Post your funny/horrible stories from Apt living


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
When I lived in DC, a woman who owned a restaurant who lived literally next door to me went out Salsa dancing on Halloween night, came home and somebody raped and murdered her while I slept a few feet away. I was so fukked up from a party that I didn't hear a thing.. but I did hear her brother who found her body the next night screaming in Spanish in the hallway and I wasn't feeling the cop that was posted outside her apartment for 2 weeks.

Murder has never been solved. The cops questioned me for MAYBE 30 seconds.

My god

Pegasus Jackson

Trump's Amerikkka
Nov 17, 2014

Yep. Happened in 2009.. and nothing. It's weird because there are security cameras all over that complex and you need to need to sign in, but they claim that everyone was wearing masks because it was Halloween. shyt is scary as hell when you think about it.

Her brother is still trying to get justice a decade plus later.

Brother refuses to give up on finding sister Nori Amaya’s killer 10 years after she was found strangled in her Washington, D.C. apartment


May 18, 2012
Christmas Day in jersey city, my wife and got to see the shyt show of a gang of Puerto Rican’s fighting. Doors were kicked in, bats were swung and machetes were being thrown around.

no one in that brawl was safe. Even saw dudes mom get knocked. You know we were watching but keeping the curtains close so we couldn’t be seen.

again, this was Christmas Day..


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
Yep. Happened in 2009.. and nothing. It's weird because there are security cameras all over that complex and you need to need to sign in, but they claim that everyone was wearing masks because it was Halloween. shyt is scary as hell when you think about it.

Her brother is still trying to get justice a decade plus later.

Brother refuses to give up on finding sister Nori Amaya’s killer 10 years after she was found strangled in her Washington, D.C. apartment

I hope he finds justice

Christmas Day in jersey city, my wife and got to see the shyt show of a gang of Puerto Rican’s fighting. Doors were kicked in, bats were swung and machetes were being thrown around.

no one in that brawl was safe. Even saw dudes mom get knocked. You know we were watching but keeping the curtains close so we couldn’t be seen.

again, this was Christmas Day..

nikkas was out there like a Kung fu movie from the 80’s


It's a movement
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MA/CT/Nigeria #byrdgang #RingGangRadio
This was back in San Francisco when I was in college
My ex had just moved out and I was a fukking mess:mjcry:
So I tried my best to stay away from the crib and just worked
Or kick it at my patnas crib in the city
A creh and a bad ass Chinese chick had moved across the way from me one weekend
It was during the summer so she had some denim shorts on with a little bubble:ehh:
For reference this is how our apartments were

so I lived to the left upstairs and they lived to the right upstairs
Our kitchen windows faced each other
Anyway Im walking up the street to my apartment and I saw them cheeks hanging while she was getting stuff out of her Honda Accord

she turned around was:hamster:
Oh you startled me:hamster::mjpls:
Me: Oh I’m sorry, I’m your neighbor In apartment 4
My names Kiyoshi:shaq:
Nice to meet you I’m Jennifer:queen:
Creh must have heard us talking
So he gallops down the stairs

hey what’s up man can I help you:demonic:
Me: It ain’t even like that my man:childplease:
I’m your neighbor across the way
Didn’t know that was yours:childplease:
Yea, Yea well good meeting you:martin:
Y’all have a good one and nice meeting you Jennifer:myman:
So they finish moving in and I thought nothing of it
Couple weeks go by and since I live near the beach
I was going to throw a bonfire
Needed to get my mind off my ex
Saw Jennifer at the mailboxes
Now we would pass looks and exchange pleasantries
Lite flirting but I had some morals about me at the time
So I didn’t pursue anything
Plus she would see girls come in and out of the crib
And made a slight remark
You doing it like that over there:queen:
I mean you are more than welcome to come over anytime :shaq:
But your mans might kill you:francis:
Her might be worth the risk:mjlit:
Me(in my mind say less:mjgrin:) but I just:pachaha:and went to work
Fast forward to the bonfire
I invited her and her dude
Everybody having a good time at the function
Sista from Oakland I was sweating like a muthafukka showed up:takedat:
And we kicking it and shyt but I could see Jennifer giving the side eye while I’m trying to get it in with little momma from the town
Still no plex
Anyway it’s getting dark and cold
So everybody is starting to head out
I’m striking out badly with little momma(but we ended up dating sometime afterwards and she was my second heartbreak
Another story for a different time)
So I’m walking her to her car
Dap my nikkas up
And start walking back to the crib
Now I’m faded but not assed out faded
So as I’m walking up I can see my neighbors kitchen window open
With the curtains drawn back
Now I’m not thinking anything of it but
As I’m walking up the stairs I see them doing the sex:russ:
I mean just sloppy drunk sex
It’s about 12am so none of my other neighbors are up(at last that’s what I thought)
Just a surreal moment

anyway I finish walking up the stairs and put my key in my door
Walk in as I’m going to close my door
Creh got this bytch from behind and i caught eyes with Jennifer for a sec
I’m just

Went ahead and closed my door and started:russ::mjlol::dead:
Morning comes around and have to get to Niketown(my second job)
So I’m gathering my shyt and walking down to my Muni stop
My downstairs neighbor was a old Filipino dude
Married to his wife for 35 years
Cool muthafukka
And he was like
You catch the show:skip:(that pinoy accent, IYKYK :russ:)
He won’t be making any babies with that stroke:pachaha:
That was an eventful ride to work:dead:
Came home that night and just

as I walked up the stairs
It was always awkward between me and creh afterwards
I guess creh really thought he got it in:russ:
Little did he know what was going on during the day time after my classes:wow:
First girl who committed a homi behind me:wow:
Last I heard they been married for 15 years
Two Kids in LA:wow:
Nothing like an insecure s/o

At my last appt complex I lived in..I had just moved in...there was a couple on my floor..they lived across from me...white dude and black chick....for some reason that white dude did not like me at chick would chat me up and say hi and dude would look right through me..or sometimes forcefully pull her away if I was about. The funniest part was when I was in laundry room getting stuff out the dryer and she was in folding clothes....and she started talking to me on some neighborly shyt...all of a sudden white dude rushes into the laundry room like what's going on :bryan:...made the remaining convo awkward...I think he was intimidated by me thinking I was going to take his broad...his broad wasnt even my type lol...finally he warmed up to me when I found his ladys phone when she dropped it in the snow and returned it to her. I had no problems with him at all until they moved away some months later


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
My next door neighbor in a high rise is an escort. We have controlled access to get in the elevator and I’ve been with multiple dudes in the elevator that she’s let up or come down to get in the wee hours of the AM. They usually look a little unnerved and aware of themselves. She stays smelling good as fukk but something about seeing that life up close and in person is :francis:. 20-something chick renting out a $4500/mo 2 bedroom but living by herself. When she turns a light on in her 2nd bedroom, the reflection hits my window so I can see what’s in there. Nothing but shoes and red bottoms.


All Madden
Apr 30, 2012
Don't Believe the Hype
Moved to LA by finding an apt. through Craig's List.

The roomies were cool, thank god, and the first six months were fine.

One of the roomies was a chick, tho. Cute, but nothing spectacular. A solid 7. But since I had difficulty finding a job (I had applied to over 1,500 jobs with only temp work to show for it), I was always at home. I ended up developing a crush on this girl. Bad news.

Thankfully, she never brought dudes home - until this one night. I was up late making beats and had my door cracked open. I heard that she came home late - which, was nothing unusual because she worked late. I was going back and forth to the kitchen for beers every 20 minutes or so. Her room was right across the hallway from mine. One time, I walked back to my room and heard her giggling. Ain't think nothing of it, maybe she was on the phone.

Next time grabbing a beer, I heard that unmistakeable frequency only a chick makes when she's getting taken care of.

I was devastated once I put 2 and 2 together. I stayed up all night drinking, then, at sunrise went downstairs to the gym and ran a mile - totally drunk - in the gym. Went outside and went for a walk around the park. My stomach hurt and everything. It was terrible.

Yeah, I know, simp sh!t.


All Star
Nov 7, 2014
I had a lesbian couple directly across the street from me. used to give me nice shows. it was across from the room i had my studio in. had the homies over and got carried away and invited them to catch the action. that ruined it and they never put on a show again


Jun 14, 2018
Was living in a Townhome at the time. Was always quiet, no kind of issues at all.

I'm sleeping 1 night with my tv on and the scene gets a little loud. I wake up, feel for the remote, grab it and turn the tv down. I try 2 go back 2 sleep, but I still hear this shyt. Turns out it's about 2 in the morning and my neighbors are arguing.

So, it's the couple that lives to my left and the couple that's right across the street from them. They started across the street at the door step.

Ended up in the middle of the street. It was crazy Cuz the dude nx door to me was scared to fight the dude from cross the way and the lady from cross the way was scared to fight the lady from nx door.

And old boy from cross the street was real amped. He kept telling his ole lady to beat her ass, but she was scared

At one point old girl the cross the street jump in her car at kept acting like she was gonna ram their car, but she never did.

Then homie from nx door said some shyt about a gun, but bro cross the street pulled it and handed it to his ole lady n tils her 2 put it in the house.

1st she pointed it at ole girl, but homie pushed her and told her to put it in the house. She went. And homie was like what's up now??

But like I said homie from nx door was scared and his chick *I think* felt the need to defend his honor, cuz she got in ole boys face. And they started going at it.

Ff a lil bit...homie from cross the way was like u lucky I dont it women and ya bigger a bytch. And since he dont want the fade....

As he walks toward their car... Boom! Boom!

He kicks/stomps the fukk out of homies car. And thru all of these he's said multiple times, fukk jail, I been to that muthafukka b4 and I'll go again, but I bet I beat yo ass b4 they get them cuffs on me...

I was like damnnnn!!!

Police came...only ole girl from nx door got arrested, cuz she started it by knocking on their door 1st.

Few days go by and homie from nx door roll up on me explaining. Pretty much said Mybad man, I loved over 2 get outta that hood shyt, xyz...said ole boy tried to fukk his wife and that's what led to shyt going down.

But I dont think he figured that they were all smashing each other and ahit went left on this night.

I either cant remember right happened, or I never heard it.

Ole girl from next door had a real nice body too. Big ole round ass. They were about 10 years older than me, but she still looked damn good. Especially when she would be done up for work, or headed out.

I wanted to smash frfr.


Jun 14, 2018
Used to chill with my Cuz apt. All the time. Heart of the hood type of shyt.

Well his complex started beefing with another complex about 2 blocks away.

And them mfers were fighting every time I came over there.

Mfers would pull up in pick up trucks deep af. Mfers would be jumping the wall.

Seen mfers gets tazed, hit with bats, hit with what looked like a Billy club *left buddy ear hanging off*. Seen a bih get sliced up.

The last big brawl happened round noon on a sat. shyt got to jumping off. Sheriffs came out there deep af. Bout 12-15. Ar's strapped to their chest and all. Guess they got tired of the bullshyt.

Thru all of that tho, there was no shootings that I seen, or heard about. There was one time one of the youngins told one of his ppl to go get a strap.

Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
Just your typical fireworks when it’s not even close to 4th of July bullshyt. This was when I was younger and my pops got an apartment in the hood cause he was going through his divorce. I hated visiting that apartment and eventually he got the house back.

Lemme find out your ass lived around Forest Creek :lolbron: