With the way Rockstar has been disrespecting consumers with their clear you people are dumb buy our shyt we know you will greed, ND >>>>>>>>>>> Rockstar
ND released UC2 which raised the bar for action adventure games at the time, then proceeded to release UC4, UC: Lost Legacy, and a GOTG level franchise with TLOU 1 and 2
Rockstar being light years ahead might have potentially true in the past, when they actually gave a fukk and had a passionate staff not only driven by greed
I might have agreed like my earlier posts suggests defending their last and potentialy "last" masterpiece RDR2 which the ND fanboys were trying to deface for the sake of TLOU2 which is another GOTG quality game
But after replaying something like TLOU2 on the CX, while still waiting for Rockstar to release GTA6 while they also insult us with their $70 barely passable GTA trilogy remake, it is clear the old Rockstar is dead and ND and probably others will take their place as being light years ahead especially when ND releases Savage Starlight aka TLOU in space with TLOU3 near the end of the generation and other studios start figuring out these consoles to give us more next gen gameplay
Next gen gameplay, movie graphics, and new standards of storytelling vs. $70 PS2 remakes and their only new game (GTA6) on the PS6