimize their risks of having bad things happen to them. Kids will try to experiment, but if they do it, they're going to have to do it when I'm not around and they better not let me find out. I'm not going to be one of those 'cool parents, that let them do whatever because 'they are going to do it anyways.' Nah. It's not my job to be buddies with my kids. I'm here to instill discipline, common sense and morals into them. Knowingly letting my daughter walk out the house in a low cut skirt with a bottle of vodka on the way to a house party filled with athletes certainly isn't on my agenda and I don't care how many labels liberals/feminists try to throw my way.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
A young woman should always be cautious around drunk teenage males. No matter how much she thinks she knows them. More women are raped by guys they know then some random pervert in the bushes.

One is far more likely to be killed by a family member, or someone he or she knows or has a relationship with, so going by that statistical probability should we be "cautious" around our loved ones, and assume they are always one step away from killing us at any moment? And if they do happen to betray the person who trusted them, do we all turn around and blame the victim for their fate? No, that would be crazy, just like you guys are acting crazy now. You're bending all logic, reason, and sanity in order to place all the "responsibility" on the normal behavior of the girl (attending a party), and dismissing the abhorrent, and despicable behavior of the rapists. You guys are fcked in the head.