Serena Williams on the Steubenville Rape case: "I'm not blaming the girl, but..."

Higher Tech

May 25, 2012
Gary, Indiana
She's a female, so I think her opinion should hold a littler more weight. 0

I think she's right. You can't put yourself in these positions, especially as a woman. However, a woman should never have to feel like she's going to be raped by her friends. But there's still a certain bit of responsibility she should handle herself with.


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
sounds like serena is blaming this kids parents more then anything else. Her parents didnt teach this girl how to stay out of danger. getting drunk and passign out at 16 is NOT good. so she's right in that sense.

but where serena went wrong is by not going in about how wrong those guys were and only mentioning the victims mistakes. if she went in on the guys and then made her statement on the victim, then her comments would of been received better.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
One is far more likely to be killed by a family member, or someone he or she knows or has a relationship with, so going by that statistical probability should we be "cautious" around our loved ones, and assume they are always one step away from killing us at any moment? And if they do happen to betray the person who trusted them, do we all turn around and blame the victim for their fate? No, that would be crazy, just like you guys are acting crazy now. You're bending all logic, reason, and sanity in order to place all the "responsibility" on the normal behavior of the girl (attending a party), and dismissing the abhorrent, and despicable behavior of the rapists. You guys are fcked in the head.

Son what are u not getting?...NOONE is saying the girl deserved to be raped...AT ALL...u talking like a nikka who DOESN'T have a daughter...if any nikka put his hands on my daughter..he gettin a bullet bottom line...but let's get this shyt straight...Imma MAKE SURE to the BEST of my ability to give her life lessons on the real world and how there are bad people out no woman should be walking down the street by themselves at 3am especially depending on the neighborhood cause there is bad people out there...not to be pissy drunk at a party with a bunch of dudes...cause's's a grown ass man and I watch my limit with drinking and I pay attention to my's all about having common sense to keep urself safe...I fukkin WISH everyone was gentle and good people..but that just ain't the way shyt is...and we gotta take precautions to keep ourselves and our kids's the way of life..I don't even let my girl go certain places by herself too late at night..she's a grown woman and she understands...shyt ain't all black n white in this world and the sooner u nikkas realize that the better off u will be...

Higher Tech

May 25, 2012
Gary, Indiana
I hope none of you pieces of shyt cosigning this dumb bytch Serena have daughters, and if you do, God help them.

"Dad, I'm really scared. I just got raped. :sad:"

"bytches get raped every day, b. Told you not to wear that skirt. :yeshrug:"

:snoop: It's really nothing like that at all.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Son what are u not getting?...NOONE is saying the girl deserved to be raped...AT ALL...u talking like a nikka who DOESN'T have a daughter...if any nikka put his hands on my daughter..he gettin a bullet bottom line...but let's get this shyt straight...Imma MAKE SURE to the BEST of my ability to give her life lessons on the real world and how there are bad people out no woman should be walking down the street by themselves at 3am especially depending on the neighborhood cause there is bad people out there...not to be pissy drunk at a party with a bunch of dudes...cause's's a grown ass man and I watch my limit with drinking and I pay attention to my's all about having common sense to keep urself safe...I fukkin WISH everyone was gentle and good people..but that just ain't the way shyt is...and we gotta take precautions to keep ourselves and our kids's the way of life..I don't even let my girl go certain places by herself too late at night..she's a grown woman and she understands...shyt ain't all black n white in this world and the sooner u nikkas realize that the better off u will be...

The problem here is that the complete focus of scorn is placed on the woman and her family, and not the rapists. Even in Serena's quote, she brushes past the rapists actions as "stupid", and spends all of one sentence on their actions, while devoting the rest of her bile towards the victim and her fam.

If you dont want your daughter attending parties, the decision is surely your prerogative, but other people should have the freedom to live their lives without the constant fear that any harmless action, means they are contributing to their potential destruction. There's commonsense safety methods, and then there is paranoid neuroticism. Perhaps if we were more concerned as men, and as a society, in shaming and punishing rapists, rather than excusing their actions and punishing women for daring to live and attending social gatherings, then perhaps we wouldnt be living in such a fcked up world for women.

Higher Tech

May 25, 2012
Gary, Indiana
The problem here is that the complete focus of scorn is placed on the woman and her family, and not the rapists. Even in Serena's quote, she brushes past the rapists actions as "stupid", and spends all of one sentence on their actions, while devoting the rest of her bile towards the victim and her fam.

If you dont want your daughter attending parties, the decision is surely your prerogative, but other people should have the freedom to live their lives without the constant fear that any harmless action, means they are contributing to their potential destruction. Perhaps if we were more concerned as men, and as a society, in shaming and punishing rapists, rather than excusing their actions and punishing women for daring to live and attending social gatherings, then perhaps we wouldnt be living in such a fcked up world for women.

The world is fukked up for everybody, not just women. And rapists are heavily shamed, as those dudes will be finding out the hard way. Serena is a woman, and she had a woman's focus on the subject. It's crazy to me that a bunch of dudes are telling her how wrong she is and calling anyone who agrees with her misogynists.

“Do you think it was fair, what they got? They did something stupid, but I don’t know. I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you—don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky. Obviously I don’t know, maybe she wasn’t a virgin, but she shouldn’t have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that’s different.”

She never even almost insinuated that the rape wasn't bad, she just focused on how it could have been prevented. Yea, it's really fukked up that any woman gets gang raped or raped at all, but let's stop acting like we live in a peaceful world. No matter who you are, or what you're doing, you should have a bit of responsibility for what you do. If she drank herself to a stupor and she doesn't get raped, it's ok to condemn her activity, but if she gets raped we can't say anything bad about her actions. It's unfair.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
more like if my daughter gets raped, I would have to restrain myself from putting bullets into a couple of young lowlives' domes or smashing their heads in with a baseball bat... which is why you, as a parent, do your best to give your daughter the knowledge so her chances of being around these types of people are MINIMIZED for her sake, for your sake and for the sake of those dudes who would engage in such scumbaggery.

Knowing the way a lot of these young dudes with that wolf mentality think, what is wrong with steering a young daughter AWAY from these cats? Knowing a group of negroes gathering together and sitting around talking about, "Ay mane, it's boring, somebody call some hoes over. Let's run a train on these hoes," how is it misogynist telling your daughter to avoid venues where these kind of dudes would likely be at?
Knowing how alcohol affects judgment and knowing the limited judgment capabilities of a teenager, prohibiting them from drinking alcohol while they are still living in your household and are underaged is 'misogynist behavior'?

In life, you can never completely avoid danger, but you can MINIMIZE RISKS. I'm not willingly going to allow my underaged daughter dress up in provocative clothing to go into the lion dens aka unsupervised environments full of young dudes who are trying to get alcohol in her system so they can have her way with her. She can hang with her friends, but they better be friends I know, whose parents I also know and have been able to get a fairly decent understanding of what they allow to go on in their household.

Let's be real. You can get shot anywhere, but don't you think a young man would vastly increase his risks if he was dressed in gang-affiliated outfits standing amongst gang-affiliated cats? Is not letting your son walk out the house in an all red outfit with a red rag hanging out of his pocket to stand in the midst of a group of other young men who are dressed the same 'gangsta shaming'? If your son gets shot in that environment, nobody would be wishing death upon him, but you would have a lot of people say "it's unfortunate, but that lifestyle caught up with him." In utopia, people should be able to go anywhere without bad things happening to them, but this is REAL LIFE. Your daughter goes out wearing provocative outfits, and yes, it will inflame lusts in men to a higher degree than a woman wearing a more conservative long skirt. Yes, allowing your daughter to get black out drunk especially in environments full of men who have the mentality of 'smashing some hoes' creates a higher risk of her getting raped than does prohibiting her from drinking alcohol and only allowing her to be in supervised environments with other girls who you've taken the time to thoroughly know them and their parents.

A man can get robbed anywhere, but where would he be more likely to get robbed? Walking through a seedy neighborhood in the dark jeweled up or walking around in a neighborhood he is thoroughly familiar with and has a low crime rate?

Obviously a lot of kids are going to try and experiment with different things when they are young, but as a parent, you KNOW where certain things lead and you don't give them a cosign on their behavior. As a parent, you give them GUIDANCE and knowledge so they can minimize their risks of having bad things happen to them. Kids will try to experiment, but if they do it, they're going to have to do it when I'm not around and they better not let me find out. I'm not going to be one of those 'cool parents, that let them do whatever because 'they are going to do it anyways.' Nah. It's not my job to be buddies with my kids. I'm here to instill discipline, common sense and morals into them. Knowingly letting my daughter walk out the house in a low cut skirt with a bottle of vodka on the way to a house party filled with athletes certainly isn't on my agenda and I don't care how many labels liberals/feminists try to throw my way.

Ugh, would you stop with your batsht analogies. How are you trying to draw at risk comparisons to a girl attending a party, and a hardcore gangbanger? Just insane.

One thing I found darkly humorous in your word diarrhea post is just how strongly it undermines your obsessive anti-woman posts. You've compulsively focused on this supposed tyrannical American feminist cabal, who control and maintain dominion over us hapless males with iron fists, and yet in this post you position rape as being practically just around the corner for any woman who happens to dress "provocatively", or decides to socialize with men in any type of setting that isnt supervised by an armed guard. Wow living in such a powerless environment, where one could be raped at a moments notice doesnt sound like much fun now does it?


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Somebody is having troubles IRL so they come to the "net" to crusade like they really wish they could in real life. Damn shame I tell you damn shame. Get your life together fam you looking batshyt crazy out in this Internet world Bamma. Lol


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
The world is fukked up for everybody, not just women. And rapists are heavily shamed, as those dudes will be finding out the hard way. Serena is a woman, and she had a woman's focus on the subject. It's crazy to me that a bunch of dudes are telling her how wrong she is and calling anyone who agrees with her misogynists.


Eh, just because she is a woman commenting on a woman's issue doesnt grant her automatic validity in her conclusions, just in the same way some bootlicking conservative uncle tom parroting white supremacist views, doesnt accurately reflect the views or the morality of the group he is commenting on even if he's a member of said group.

Serena has lived a notoriously sheltered life, that has revolved completely around tennis, with very limited real world experiences. People who generally live such lives are maladjusted and have extreme opinions, because they dont know any better.

She never even almost insinuated that the rape wasn't bad, she just focused on how it could have been prevented. Yea, it's really fukked up that any woman gets gang raped or raped at all, but let's stop acting like we live in a peaceful world. No matter who you are, or what you're doing, you should have a bit of responsibility for what you do. If she drank herself to a stupor and she doesn't get raped, it's ok to condemn her activity, but if she gets raped we can't say anything bad about her actions. It's unfair.

The girl was brutalized and will never be the same again, and yet Serena felt the need to comment on her assault with such a complete lack of compassion. She didnt approach it in a careful manner that stressed prevention, she chastised the girl and her parents wondering why she was doing this, and why she didnt do that, in a ridiculously snotty and judgmental way. If male and females cant interact without drugging and raped being the foremost dominant themes in the woman's mind, then how are we going to have an environment that isnt completely dysfunctional?

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
One is far more likely to be killed by a family member, or someone he or she knows or has a relationship with, so going by that statistical probability should we be "cautious" around our loved ones, and assume they are always one step away from killing us at any moment? And if they do happen to betray the person who trusted them, do we all turn around and blame the victim for their fate? No, that would be crazy, just like you guys are acting crazy now. You're bending all logic, reason, and sanity in order to place all the "responsibility" on the normal behavior of the girl (attending a party), and dismissing the abhorrent, and despicable behavior of the rapists. You guys are fcked in the head.

Just because we don't give the girl a pass for her mistakes doesn't mean we think what the boys did was right. If a drunk man is robbed and beat up nobody is going to not bring up the fact that he was drunk when it happen.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
I honestly don't understand how people can't see there's a difference between "prevention" and "blaming the victim". There's a reason we tell our kids not to talk to strangers. This is for the GENERAL discussion about rape/crime, and there's a difference between trying to minimize risks (which is what everyone does all the time, everywhere) and absolving scumbags/criminal in general. I understand it's an extremely touchy subject but it doensn't help anyone telling people/girls "Don't worry about a thing, everybody's nice out there".

Let me put it this way: My ex-gf LOVES travelling and wanted to go to India. But with the recent rapes happening out there, she's postponed those plans. Is that, in some way, saying that those girls "had it coming"? No, that's just her using that info to better protect herself. She might still go, but she said "Not alone". Is that her blaming the victims? No, that's her being realistic about herself and the risks. There are enough situations in which one can't do anything, so you might as well minimize risks where/if you can (that goes for ALL situations obviously, not only rape). That doesn't mean absolving the perpetrators in any way.


May 7, 2012
I honestly don't understand how people can't see there's a difference between "prevention" and "blaming the victim". There's a reason we tell our kids not to talk to strangers. This is for the GENERAL discussion about rape/crime, and there's a difference between trying to minimize risks (which is what everyone does all the time, everywhere) and absolving scumbags/criminal in general. I understand it's an extremely touchy subject but it doensn't help anyone telling people/girls "Don't worry about a thing, everybody's nice out there".

Let me put it this way: My ex-gf LOVES travelling and wanted to go to India. But with the recent rapes happening out there, she's postponed those plans. Is that, in some way, saying that those girls "had it coming"? No, that's just her using that info to better protect herself. She might still go, but she said "Not alone". Is that her blaming the victims? No, that's her being realistic about herself and the risks. There are enough situations in which one can't do anything, so you might as well minimize risks where/if you can (that goes for ALL situations obviously, not only rape). That doesn't mean absolving the perpetrators in any way.

spot on... a lot of these idiot feminists dont get it... I feel sorry for their kids

Protect yourself at all times.....