Question: When married cats say DON'T get married...


May 1, 2012
Like I explained above, if you have kids most of your money is going to them anyway. What's the difference between paying child support and going to buy diapers and milk yourself? And the wife gets the house because she gets the kids. If you are really about taking care of your responsibilities you should WANT your kids to be living in a decent home. If you want to take care if your kids YOURSELF then judges are granting joint custody and making the married couple liquidate assets, including the house.

The dudes you are talking about, thought they could just walk away from the marriage and kids without any consequences. I will admit that the system is more friendly to women. But knowing that men should be even more responsible when making marriage plans in the first place.

Do you really think all this money is going to the betterment of the kids? She does whatever she wants with that money. I could see if after you pay child support you get some kind of itemized statement about how your money was spent but that's not the case. Most of that money is going to supplement her lifestyle and what's left over is going to the kids.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I've been married for seven years (Got married at 22) and it's the best decision I've ever made. More black people need to be getting married.

U got married at 22? OMG! There is no way in hell I would have got married at 22. That was the pinnacle of my mackin years! To each his own bruh:manny:


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Is this not true?

You have to be a complete idiot to write off a whole bunch of people because you are a bad judge of character. Hell, even if you aren't and that person switched on do you write off an entire group of people based on the actions of one? That's right up there with Klan member-think.
No its not true because marriage is a constant wrapped around two dynamics. The right girl today can be the wrong girl 20 years from now and theres no way for you to account for that.

dr. pill biden

All Star
Jun 6, 2012
It's funny cause some of my mom's (folks been married for 33 years) friends who were married for 10-20 something years and ultimately did get divorced tell me not to get married either. Not just for financial reasons either, as most of them made as much if not more than their husbands. And they're the so-called "benefitters" of marriage.



May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Do you really think all this money is going to the betterment of the kids? She does whatever she wants with that money. I could see if after you pay child support you get some kind of itemized statement about how your money was spent but that's not the case. Most of that money is going to supplement her lifestyle and what's left over is going to the kids.

IF she isn't using the money for the kids. Then that's on her and she should have to answer to that. But this situation is not the case most times. And even if she spends the money on herself, any money entering your child's household benefits them in some way. If she has extra money to spend on herself then kids are being taken care of. If not men have a right to fight for their kids. As long as you can prove, that you can provide a good life for the kids, a man has the same rights as the woman. The only dudes that are in a situation where they are paying child support and the kids aren't being taken care of are dudes that can't or don't want to stand up to their responsibilities as a father.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
IF she isn't using the money for the kids. Then that's on her and she should have to answer to that. But this situation is not the case most times. And even if she spends the money on herself, any money entering your child's household benefits them in some way. If she has extra money to spend on herself then kids are being taken care of. If not men have a right to fight for their kids. As long as you can prove, that you can provide a good life for the kids, a man has the same rights as the woman. The only dudes that are in a situation where they are paying child support and the kids aren't being taken care of are dudes that can't or don't want to stand up to their responsibilities as a father.

Bruh, u got it ALL wrong. Like seriously. If a chick isn't usin the money for the kids, who does she have to answer to? A byytch does not have to give an itemized list of expenses to the father of what the child gets. And how can u sit there and say that any money entering the childs household benefits them in some way? How the fucc does a new coach purse, new gucci bag, pedicure,manicure, flatscreen tv in the mothers room, clothes for the mother, moms new iphone, moms money that she blows at the club, momsmoney that she uses to go on trips with the child support money. Please explain how any of that I just listed benefits the child. U got it backwards bruh. How can u blame a man that is actually paying child support and say that he duznt wana stand up to their responsibilties as a father, when its the womans fault that the kid isn't gettin all the child support money? Cmon bruh:mindblown:


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
:laugh:.................this is definitely one of those :ohhh: questions......I usually think he's just shooting the breeze making one of those "married man jokes".........but everyone once in a while, I catch a gleam in the eye that says......."Run!!"
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Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
Do you really think all this money is going to the betterment of the kids? She does whatever she wants with that money. I could see if after you pay child support you get some kind of itemized statement about how your money was spent but that's not the case. Most of that money is going to supplement her lifestyle and what's left over is going to the kids.

Bruh, u got it ALL wrong. Like seriously. If a chick isn't usin the money for the kids, who does she have to answer to? A byytch does not have to give an itemized list of expenses to the father of what the child gets. And how can u sit there and say that any money entering the childs household benefits them in some way? How the fucc does a new coach purse, new gucci bag, pedicure,manicure, flatscreen tv in the mothers room, clothes for the mother, moms new iphone, moms money that she blows at the club, momsmoney that she uses to go on trips with the child support money. Please explain how any of that I just listed benefits the child. U got it backwards bruh. How can u blame a man that is actually paying child support and say that he duznt wana stand up to their responsibilties as a father, when its the womans fault that the kid isn't gettin all the child support money? Cmon bruh:mindblown:

Why are yall talking about rich people? This stuff does not apply to anyone on this site... and the OP is not talking about rich guys saying dont get married.

For everyday people 99% of the pop. Child support is less expensive than actually raising kids


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Bruh, u got it ALL wrong. Like seriously. If a chick isn't usin the money for the kids, who does she have to answer to? A byytch does not have to give an itemized list of expenses to the father of what the child gets. And how can u sit there and say that any money entering the childs household benefits them in some way? How the fucc does a new coach purse, new gucci bag, pedicure,manicure, flatscreen tv in the mothers room, clothes for the mother, moms new iphone, moms money that she blows at the club, momsmoney that she uses to go on trips with the child support money. Please explain how any of that I just listed benefits the child. U got it backwards bruh. How can u blame a man that is actually paying child support and say that he duznt wana stand up to their responsibilties as a father, when its the womans fault that the kid isn't gettin all the child support money? Cmon bruh:mindblown:

I said the ones that are COMPLAINING about it/not paying
It. Don't want to stand up to their responsibilities.

But anyway. What your talking is some basketball wives rich people
stupid shyt. That shyt aint real life. Fir the average family if the mom gets a flat screen the kids are watching it. And if she gets a coach purse it's cause the kids already got their bookbags for the year. I am currently the sole source of income for my family and if I get some new kicks or buy a new fit it's cause I know my kids are taken care of. If a woman is neglecting your kids AND you are paying child support than you have a right to fight for custody or proof from the mother that she is taking care of the kids. That's why I say they don't want to take care if their responsibilities, cause I they did they would just get a lawyer and fight for custody of the kids. Some dudes don't want to get custody or actually take care if the kids, but they want to dictate how the child support money should be spent. And those are the ones you usually hear complaining about child support. Plenty of men pay child support and have no problem with it.

Family Man

May 5, 2012
I feel sorry for people that feel this negatively about marriage. Y'all are letting stupid people getting married for the wrong reasons deter you from one of the greatest things you can do in life. I will admit marriage is not for everyone, and even if it is right for you, you may never find the right mate. But if you do, and you get married at the right time for the right reasons, that union can be the greatest feeling in the world.

You only have to pay alimony if you make so much more than your mate. If the two of you got married knowing one would be the financial provider than it is fair that a person continue financial support for some time after the divorce. If you disagree with this statement than don't enter a marriage in which you will be the majority provider of finances. You don't have to deny yourself of marriage just find a financially stable person if this is one of your requirements.

Anybody with kids knows that most of your money goes to them anyway. That's why I don't understand dudes that get mad at child support. I have two kids now and over half of my money goes to them anyway. So what's the difference between paying child support, and going to buy diapers and milk yourself. If you don't want to spend all your money on kids than don't marry someone that wants kids.

I have been with my wife for almost 10 years, we just got married last year cause the time was right for us. As a man I could not be more proud of the family and future I'm building with my wife. If two people are really in love, and have compatible plans for the future, than there is nothing the world could throw at you that you couldn't handle. I don't care how strong of a man you are, you still need someone in your corner. I good mate has your back no matter what. For a man, outside your mother you will NEVER get that type of unconditional love without having a WIFE.

To those that say you can get all of this without getting married. I say you can't. Without getting married your mate has no right to make descisions if your sick. You can't file taxes together. You can't be on each others life insurance. If you get a woman pregnant and there are complications in child birth you would have no say in what happens to that child or the woman. This alone is a reason to get married to the person you love.
Grown man post right there.

Family Man

May 5, 2012
U got married at 22? OMG! There is no way in hell I would have got married at 22. That was the pinnacle of my mackin years! To each his own bruh:manny:

I made a conscious decision to put that player shyt to the side and build with an exceptional woman. I value my wife and our relationship that much.
It's amazing to grow with someone from late teens to pushing 30 and now starting a family.
Everything we have we've accomplished together. I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone but her.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Why are yall talking about rich people? This stuff does not apply to anyone on this site... and the OP is not talking about rich guys saying dont get married.

For everyday people 99% of the pop. Child support is less expensive than actually raising kids

U my friend are misinformed:ufdup:


May 1, 2012
They have fat/unattractive wives and dont get blowjobs/p*ssy on a regular basis.