Post your funny/horrible stories from Apt living

Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
When I lived in DC, a woman who owned a restaurant who lived literally next door to me went out Salsa dancing on Halloween night, came home and somebody raped and murdered her while I slept a few feet away. I was so fukked up from a party that I didn't hear a thing.. but I did hear her brother who found her body the next night screaming in Spanish in the hallway and I wasn't feeling the cop that was posted outside her apartment for 2 weeks.

Murder has never been solved. The cops questioned me for MAYBE 30 seconds.

Was it this one?

Brother refuses to give up on finding sister Nori Amaya’s killer 10 years after she was found strangled in her Washington, D.C. apartment


Mar 3, 2015
Heard my shared wall neighbor beating the shyt out of his wife/gf. Bloodcurdling screams, sounds of shyt breaking and all. I called the cops because the commotion was too bad to avoid, but I kept my unit and name anonymous.

I hang up and then hear breh (cac voice actually) yell at his wife, “bytch if you call the police you better be ready to die today. Because I tell you what I’m not going back on account of your bytch ass.”

I’m like :merchant:

Police pull up to the parking lot 5 minutes later and I hear the guy yell “Did you call the cops? bytch did you call the cops?!?!” And she yells back “You’ve seen me here the entire time! My phones not even close to me.”

At this point I’m like :damn: thinking I’ve kicked off a police standoff/hostage situation.

shyt then goes quiet for like 20 minutes as the police get up to the steps and start knocking on the door. And you know what they did after 5-10 minutes of knocking? They just fukking left :bryan:
Now I’m sitting here like…this ex-convict sounding dude knows one of 3 units he shares a wall with called the police on him.

shyt had me moving through my apartment complex like :sadcam: for weeks. Legit thought about copping a gun too. Never heard anything more so no idea what happened with the couple.

Police did show up at my apartment like 2 months later, but only to pass out a flier and ask if I’d seen the man on the flier. Apparently he’s been exposing himself on a main thoroughfare near my building.

The day before I moved out of that bytch, police helos were circling for nearly 2 hours. Never found out if all 3 were connected.


May 18, 2012
My next door neighbor in a high rise is an escort. We have controlled access to get in the elevator and I’ve been with multiple dudes in the elevator that she’s let up or come down to get in the wee hours of the AM. They usually look a little unnerved and aware of themselves. She stays smelling good as fukk but something about seeing that life up close and in person is :francis:. 20-something chick renting out a $4500/mo 2 bedroom but living by herself. When she turns a light on in her 2nd bedroom, the reflection hits my window so I can see what’s in there. Nothing but shoes and red bottoms.
My cousin was messing with an escort in Baltimore at a building he worked the front desk at. He said the same thing about her having nothing but designer shyt. She'd let him crash at her place for a week straight at times without her being there and he always wondered what she did. Eventually she slipped up by leaving her phone connected to her bluetooth speaker when she got a call and he was in the bathroom. He said he pretended like he ain't hear it lol


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
Moved to LA by finding an apt. through Craig's List.

The roomies were cool, thank god, and the first six months were fine.

One of the roomies was a chick, tho. Cute, but nothing spectacular. A solid 7. But since I had difficulty finding a job (I had applied to over 1,500 jobs with only temp work to show for it), I was always at home. I ended up developing a crush on this girl. Bad news.

Thankfully, she never brought dudes home - until this one night. I was up late making beats and had my door cracked open. I heard that she came home late - which, was nothing unusual because she worked late. I was going back and forth to the kitchen for beers every 20 minutes or so. Her room was right across the hallway from mine. One time, I walked back to my room and heard her giggling. Ain't think nothing of it, maybe she was on the phone.

Next time grabbing a beer, I heard that unmistakeable frequency only a chick makes when she's getting taken care of.

I was devastated once I put 2 and 2 together. I stayed up all night drinking, then, at sunrise went downstairs to the gym and ran a mile - totally drunk - in the gym. Went outside and went for a walk around the park. My stomach hurt and everything. It was terrible.

Yeah, I know, simp sh!t.

You live and learn, don’t do that again

I had a lesbian couple directly across the street from me. used to give me nice shows. it was across from the room i had my studio in. had the homies over and got carried away and invited them to catch the action. that ruined it and they never put on a show again

you got greedy

My cousin was messing with an escort in Baltimore at a building he worked the front desk at. He said the same thing about her having nothing but designer shyt. She'd let him crash at her place for a week straight at times without her being there and he always wondered what she did. Eventually she slipped up by leaving her phone connected to her bluetooth speaker when she got a call and he was in the bathroom. He said he pretended like he ain't hear it lol

Would have did the same

The Villain

Jun 12, 2014
I woke up one morning and blood was smeared all over my door, my neighbors door and the concourse right?

so I went to bed the night before twisted as fukk. And I have crazy vivid dreams when I go to sleep twisted. So about 3am, I’m thinking I’m dreaming but all this shyt actually happened. I hear a thud hit my wall, a shytload of fighting, my neighbor screaming “PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME. I WILL KILL MYSELF RN IF YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR”

still thinking I’m dreaming. Then I hear this nikka driving up and down the street screaming for his girl to come back. And I’m on my balcony looking at him and I can lean over and see our neighbors watching as well.

Anyway I wake up the next morning feeling like death, not thinking any of that shyt actually happened. I get in my elevator with one of the other neighbors and I’m like “Wtf is all this blood doing out here?”

Neighbor lady looks at me like “You were out here with me last night do you really not remember what happened???” And I start piecing that shyt together like :gucci::lupe::ohhh::damn: as I realized it was all real

that couple still together now but it’s awkward seeing them around the complex


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
I woke up one morning and blood was smeared all over my door, my neighbors door and the concourse right?

so I went to bed the night before twisted as fukk. And I have crazy vivid dreams when I go to sleep twisted. So about 3am, I’m thinking I’m dreaming but all this shyt actually happened. I hear a thud hit my wall, a shytload of fighting, my neighbor screaming “PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME. I WILL KILL MYSELF RN IF YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR”

still thinking I’m dreaming. Then I hear this nikka driving up and down the street screaming for his girl to come back. And I’m on my balcony looking at him and I can lean over and see our neighbors watching as well.

Anyway I wake up the next morning feeling like death, not thinking any of that shyt actually happened. I get in my elevator with one of the other neighbors and I’m like “Wtf is all this blood doing out here?”

Neighbor lady looks at me like “You were out here with me last night do you really not remember what happened???” And I start piecing that shyt together like :gucci::lupe::ohhh::damn: as I realized it was all real

that couple still together now but it’s awkward seeing them around the complex

Wait how the blood get all over the place


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
A couple was arguing and dude was like i just want to see my kid, to which I’m not sure what she was saying, but something along the lines of no, she was arguing next thing you heard was her saying he hit me on the top of my head oh my god to which he said stop playing with me, they eventually went in the crib, it wouldn’t be the last of they arguments, they had a few, but the last one, he must have been fed up, they was arguing outside with the kids :snoop: nikka was like I’m out, them babies was crying and pretty much grabbing at him as he walked out the crib

3rd Koast Kang

Nov 15, 2014
In my last apartment:

Dude got killed right across the hall from my apartment by his best friend. Shot him in the face. I wasn’t there when it happened I was at the grocery store but my wife was home. She said she heard a lot of commotion like people running but no shots. I think it happened inside the apartment and just spilled outside because there was blood in the lot and on the sidewalk when I got back. Dudes cousins came and was knocking on doors tryna get info.

Another neighbor across the hall got his challenger stole in broad day while him and his ol lady were taking out groceries. I guess he tried to fight em as they were stealing it but they lumped his ass up and burnt off. Crazy because a couple weeks before that somebody got him for his rims and his shyt on bricks. Guess he didn’t take the warning.

Couple months before we move some shots rang out in the parking lot after a party spilled out of someone’s apartment. Idk what the argument was about.

Also like 7 years ago the first day when I moved in to my wife’s (at the time my girlfriend) apartment a nikka got shot in the leg at the stairs right under her apartment. She tried to play it off like it was fireworks but like a min after the shots rang out you here a white dude screaming ahh he shot me :russ:

Pegasus Jackson

Trump's Amerikkka
Nov 17, 2014
Moved to LA by finding an apt. through Craig's List.

The roomies were cool, thank god, and the first six months were fine.

One of the roomies was a chick, tho. Cute, but nothing spectacular. A solid 7. But since I had difficulty finding a job (I had applied to over 1,500 jobs with only temp work to show for it), I was always at home. I ended up developing a crush on this girl. Bad news.

Thankfully, she never brought dudes home - until this one night. I was up late making beats and had my door cracked open. I heard that she came home late - which, was nothing unusual because she worked late. I was going back and forth to the kitchen for beers every 20 minutes or so. Her room was right across the hallway from mine. One time, I walked back to my room and heard her giggling. Ain't think nothing of it, maybe she was on the phone.

Next time grabbing a beer, I heard that unmistakeable frequency only a chick makes when she's getting taken care of.

I was devastated once I put 2 and 2 together. I stayed up all night drinking, then, at sunrise went downstairs to the gym and ran a mile - totally drunk - in the gym. Went outside and went for a walk around the park. My stomach hurt and everything. It was terrible.

Yeah, I know, simp sh!t.

Ol' boy did you a favor. You would have needed ear plugs with the average nikka.


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
when i used to get off work at 3am and my meth head neighbors would be outside kickin like it was a saturday afternoon.

coming home from work at night, taking my dog outside to potty in a well lit part of our apartment complex and this goofy ass cac that also lived in the complex snooping around watching me with a pistol in his hand. And he tried to hide it behind his back once he realized i was just walking my dog. I'm lookin like :what:


May 1, 2012
Watched a cac get chased around and beat bloody for 15 minutes trying to cop/finesse some nikkas. They mob his ass, he break free and run for a bit, he gets hit with random shyt, rinse and repeat

I watched a couple 9, 10 year old kids start off talking shyt, ending with one get knocked out with a tree branch

I caught a nikka setting up in a vacant outside his babymomma apartment