Personally no one, on my feed made any such responses, but than again, the majority of people on my fb are my fam and people from multicultural backgrounds whom I worked with or were formally educated with(post secondary) sohh they know better. Everyone agreed this case was fukked up. Even though, I've had other friends(black) complain about how a vast number of their white friends, favored the verdict and felt justice was properly served.I don't know if this happened to anyone else, but in the aftermath of all of us I've been sitting back on twitter and facebook and friends are shocking me. Like people I went to school with through high school and some others. They just have me like Maybe, our generation isn't as far down the road as we thought. I'm looking at some people like, "really, you fam"
Most of them have heard backhanded remarks, being the exception to rule of how blacks, normally act.
Real talk it's going to take a few more generations for this racial animosity to really filter through. Due to the nature of sensitivity of the issue, race is no easy subject to tackle. I remember taking history courses in during my freshmen year which had me on the verge of struggling a few people, coming out of lecture. Either way, with every generation that passes, diversity throughout this country is getting better.
Lets just hope these "creepy ass crackers" in the south hire up and die off.