President Obama addresses Trayvon Martin case and racism in america


Jun 4, 2013
These two cases arent even remotely similar. Why dont you tell us some of the details surrounding the death of Cervini....I notice your links are very light on the circumstances involving that night.

Does a drunk 17 year old kid, who was doing some dumb shyt(like most of us have) deserved to be shot and killed?


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Does a drunk 17 year old kid, who was doing some dumb shyt(like most of us have) deserved to be shot and killed?

Of course not you ignorant fool. I was responding to the comparison between the circumstances surrounding the Cervini and Martin incidents drawn by the OP, Mr. Strawman.

Im not exactly comfortable with a minor property crime resulting in a death. Its too imbalanced. Justifiable homicide would have sat well with me. Regardless, the shooter told a credible story that squared with reason and evidentiary material, the kids attracted him to the scene because of an ongoing crime committed and not out of malice born from racial animus, and he had a reasoned fear for his safety given that he encountered three aggressive teenagers, who were fcked up and looking for trouble at 4 in the morning. Its unfortunate, but only a complete moron would compare this to the Trayvon Martin case. Enter: you.
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✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Of course not you ignorant fool. I was responding to the comparison between the circumstances surrounding the Cervini and Martin incidents drawn by the OP, Mr. Strawman.

Im not exactly comfortable with a minor property crime resulting in a death, and complete acquittal. Its too imbalanced. Justifiable homicide would have sat well with me. Regardless, the shooter told a credible story that squared with reason and evidentiary material, the kids attracted him to the scene because of an ongoing crime committed and not out of malice born from racial animus, and he had a reasoned fear for his safety given that he encountered three aggressive teenagers, who were fcked up and looking for trouble at 4 in the morning. Its unfortunate, but only a complete moron would compare this to the Trayvon Martin case. Enter: you.


Jun 4, 2013
Of course not you ignorant fool. I was responding to the comparison between the circumstances surrounding the Cervini and Martin incidents drawn by the OP, Mr. Strawman.

Im not exactly comfortable with a minor property crime resulting in a death. Its too imbalanced. Justifiable homicide would have sat well with me. Regardless, the shooter told a credible story the squared with reason and evidentiary material, the kids attracted him to the scene because of an ongoing crime committed and not out of malice born from racial animus, and he had a reasoned fear for his safety given that he encountered three aggressive teenagers, who were fcked up and looking for trouble at 4 in the morning. Its unfortunate, but only a complete moron would compare this to the Trayvon Martin case. Enter: you.

Your right, it was kind of a strawman, but the larger point i am trying to make but obviously didn't communicate well is that races and politically ideologies balkanize.

The right will dehumanize people in order to stick to their political and racial agenda

Just like the left will lie and dehumanize people to stick to their political agenda

Which leaves truth and morality somewhere in the middle.

Also, the fact that you think this is justifiable homicide is frightening, Cervini saw the gun and asked Roderick not to kill him. America needs to get rid of it's gun culture and it's culture of fear.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Your right, it was kind of a strawman, but the larger point i am trying to make but obviously didn't communicate well is that races and politically ideologies balkanize.

The right will dehumanize people in order to stick to their political and racial agenda

Just like the left will lie and dehumanize people to stick to their political agenda

Which leaves truth and morality somewhere in the middle.

Also, the fact that you think this is justifiable homicide is frightening, Cervini saw the gun and asked Roderick not to kill him. America needs to get rid of it's gun culture and it's culture of fear. go ham on leaps of logic. Roderick was drawn to Cervini's activity because he was breaking into cars. He didnt kill him because of it. He killed him because according to Roderick, Cervini rushed him. Being outnumbered three to one, he had a reasonable fear that he could be seriously hurt if they gained an advantage on him. The fact that the kid was drunk off his ass, and high off addy corroborates Roderick's story that Cervini wasnt even close to being of sound mind. The false equivalency you and that idiot sly are trying to draw from this case and Martin's is astounding.

I dont get the point, if Zimmerman can walk off scot free then why are you rubes trying to challenge this verdict?
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Jun 4, 2013
Where did i say i was challenging the verdict? I honestly don't think our discussion is going to go anywhere, i might not be articulating the point i am trying to make correctly.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
ABOUT F*CKIN TIME OBAMA. This is what I'm talking about. Telling it like it is period. Finally Obama The Black Man came out and told White America their racism has to change. He told future generations to not follow the same path of their parents and grand parents did as far as race. Negros talking about he threw us bone? That was a full course meal. A President talking about Racial Profiling in convenience stores. Women clutching purses. Car locks going down. He talked about White America illogical fear of Black Males. If you thought his comment, "If I had a son he looked like Trayvon" was powerful, he took it a step further and talk about how 35 years ago he'd be "Trayvon". Like Clockwork conservatives come out with their Black on Black crime statistics.

Sad, so what is the point of bringing that up? It's to say we are the savages, we are killing each other. It's like we can't march for Trayvon and Black on Black crime? Even though the hoods and the ghettos of America was created by racism and inequality to being with. Why do people think you can cure a disease that's been rotting America since the beginning of it's inception. You think you can cure a racist disease infection that fast? No. But again have you ever heard of a white on white crime statistic? Let's stop acting like Black people don't care about people getting killed in their communities. Last I check it was the black mothers losing their sons and why is White America acting like they give a sh!t about blacks dying to even bring up Black on Black crime?

I LOVED This speech. Obama spoke to ME as a Black man in America. I'm sorry you can't understand it unless you live it. I think this Trayvon thing is bringing out some of civil rights spirits in the black community. Jay Z, Beyonce, Justin, Kanye and Madonna are all protesting Florida. But I know people will say this is too little, too late. Or that Obama only did it cause he's not running again. Damn if he does or Damn if he doesn't. The fact is Obama is the 1st Black Man to have the power of the White House and tell White America about their racism.

Let me make it clear "White America" is more term about White Supremacy. I know not all White people have this hate. I'm sure they know relatives who do but I know there are plenty of White brothers and sisters who have and will continue to fight for us. But White Supremacy state of mind is a mental disease. But also White Privilege is a problem even non-racist whites don't speak up enough about cause they all benefit from it. In closing Obama spoke for Trayvon from the grave and for Blacks in America. Also love the Ether that he basically didn't take questions. This was one of the best speeches/press conferences of his presidency. Blows away the Philly Race speech.