Post your funny/horrible stories from Apt living


The Charisma of the Streets
Jun 11, 2017
Had this Russian chick who lived above me who would be fighting with her boyfriend at all times. Boyfriend moved out but the fukkery continued, mad dudes over, I swear they lit fireworks in the apt one time. She eventually got a female roommate and one night I guess the roommate called the cops on her and I saw her being dragged out in handcuffs.

Had another young couple living below me that would argue all the time. This time a euro cac and a mixed girl. He would constantly tell her she wasn't shyt and lazy.

They moved out and a gang of Indians move in. I went to their door to give them some mail and they had sleeping bags all over the floor, I don't know how many people were living there. They infested the whole apartment with bed bugs so I finally had to move out.
Jan 24, 2016
definitely more horror than funny.

last apartment i was awakened in the wee hours to banging on my door and some girl yelling "help me" :damn:
Unfortunately i couldn't muster up the courage to get out of bed and answer the door until several minutes later :hamster:(plus i had to put clothes on and get the strap) and there was nobody there, no sign of anything going on outside:dwillhuh:

when i was real young the apartment complex had a automatic metal bar gate into the parking lot. the gate would slide behind the parking lot wall when you pushed the control. so one day, me and my friend were walking through the gate bars on some yeah we taking the shortcut :win::umad:
i must have already gone through or didn't go through yet, but she was in the bars and some car came and pushed the button :sadcam:
(i may have been blocking the cars view of her:hubie:).
the gate starts carrying her into the wall then all i hear is her screaming and then a "snap". she just had a broken leg though :whew:


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
It was a big fight one night 3 cars a bunch of chicks yelling, and the one chick say i know about you, he told me about you, i know you his girl, he be fukkin both of us, the “girlfriend” trying to get out the friends car, her cars parked with keys still in ignition, dude trying to push her in, but she got her foot propped up, eventually he walks away she steady trying to get in the other chicks car, he put her out she comes gets back in, and refuses to leave, he fed up he drives off with the “girlfriend” in the side chick car, the friends car is in pursuit, the side chick like wtf, hops in the girlfriends car and follows them

to this day i really want to know where they went and the rest that happened :patrice:


Jan 22, 2017
Heard my shared wall neighbor beating the shyt out of his wife/gf. Bloodcurdling screams, sounds of shyt breaking and all. I called the cops because the commotion was too bad to avoid, but I kept my unit and name anonymous.

I hang up and then hear breh (cac voice actually) yell at his wife, “bytch if you call the police you better be ready to die today. Because I tell you what I’m not going back on account of your bytch ass.”

I’m like :merchant:

Police pull up to the parking lot 5 minutes later and I hear the guy yell “Did you call the cops? bytch did you call the cops?!?!” And she yells back “You’ve seen me here the entire time! My phones not even close to me.”

At this point I’m like :damn: thinking I’ve kicked off a police standoff/hostage situation.

shyt then goes quiet for like 20 minutes as the police get up to the steps and start knocking on the door. And you know what they did after 5-10 minutes of knocking? They just fukking left :bryan:
Now I’m sitting here like…this ex-convict sounding dude knows one of 3 units he shares a wall with called the police on him.

shyt had me moving through my apartment complex like :sadcam: for weeks. Legit thought about copping a gun too. Never heard anything more so no idea what happened with the couple.

Police did show up at my apartment like 2 months later, but only to pass out a flier and ask if I’d seen the man on the flier. Apparently he’s been exposing himself on a main thoroughfare near my building.

The day before I moved out of that bytch, police helos were circling for nearly 2 hours. Never found out if all 3 were connected.
My nikka I'm dying cuz I know that feeling.

A few months ago out here two neighbors had beef and had a shoot out In the hallway and they both got shot the fukk up.

Everyone carrying , at this point:yeshrug:

If nikkas fighting next door and hands being put on, I'm not calling the police because these walls too thin and I ain't tryna have my door shot up.

My next door neighbor called the police on me because of my music and we saw each other in the hallway one night and the nikka looked mad scared and dipped in the crib. I wanted to apologize for that one night , this nikka transferred units.

It had me feeling like a real piece of shyt for a second like I had this kid scared as fuxk to even talk to me.

But I do be wilding in the crib sometimes , he prob be hearing my convos and arguments like :sadcam:.

This nikka said he gonna body that nikka when he see him

Pegasus Jackson

Trump's Amerikkka
Nov 17, 2014
When I lived in DC, a woman who owned a restaurant who lived literally next door to me went out Salsa dancing on Halloween night, came home and somebody raped and murdered her while I slept a few feet away. I was so fukked up from a party that I didn't hear a thing.. but I did hear her brother who found her body the next night screaming in Spanish in the hallway and I wasn't feeling the cop that was posted outside her apartment for 2 weeks.

Murder has never been solved. The cops questioned me for MAYBE 30 seconds.


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
This was back in San Francisco when I was in college
My ex had just moved out and I was a fukking mess:mjcry:
So I tried my best to stay away from the crib and just worked
Or kick it at my patnas crib in the city
A creh and a bad ass Chinese chick had moved across the way from me one weekend
It was during the summer so she had some denim shorts on with a little bubble:ehh:
For reference this is how our apartments were

so I lived to the left upstairs and they lived to the right upstairs
Our kitchen windows faced each other
Anyway Im walking up the street to my apartment and I saw them cheeks hanging while she was getting stuff out of her Honda Accord

she turned around was:hamster:
Oh you startled me:hamster::mjpls:
Me: Oh I’m sorry, I’m your neighbor In apartment 4
My names Kiyoshi:shaq:
Nice to meet you I’m Jennifer:queen:
Creh must have heard us talking
So he gallops down the stairs

hey what’s up man can I help you:demonic:
Me: It ain’t even like that my man:childplease:
I’m your neighbor across the way
Didn’t know that was yours:childplease:
Yea, Yea well good meeting you:martin:
Y’all have a good one and nice meeting you Jennifer:myman:
So they finish moving in and I thought nothing of it
Couple weeks go by and since I live near the beach
I was going to throw a bonfire
Needed to get my mind off my ex
Saw Jennifer at the mailboxes
Now we would pass looks and exchange pleasantries
Lite flirting but I had some morals about me at the time
So I didn’t pursue anything
Plus she would see girls come in and out of the crib
And made a slight remark
You doing it like that over there:queen:
I mean you are more than welcome to come over anytime :shaq:
But your mans might kill you:francis:
Her might be worth the risk:mjlit:
Me(in my mind say less:mjgrin:) but I just:pachaha:and went to work
Fast forward to the bonfire
I invited her and her dude
Everybody having a good time at the function
Sista from Oakland I was sweating like a muthafukka showed up:takedat:
And we kicking it and shyt but I could see Jennifer giving the side eye while I’m trying to get it in with little momma from the town
Still no plex
Anyway it’s getting dark and cold
So everybody is starting to head out
I’m striking out badly with little momma(but we ended up dating sometime afterwards and she was my second heartbreak
Another story for a different time)
So I’m walking her to her car
Dap my nikkas up
And start walking back to the crib
Now I’m faded but not assed out faded
So as I’m walking up I can see my neighbors kitchen window open
With the curtains drawn back
Now I’m not thinking anything of it but
As I’m walking up the stairs I see them doing the sex:russ:
I mean just sloppy drunk sex
It’s about 12am so none of my other neighbors are up(at last that’s what I thought)
Just a surreal moment

anyway I finish walking up the stairs and put my key in my door
Walk in as I’m going to close my door
Creh got this bytch from behind and i caught eyes with Jennifer for a sec
I’m just

Went ahead and closed my door and started:russ::mjlol::dead:
Morning comes around and have to get to Niketown(my second job)
So I’m gathering my shyt and walking down to my Muni stop
My downstairs neighbor was a old Filipino dude
Married to his wife for 35 years
Cool muthafukka
And he was like
You catch the show:skip:(that pinoy accent, IYKYK :russ:)
He won’t be making any babies with that stroke:pachaha:
That was an eventful ride to work:dead:
Came home that night and just

as I walked up the stairs
It was always awkward between me and creh afterwards
I guess creh really thought he got it in:russ:
Little did he know what was going on during the day time after my classes:wow:
First girl who committed a homi behind me:wow:
Last I heard they been married for 15 years
Two Kids in LA:wow:


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
My nikka I'm dying cuz I know that feeling.

A few months ago out here two neighbors had beef and had a shoot out In the hallway and they both got shot the fukk up.

Everyone carrying , at this point:yeshrug:

If nikkas fighting next door and hands being put on, I'm not calling the police because these walls too thin and I ain't tryna have my door shot up.

My next door neighbor called the police on me because of my music and we saw each other in the hallway one night and the nikka looked mad scared and dipped in the crib. I wanted to apologize for that one night , this nikka transferred units.

It had me feeling like a real piece of shyt for a second like I had this kid scared as fuxk to even talk to me.

But I do be wilding in the crib sometimes , he prob be hearing my convos and arguments like :sadcam:.

This nikka said he gonna body that nikka when he see him



Jun 23, 2015
Told this before but a bytch i tried to fukk sent me a random dm….tryna fukk i go to her apt at 10pm n it was set up…i was trapped in the apartments…one way in one way out…her ex had her IG Pw….

i got out like 25 mins untouched…i called 911 and reported someone in the driveway entrance on the ground…they heard ambulances and the dudes ran